According to the foregoing rules, vessels built of first class material, and of superior model, construction, etc., shall be entitled to the highest grade, and be classed as A 1* seven years, as a mark of distinction, provided that the vessel for which the star is claimed shall be examined at least four times during its construction, first, when in frame and the main and assistant keelsons are in place and fastened; second, when the bilge strakes and ceiling is in, but before the outside plank are put on the bilges; third, when the clamps, deck frame and covering board are in their places and the vessel is fastened, but before being painted or the decks are laid; and last, when the vessel is fitted and ready for service. The examination to be made by the Inspector of the Board of Lake Underwriters located in the district where the vessel is being built. The traveling expenses of the Inspector to and from the vessel to be paid by the owner or builder. Vessels not coming up fully to the foregoing requirements, may be classed A 1 five years, being the second degree of first class, and vessels that are entitled to a higher grade than A 2, but not good enough to entitled them to class A 1 five years, may be classed A 1 - three years, and then go into class A 2. New vessels built to class A 2, shall be entitled to remain in that grade five years. New vessels that are not qualified to class so high as A 2, shall be classed in the grade to which it is deemed by the Board they are entitled. Vessels are liable to be surveyed at any time, and if from any cause whatever a vessel be found unworthy to remain in her class, she will be placed in the grade to which she is entitled. Vessels rebuilt or having received extensive repairs, shall have the benefit thereof by their grade being continued or raised, but in no case shall any vessel be continued in the A 1 grades longer than the years first assigned. Vessels built of iron, if of proper thickness and strength, well fastened, and divided into three or more water-tight compartments, with water-tight ceiling, shall be entitled to the highest grade ten years, subject always to the same exceptions and rules as govern the classifications of vessels constructed of wood. Frame built scows, well constructed and of good material, with fore-and-aft bottom plank, may be entitled to Class B 1, five years, but in no case will scows be entitled to the B 1 grade if built with gunwale sides or athwartship bottom. The tonnage referred to in this book to be calculated by the following rule:
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