FOR the Members of the ROYAL CANADIAN YACHT CLUB, this little work has been compiled, and to them it is dedicated, in the hope that it may not only interest, but also excite and encourage in them a taste for that invigorating, truly British pastime, and manly sport, Yachting, and make it rival in their affections the glorious game of Cricket, the Hunt, or the Gun: to the love and encouragement of these, may not Old England mainly attribute the courage and daring, the athletic frames, and hardiness of her sons? for let it not be forgotten, that the effeminacy of a people is the surest forerunner of the decay of a nation. May it also be useful to them, by giving such sure and accurate information relative to the various Harbours and Ports on Lake Ontario, as may create in them a fondness for cruising, from the conviction, that in any weather they can speedily reach some haven of refuge, where their gallant little Barks may, in shelter and in safety, ride out the fiercest storm. By their sincere Friend,
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