Kingston Harbour

Table of Contents

Title Page
Harbours And Port
Toronto Harbour, Or Bay
The Port Of Liverpool, Or Pickering, Formerly Called Frenchman's Bay
Whitby Harbour
Port Darlington
Raby Head
Bond Head, Or Port Of Newcastle
Port Hope
Presqu'isle Harbour
Scotch Bonnet Lighthouse
Weller's Bay
Kingston Harbour
Sackett's Harbour
Port Ontario
Oswego Harbour
Little Sodus Bay
Big Sodus Bay
Genesee River
Oak Orchard Creek
Niagara River
Port Dalhousie
Port Of Hamilton & Burlington Canal
Port Credit
Wellington Square, And Nelson Or Bronte
Port Britain
Extract From "An Act To Compel Vessels To Carry A Light During The Night And To Make Sundry Provisions To Regulate The Navigation Of The Waters Of This Province." 14 & 15 Victoria, Chap. 126
Royal Humane Society's Directions for the Reocvery Of The Apparently Drowned
Table of Illustrations

Kingston Harbour
Kingston Harbour, next to the Bay of Toronto is the best natural harbour on Lake Ontario; the approach to it, however, is intricate - consequently, dangerous.

It is situated at the N. E. corner of Lake Ontario, just where the Lake terminates and the River St. Lawrence begins.


There are three channels by which it may be made.

1st. The Batteau Channel between Wolfe or Long Island, and Simcoe or Gage Island: this is generally used by small craft only, having in several places little more than two fathoms water.

2nd. South Channel, between Simcoe or Gage Island and Snake Island; here, also, the water becomes shoal, having only 2 1/2 fathoms.

3rd. North Channel, which is the best: it runs between Snake Island and the main Land, which, although it increases the distance a little, is by far the safest, having from 4 to 10 fathoms water in it.

From South Bay Point in Prince Edward's District on the west, to Stoney Point in New York State on the east, the navigation of the Lake is interrupted by numerous islands, shoals, and rocks, which renders the approach to Kingston Harbour dangerous to vessels unacquainted with it.


In making this harbour from any of the western ports of the Lake, steer for the Mid-Channel between the Real and the False Ducks; then alter the course to N. E. 1/2 E., which will take the vessel through the south channel direct to Kingston Harbour.

Should there be a head wind, make this course the base line, never passing it to the southward, but stand off and on to the northward and eastward until inside Nine Mile Point on Simcoe Island; keep close to Four Mile Point, (on Simcoe Island,) leaving Snake Island, which may be known by a single tall elm tree, and upon which the Board of Works are about to erect a lighthouse,) bearing N, W. or to the left; from thence the course is clear to Kingston.

In running along Simcoe Island from Nine Mile Point Lighthouse *

* The Lighthouse on Nine Mile Point is 45, feet high, and furnished with a good stationary bright light.

to Four Mile Point, do not follow the curve of the island, as the water becomes very shoal.


Should the North Channel be preferred, when inside Nine Mile Point Lighthouse, steer due North till midway between snake Island and the main land : this course will clear a shoal bearing N. W. of the lighthouse, and give Snake Island a good half-mile berth to the eastward, thence due east into the harbour.

In making Kingston from Oswego, two courses may be taken. Due N. will take you to Nine Mile Point, clearing the Ducks, leaving them to the westward, and Pigeon Island and Charity Shoal to the eastward.

North by West (which is the best course) will take to mid-channel, between the True and False Ducks.


At night the stationary bright light of the False Ducks will be first seen ; but in the day time, South Bay Point, which is high bushy land, will be seen before the Ducks.


Should a gale be coming up from the W. or S. W., good anchorage and shelter can be obtained inside South Bay Point: to make it, keep to the eastward of the Outer Drake Island, and to the north of the Inner Drake (the False Ducks) and anchor off the N. E. point, or run alongside a small wharf which will be found there.


If obliged to run for shelter behind South Bay Point, Kingston may afterwards be made by passing through the Upper Gap ; that is, between Indian Point on the West, and Amherst Island to the East. Steer N. by E. till between Amherst Island and the main land, then E. N. E. till North of the Brothers, thence E. to Kingston.


Shelter and good anchorage can also be obtained inside or to the N. E. of the Real Duck Island.

NOTE.-There is a channel between South Bay Point and the Outer Drake, which, however, should not be attempted except with a leading wind, in fine weather, and by a good pilot, as a dangerous shoal exists between this island and the point.


Kingston to Snake Island, S. W. by W., 4 miles.

" Nine Mile Point, S. W. by S., 8 1/2 miles.

" Mid Channel between True and False Ducks, S. W. 1/2 W. 27 m.

Nine Mile Point to South Bay Point, S. W. by W. 26 miles.

" " W. end of Galloo Island (Lighthouse) S. by E. 1/2 E. 23 m.

Mid Channel between Ducks to Long Point, W. S. W. 25 miles.

" " " Oswego, S. by E. 40 miles.

" " " Genesee, S. W. 75 miles.

" " " Port Dalhousie, W. S. W. 165 miles.

From Long Point Light to Toronto, W. by S. 136 miles.


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electronic edition is based on the original in the collection of the Marine Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston.