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As we begin our lay-up report for the current winter, we must comment upon the most unusual pattern of lay-ups which we see this year, particularly amongst the Canadian lakers. The peculiar nature of the end of the 1985 navigation season meant that many ships found themselves in ports other than those in which they might normally have wintered. Readers will be interested to note the very large number of vessels wintering at Montreal, in particular, while other ports, such as Toronto, which usually host large winter fleets, have very few ships there this year. The following major commercial vessels are laid up at Toronto this winter: BAYSHELL FRANQUELIN JAMES NORRIS CANADIAN HUNTER FUEL MARKETER RED WING CONDARRELL GOLDEN HIND STEPHEN B. ROMAN CONGAR ISLAND TRANSPORT SEAWAY QUEEN ELMGLEN MELDRUM BAY FRANK A . SHERMAN ENGLISH RIVER NEW YORK NEWS WHEAT KING In addition, the following other vessels are in port, some laid up for the winter, whilst others are operating regularly or intermittently: ALGONQUIN QUEEN (Q.C.Y.C. ferry), AURORA BOREALIS (excursion boat), BAGOTVILLE (tug), CANADIAN ARGOSY (dredge), CAROLYN JO (tug), COLINETTE (tug), FLO COOPER (tug), DERRICK NO. 7 (derrick barge), DREDGE PRIMROSE (former dredge), DUCHESS V (tug), EMPIRE SANDY (excursion boat), GLENROVER (tug), H.M.C.S. HAIDA (museum), NED HANLAN II (tug), HIAWATHA (R.C.Y.C. ferry), WILLIAM INGLIS (Island ferry), JADRAN (restaurant), JAGUAR II (excursion boat), KENNETH A. (T.H.C. tug), KWASIND (R.C.Y.C. ferry), J. G. LANGTON (T.H.C. tug), LOIS T. (tug), WM. LYON MACKENZIE (firetug), MAPLE CITY (Airport ferry), MARIPOSA BELLE (excursion boat), MCASPHALT 201 (barge), SAM McBRIDE (Island ferry), NORMAC (sunken restaurant), ONGIARA (Island ferry), PROGRESS III (derrick barge), THOMAS RENNIE (Island ferry), WILLIAM REST (T.H.C. tug), SALVAGE PRINCE (former tug, sunk), FRED SCANDRETT (T.H.C. tug)-DAVID H. SIMPSON (excursion/tour boat), GLADYS M. SIMPSON (-do-), HARVEY H. SIMPSON (-do), K. WAYNE SIMPSON (-do-), MISS KIM SIMPSON (-do-), MISS SHAWN SIMPSON (-do-), F. M. STING (tug), TERRY S. (tug), T.H.C. 50 (derrick barge), TRAVELLER (tug), TRILLIUM (ferry/excursion steamer), VULCAN II (excursion boat, plus assorted small workboats, barges, tenders, excursion yachts, etc., too numerous to mention, and also the hulls of: BLUEBELL (former ferry, hull now lying derelict inside the tip of the Leslie Street Headland) DOUGLASS HOUGHTON (breakwater at Ontario Place) RAPIDS QUEEN (breakwater at Queen City Yacht Club, Algonquin Island) HOWARD L. SHAW (breakwater at Ontario Place) VICTORIOUS (breakwater at Ontario Place) The following major commercial vessels are reported to be laid up for the winter at various lake and river ports, which we list roughly by area. As usual, we do not include small ferries, tugs, workboats, derrick scows, dredges, etc., unless specifically noted. Sorel: CATALINA, d'IBERVILLE, FERBEC, LUCIEN L., H.M.C.S. MARGAREE, N.B. McLEAN, OTTERCLIFFE HALL, SKUA, C.C.G.S. TRACY, TRANS-ST-LAURENT. Montreal: ARCTIC VIKING, BEAVERCLIFFE HALL, BLACK BAY, CANADIAN LEADER, CANADIAN MARINER, CANADIAN PIONEER, CANADIAN PROSPECTOR, CANADIAN RANGER, CARTIERCLIFFE HALL, CONCORDIA, C.C.G.S. SIMON FRASER, FRANKCLIFFE HALL (on wall below St. Lambert Lock), GENMAR 132 (barge), H. M. GRIFFITH, IMPERIAL LACHINE, JALA GODAVARI, KANGUK, LABRADOC, LADY FRANKLIN, LAKE MANITOBA, LAKETON, LAWRENCECLIFFE HALL, MAPLECLIFFE HALL, J. N. McWATTERS, MERKUR (sailing vessel), M/V MONTREAL (excursion boat), MONTREALAIS, NANTICOKE, OH VIC IA, H.M.C.S. PRESERVER, P.S. BARGE NO. 1 (lighter), RICHELIEU, RIMOUSKI, RIVERSHELL, SENNEVILLE, SIMCOE, SOODOC, VANDOC, VILLE MARIE II (wharfboat), WHITEFISH BAY. Prescott: BAIE ST. PAUL, STEELCLIFFE HALL. Oswego: ROBERT KOCH (stranded). Deseronto: WITTRANSPORT II (barge). Kingston: CHARLEVOIX (ferry), CIUDAD DE INCA (sailing vessel), CAPT. M. B. DONNELLY (barge), ALEXANDER HENRY (museum), HOCHELAGA, ISLAND PRINCESS (tour boat), ISLAND QUEEN (tour boat), MAPLEHEATH (lighter), DANIEL McALLISTER (tug), T. R. McLAGAN, METIS, NIPIGON BAY, SAGUENAY (ferry), ST. LAWRENCE II (sail training vessel). Hamilton: AGAWA CANYON, ALGOBAY, ALGOLAKE, BIRCHGLEN, CANADIAN CENTURY, CANADIAN ENTERPRISE, CANADIAN OLYMPIC, CANADIAN TRANSPORT, CAROL LAKE, FORT HENRY, FORT ST. LOUIS, JOHN A. FRANCE, HAMILTON ENERGY, MACASSA BAY (new), RALPH MISENER, SCOTT MISENER, PROVMAR TERMINAL, SILVER ISLE, plus a large assortment of tugs, barges, workboats, etc. Port Weller: ARCTIC (drydock), JAMES E. McGRATH (tug). Welland: SAGUENAY. Thorold: No Lay-ups. Humberstone: PHILIP D. BLOCK (scrap), ROBERT CHARLES (workboat), E. G. GRACE (last remains only), HUDSON TRANSPORT (scrap), MANTADOC, NIAGARA (scrap??), NIAGARA II (at Marsh shipyard), T.L.C. NO. 34 (workboat), T.L.C. NO. 35 (-do-). Port Colborne: ALGORAIL, ALGOSOO, CANADIAN EXPLORER, LAC STE-ANNE (scrap), J. W. McGIFFIN, TELESIS, UNGAS (tug). Erie: CONSUMERS POWER, ARTHUR B. HOMER, LAKEWOOD, DAY PECKINPAUGH, PRESQUE ISLE, RICHARD J. REISS, J. S. ST. JOHN. Ashtabula: JAMES R. BARKER, FRANK R. DENTON (scrap), MESABI MINER. Cleveland: AMERICAN REPUBLIC, CORTLAND (barge), DODGE ISLAND (dredge), JOHN DYKSTRA, J. A. W. IGLEHART, HERBERT C. JACKSON, PAUL THAYER, WOLVERINE. Lorain: ESPERANCE III (dredge), LEON FRASER, ELTON HOYT 2nd, JAMES B. LYONS, J. L. MAUTHE. Sandusky: G. A. BOECKLING (restoration), JOHN R. EMERY, HYDRA (research ship), plus seven local ferries. Toledo: ASHLAND, J. BURTON AYERS, WILLIS B. BOYER, BUFFALO, COURTNEY BURTON, CADILLAC, CHAMPLAIN, COLUMBIA STAR, ADAM E. CORNELIUS, JOSEPH H. FRANTZ, W. W. HOLLOWAY, JOHN T. HUTCHINSON, WILLIAM G. MATHER, MIDDLETOWN, McKEE SONS, ROBERT C. NORTON, CRISPIN OGLEBAY, WILLIAM A. REISS, RESERVE, W. C. RICHARDSON (remains), WILLIAM R. ROESCH, WILLIAM P. SNYDER JR., GEORGE A. STINSON, H. LEE WHITE, FRED R. WHITE JR., THOMAS WILSON. Ojibway: FORT CHAMBLY, MANITOULIN, JEAN PARISIEN, TARANTAU. Windsor: AMOCO ILLINOIS (scrap), AMOCO WISCONSIN (scrap), JENSEN STAR. Ecorse: PAUL H. CARNAHAN, S. T. CRAPO, GEORGE M. HUMPHREY, ROGER M. KYES. Dearborn: ERNEST R. BREECH, BENSON FORD, HENRY FORD II, WILLIAM CLAY FORD, 265808, 266029. Detroit: COLUMBIA, STE. CLAIRE. Port Huron: KINSMAN ENTERPRISE. Port Lambton: ANNANDALE, GLOBAL STAR (excursion boats). Corunna: WAYWARD PRINCESS (excursion boat). Sarnia: JOHN B. AIRD, ALGOWAY, ALGOWEST, CANADIAN NAVIGATOR, DUC d'ORLEANS (excursion boat), EASTERN SHELL, FORT YORK, GLENADA (tug), IMPERIAL SARNIA, I.V. NO. 8 (dredge), I.V. NO. 11 (self-propelled spoil barge), I.V. NO. 14 (-do-), LAKE WABUSH, MOUNT McKAY (tug - arrested), SEAWAY TRADER. Goderich: CEDARGLEN, GLENSIDE (tug), G. W. ROGERS (tug), WILLOWGLEN. Midland: SIR JAMES DUNN, C.C.G.S. MONTMORENCY, QUEBECOIS, TADOUSSAC. Tiffin: ALGOCEN, A. S. GLOSSBRENNER. Port McNicoll: BEECHGLEN, JOHN E. F. MISENER, MONTCLIFFE HALL, V. W. SCULLY. Collingwood: COMEAUDOC (repowering), C.C.G.S. SIR WILFRID LAURIER (new), ONTADOC, PAUL E. NO. 1 (tug). Owen Sound: CAROLINE ROSE, CHI-CHEEMAUN, CLARENVILLE (restaurant), OAKGLEN. Chicago: ABBY (yacht club), CLIPPER (museum), COLUMBIA (former yacht club), U.S.S. SILVERSIDES (museum). South Chicago: C.T.C. NO. 1, PETER A. B. WIDENER. Lake Calumet: DETROIT (remains of hull). Milwaukee: ARTHUR M. ANDERSON, L. E. BLOCK, CASON J. CALLAWAY, PHILIP R. CLARKE, WILLIAM H. DONNER, E. M. FORD, J. B. FORD, LEWIS WILSON FOY, GEMINI, JUPITER, MEDUSA CHALLENGER, CLARENCE B. RANDALL, EDGAR B. SPEER. DeTour: WILLIAM J. DeLANCEY, SAMUEL MATHER. Sault Ste. Marie. Ontario: ALGOPORT, LOUIS R. DESMARAIS, T. F. NEWMAN (lighter), NORGOMA (museum), YANKCANUCK, plus numerous tugs, tour boats, etc. Sault Ste. Marie. Michigan: No Lay-ups except for tugs, tour boats, etc. Thunder Bay; ALGOWOOD, CANADOC, CHICAGO TRIBUNE, FRONTENAC, GEORGIAN BAY, G.L.B. NO. 2 (barge), JOHN HULST (scrap), INCAN SUPERIOR, KINGDOC, MURRAY BAY, PATERSON (II), PRAIRIE HARVEST, C.C.G.S. SAMUEL RISLEY, SPRUCEGLEN (scrap), STADACONA, AUGUST ZIESING (scrap). Duluth: B. F. AFFLECK, JOHN J. BOLAND, D.D.S. SALVAGER, BENJAMIN F. FAIRLESS, A. H. FERBERT, EDWIN H. GOTT, JOSHUA A. HATFIELD, WILLIAM A. IRVIN, KINSMAN INDEPENDENT, THOMAS W. LAMONT, WILLIAM A. McGONAGLE, IRVING S. OLDS, EUGENE W. PARGNY, ST. CLAIR, ENDERS M. VOORHEES, RALPH H. WATSON. Superior: ARMCO, SEWELL AVERY, CHARLES M. BEEGHLY, BELLE RIVER, BURNS HARBOR, IRVIN L. CLYMER, HARRY COULBY, FRONTENAC (scrap), MARINE FUEL OIL, JOHN G. MUNSON, REISS MARINE, JOHN SHERWIN, ROBERT C STANLEY, plus a large assortment of tugs, tour boats, U.S.C.G. and Corps of Engineers vessels at both Duluth and Superior. We wish to extend the most sincere thanks to the following members who have provided information for this report: Jim Bartke, Neil Bauman, Rene Beauchamp Clark Carruthers, Roger Chapman, Gretchen Driftmyer, Don Dube, Harold Fricke, Alain Gindroz, John Greenwood, Jim Hoffman, Harold Hogan, Thom Holden, Cyril Hudson, Gerald Hutton, Jerry Kapes, Jim Kaysen, Andy LaBorde, Buck Longhurst, C. H. Maltby, Alan Mann, Jim Michael, Dale Pohto, Al Schelling, Albert Short, Larry Tonnos, Fred Wagar, Duncan White, Tom Wilson and George Zock. If your local port does not show in this listing (and we are missing quite a few), it is because we do not have the necessary material, perhaps because everyone thought that someone else would send in the information, and nobody bothered to do so. For the missing ports, we received either no report at all, or else incomplete or erroneous data, and we see no point in putting the material in print unless it is as correct as we can make it. So if your local harbour is not represented this month, please drop us a note as soon as possible, and a short follow-up list (including any amendments) will appear in the March issue.
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