Table of Illustrations

Table of Contents

Title Page
The Editor's Notebook
Marine News
Winter Lay-up Listings
The Upper Lakers come to Lake Ontario
For Sale
Wolfe Islander Revisited
Ship of the Month No. 83
Late Marine News
Table of Illustrations
1 The downbound passage of LEMOYNE on August 6, 1932, marked the ceremonial "opening" of the fourth Welland Canal. Photo courtesy Alan Sykes.
2 Workmen survey the devastated after end of E. M. PECK after her June 11, 1913 boiler explosion at Racine, Wisconsin. Photo courtesy M. J. Brown.
3 MALTON's appearance was much improved in her later years. She is sseen unloading at Toronto Elevators in this 1931 photo by J. H. Bascom.

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