In all vessels the bottom plank, ten inches wide and under, to be square fastened with spike, and over ten inches wide, to be fastened in the same proportion. Plank on sides from the lower turn of the bilges up to light water mark, to be not over eight inches wide, and from light water mark to plank shear, not over six inches wide, and must be square fastened with three spikes, and one through bolt in every strake and frame. All bolts must be driven from the outside, and clenched over a washer on the ceiling. In the planking and ceiling, no butts to be nearer than five feet of each other, unless there is a strake wrought between them, and then distance of four feet will be allowed, and no butts to be on the same timber, unless there be three strakes wrought between them. Plank on bottom must be butt-bolted, with a bolt through the next timber to the butt. Vessels of 700 tons and upward, to have two butt-bolts as above. Butt-bolts must be driven through and clenched.
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