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We have only two winter fleets for you this issue. Such material is hardly timely in April, but we present here what additional information we can in order to preserve (and/or correct, as may be necessary) the record. Our thanks to Jim Kaysen for the information about Milwaukee lay-ups. Milwaukee: L. E. BLOCK, COURTNEY BURTON, WILLIAM H. DONNER, BENJAMIN F. FAIRLESS, A. H. FERBERT, E. M. FORD, LEON FRASER, W. W. HOLLOWAY, JUPITER, IRVING S. OLDS, PRESQUE ISLE, CLARENCE B. RANDALL, RESERVE, MEL WILLIAM SELVICK, ENDERS M. VOORHEES. Toledo (Corrected from list in March issue): ASHLAND, BUCKEYE, BUFFALO, CADILLAC, CHAMPLAIN, CLIFFS VICTORY, CONSUMERS POWER, FRANK R. DENTON, JOSEPH H. FRANTZ, TOM M. GIRDLER, GEORGE D. GOBLE, EDWARD B. GREENE, KINSMAN ENTERPRISE, KINSMAN INDEPENDENT, ROGER M. KYES, MERLE M. McCURDY, McKEE SONS, NICOLET, ROBERT C. NORTON, CRISPIN OGLEBAY, PONTIAC, RICHARD J. REISS, WILLIAM A. REISS, WILLIAM R. ROESCH, J. R. SENSIBAR, HENRY STEINBRENNER, WALTER A. STERLING, SYLVANIA, PAUL THAYER, G. A. TOMLINSON, THOMAS WILSON, JOSEPH S. YOUNG. It is interesting to note that Toledo, with 32 vessels in winter quarters, ranks second only to Toronto (34 boats) in the size of its lay-up fleet.
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