
Table of Contents

Title Page
Rules Etc.
Assistant Keelsons
Rider Keelsons
Bilge Strakes
Breast Hooks and Pointers
Outside Plank
Diagonal Iron Plates
Beams and Fastenings
Hold Stanchions
Dead Rise
Chain Plates
Centreboard Case
Mast Steps
Rudder Case
Covering Board
Shifting Boards
Water-Tight Bulk-Heads
Solid Floors
Bishop Arches
Garboard Strakes
Degrees of Classification
Rule for Calculating
Description of Timber and Plank Allowed to be used in Various Parts of Lake Sail Vessels and Propellers to Class A 1
A Table of Minimum Dimensions of Timber to be Used in Building Sail and Steam Vessels
A Table of Minimum Thickness of the Outside Plank of Sail and Steam Vessels
A Table of Minimum Thickness of the Inside Plank of Sail and Steam Vessels
A Table of Minimum Sizes of Bolts to be Used in Fastening Sail and Steam Vessels
A Table of Minimum Sizes of Chains, Anchors, etc., Adapted to the Tonnage of Lake Sail Vessels
Weight of Anchors to be Exclusive of Stocks
Table of Illustrations

In vessels of 300 tons to be 1 ¾ by 3 ½ inches in larger or smaller vessels to be in proportion. Bilge limbers may be smaller than the above.

Limber chains to be provided in all steam vessels. Limber boards to be well fitted, and fastened down with wood screws. Vessels must also have chocks on the keel between floor timbers, with a limber cut through them, to prevent the violent washing of the water from side to side.


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