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The passing of Alan Howard created a vacancy on the T.M.H.S. Executive Committee. As at least our local members know, we do not make a great show of "business" in this Society. Our only intent is to provide interesting meetings for our members, and to produce the most informative publication within our means, and our financial structure is geared to those two pursuits. We do not interject business into our entertainment meetings, for the Committee members deal with such matters as they arise. The Committee generally holds one special meeting per year to discuss the general direction of T.M.H.S., the planning of meetings, and other related matters. Accordingly, it is important that there be no vacancies on the board. The Committee is pleased to announce the appointment of Lome Joyce to fill the vacancy. Lome is a long-time T.M.H.S. member and an avid historian of things marine in the Port Credit area, as well as almost anything to do with passenger or fishing vessels on Lake Ontario. Lome has made many contributions to "Scanner" by providing photos and data for feature articles, and he has held us captivated with his presentations at our meetings. Lome intersperses his programmes with the most delightful humourous items (of a totally unpredictable nature) while still paying exact attention to detail. We are very pleased to have Lome with us on the Executive Committee and we know that all of our members will concur with our selection.
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