Chapter 42
List of Lake Vessels
Table of Contents

Title Page
1 Introductory
2 Geological
3 Poetry of the Lakes
4 Description
5 The Aborigines
6 French Discovery and occupation
7 Story of La Salle and the Griffin
8 Struggle for Possession
9 Under English Rule
10 Beginnings of Lake Commerce
11 War of 1812
12 War of 1812, Continued
13 War of 1812, Concluded
14 Growth of Traffic
Commerce Through St. Mary's Canals
15 Early Navigation on Lake Superior
16 The Convention of 1847
17 A Half Century Ago
18 Lake Canals
19 Lake Canals, Concluded
20 Harbors
21 Lighthouses
22 Life Saving Service
23 Development of Lake Vessels
24 The Lake Carriers
25 The Sailor
26 Navigation
27 Lumber Traffic
28 Grain Traffic
29 Coal Traffic
30 Iron Ore and Iron Industries
31 Miscellaneous
33 CHRONOLOGY.The Beginnings
33 After the War of 1812
34 1821-1830
35 1831-1840
36 1841-1850
37 1851-1860
38 1861-1870
39 1871-1880
40 1881-1890
41 1891-1898
42 List of Lake Vessels
Past and Present
Table of Illustrations


Pabst, Fred, prop., 2,430 g. t., b. '90, Milwaukee, in com.

Pacific, brigantine, took wheat Toronto to Liverpool '44.

Pacific, schr., wrecked L. Erie, '44.

Pacific, schr., sunk '55.

Pacific, stmr., 500 t., b. Newport, '47, made bge., lost L. Mich., '67.

Pacific, schr., lost L. Ont., '62.

Pacific, prop., 604 t., b. Cleveland, '64, wrecked L. Sup., '87.

Pacific, scow, wrecked Port Burwell, '66.

Pacific, tug, 42 g. t., b. '76, Buffalo, in com.

Pacific, Can. prop., 524 n. t., b. '82, Owen Sound, burned Collingwood, '98.

Pacific, sty., 10 g. t., b. '84, Houghton, in com.

Pacific, bge., sunk off Sandusky, '88.

Pacific, tug, 10 g. t., formerly Syphax.

Packard, Mary E., schr., 101 g. t., b. '75, South Haven, in com.

Packer, Harry E., prop., 1,142 g. t., b. '82, Cleveland, in com.

Packer, Robert A., 921 g. t., b. '81, Bay City, in com.

Pactoles, stmr., passed out.

Page, Marion W., schr., 749 g. t., b. '76, Milan, chartered ocean, '98.

Pageat, tug, in com., '80.

Pahlow, Louis, prop., 366 g. t., b. '82, Milwaukee, in com.

Paige, George R., tug, 34 g. t., b. '82, Cleveland, in com.

Paige, John A., tug, 51 g. t., b. '81, Green Bay, burned L. Sup., '92.

Paige, Joseph, schr., 625 g. t., b. '72, Milwaukee, wrecked L. Sup., '97.

Paige, S. B., schr., 417 g. t., b. '63, Oshkosh, lost Green bay, '98.

Paine, Gen. H. E., prop., 48 t., b. Boston, '65.

Paine, Tom, schr., 46 g. t., b. '71, Chicago, in com.

Paisley, schr., 1,046 g. t., b. '93, West Bay City, in com.

Palestine, schr., 210 t., b. '47, Black River, O., ashore L. Hur., '48.

Pallalusa, sty., 31 g. t., b. '91, Erie, passed out, '97.

Pallas, stcb., 106 g. t., b. '73, Lockport, Ill., in com.

Palmer, E. B., schr., 277 g. t., b. '89, Port Huron, wrecked L. Hur., '92.

Palmer, G. W., schr., 65 g. t., b. '67, Essex, in com.

Palmer, Julia, stmr., 300 t., b. Buffalo, '36, formerly a ship, lost L. Sup., '47.

Palmer, Thos. W., prop., 837 t., b. Detroit, '80, later the Samoa.

Palmer, Thos. W., s. prop., 2,134 g. t., b. '89, Wyandotte, in com.

Palmetto, schr., 240 t., b. Three Mile Bay, L. Ont., '47, wrecked L. Hur., '65.

Palms, Francis, schr., 560 t., b. Marine City, '68, lost '89, L. Mich.

Palmyra, schr., 180 t., b. Chaumont, '48, wrecked Gull Island, '51.

Paloma, Can. bge., 122 g. t., b. '85, Bobcaygeon, in com.

Pamlico, schr., b. '66, ashore Little Traverse bay, '75.

Panchee, prop., sunk L. Ont., '61.

Pandora, Can., schr., 333 n. t., b. '68, Port Colborne, in com.

Pandora, tug, 13 g. t., b. '89, Ogdensburg, in com.

Pankratz, Geo., tug, 63 g. t., b. '82, Manitowoc, in com.

Panther, prop., 1,373 g. t., b. '90, West Bay City, in com.

Pappoose, slpy., 15 g. t., b. '88, South Boston, Mass., passed out, '92.

Paragon, stmr., 41 t., b. Detroit, '43.

Paragon, brig, 212 t., damaged by col., Chicago, '55.

Paragon, total wreck, Sarnia, '68.

Paragon, Can. schr., now the Canadian schr. Keewatin.

Parana, schr., 406 g. t., b. '62, Cleveland, in com.

Park, T. F., bark, sailed for Europe, '60.

Parker, A. A., prop., 1,661 g. t., formerly Kasota, b. '84, Cleveland, in com.

Parker, B. W., schr., 1,476 g. t., b. '90, Gibraltar, in com.

Parker, Clara, schr., 556 t., b. Detroit, '65, ashore near Grand Haven, '83.

Parker, C. W., tug, 36 g. t., b. '73, Chicago, passed out, '91.

Parker, Ellen, brig, 332 t., b. Chicago, '46, ashore Buffalo, '46.

Parker, F. L., schr., 628 t., b. Manitowoc, '81.

Parker, Geo. H., tug, 105 g. t., b. '61, Detroit, in com.

Parker, Jacob A., in com. '46.

Parker, Jason, schr., 100 g. t., b. '59, Milwaukee, in com.

Parker, Theo., schr., b. Buffalo, '55.

Parker, Thos. L., schr., 628 t., b. '81, Manitowoc, chartered ocean service, '91.

Parks, Helen, schr., damaged by col., '47.

Parks, O. E., prop., 392 g. t., b. '91, Saugatuck, in com.

Parks, T. F., Can. stmr., 450 t., formerly Plough Boy, b. Chatham, '51, burned Detroit, '70.

Parks, William, tug, 41 g. t., b. '64, Philadelphia, in com.

Parley, W. G., Can. schr., 164 g. t., b. '78, Hull, in com.

Parmelee, J. W., tug, 31 g. t., b. '83, Saugatuck, in com.

Parnell, Chas. S., tug, 30 g. t., b. '81, Buffalo, in com.

Parnell, Chas. S., prop., 1,739 g. t., b. '88, Detroit, in com.

Parnell, Fanny, tug, 15 g. t., b. '84, Chicago, in com.

Parrotte, J. C., stmr., passed out.

Parsons, schr., 217 t., b. '56, foundered L. Mich., '83.

Parsons, John S., prop., 204 g. t., b. '91, Chaumont, in com.

Parsons, Lillie, schr., 167 t., b. Tonawanda, '68, abandoned St. Lawrence r., '77.

Parsons, M. F., Can. tug, 60 n. t., b. '64, Buffalo, in com.

Parsons, Philo, stmr., 221 t., b. Algonac, '61, captured by Confederates, L. Erie, '64.

Parsons, Thos., schr., 350 t., b. Charlotte, N. Y., '68, sunk L. Erie, '91.

Parthenon, Can. schr., '56 g. t., b. '77, Oakville, in com.

Parthia, Can. stmr., 207 n. t., b. '93, Garden Island, in com.

Pasadena, prop., 1,760 g. t., b. '89, Cleveland, in com.

Passaic, prop., 531 g. t., b. '62, Buffalo, foundered L. Erie, '91.

Passport, Can. stmr., 427 n. t., b. '47, Niagara, in com.

Pastime, sty., 49 g. t., b. '81, Brooklyn, in com.

Pastime, sty., 20 g. t., b. '88, Alexandria Bay, in com.

Pastime, stmr., 454 g. t., b. '89, Toledo, in com.

Patchin, A. D., stmr., 870 t., b. Trenton, '47, wrecked Skillagalee, '53.

Pathfinder, bark, lost near Chicago, '55.

Pathfinder, tug, 38 g. t., formerly A. J. Crawford, b. '63, Chicago, in com.

Pathfinder, schr., 603 t., b. '69, wrecked Two Rivers, '86.

Pathfinder, prop., 2,425 g. t., b. '92, West Superior, in com.

Pathfinder, sty., 159 g. t., b. '96, Racine, in com.

Patriot, schr., b. Three Mile Bay, L. Ont., '38.

Patronage, stmr., 56 t., b. St. Joseph, '38, broken up.

Pattee, G. B., Can. schr., 157 g. t., b. '78, Ottawa, in com.

Pattee, G. B., Can. prop., 30 g. t., b. '82, Aylmer, in com.

Patten, Juniatta, schr., 260 t., b. Milwaukee, '47.

Patterson, Grace, schr., lost Twin River point, '82.

Pauhassett, prop., 299 t., b. Ohio City, '47, burned Dunkirk, '56.

Paulina, schr., passed out.

Pauline, 14 t., b. Detroit, '83.

Pauly, John H., prop., 300 g. t., formerly Thomas Kingsford, b. '80, Oswego, in com.

Pawhattan, schr., stranded, '52.

Pawnee, prop., 639 g. t., b. '88, Marine City, in com.

Payne, H. B., Can. tug, 40 n. t., b. '71, Erie, in com.

Payne, L. S., tug, 15 g. t., b. '65, Buffalo, in com.

Peach, schr., in com., '63.

Peacock, Wm., stmr., 120 t., b. Barcelona, '29, boiler exploded, killing 15 persons, L. Erie, '30.

Pearce, Pierre L., Can., bge., 115 g. t., b. '66, Oswego, in com.

Pearl, stmr., 251 t., b. Newport, '51, broken up, '69.

Pearl, schr., wrecked East Sister Reef, '55.

Pearl, schr., 31 g. t., b. '67, Fairport, in com.

Pearl, stmr., 551 g. t., b. '71, Detroit, in com.

Pearl, Can. schr., 97 t., wrecked Napanee, '71, later the Absalom Shade.

Pearl, schr., 21 g. t., b. '74, Grand Haven, in com.

Pearl, scow, ashore L. Erie, '74,

Pearl, 552 t., b. Detroit, '75.

Pearl, tug, 9 g. t., b. '82, Erie, passed out, '95.

Pearl, Can. prop., 8 g. t., b. '85, Peterboro, in com.

Pearson, Hiram, schr., formerly Commerce, lost '70.

Pease, Edward S., prop., 716 g. t., formerly California, b. '73, Port Dalhousie, in com.

Peck, E. M., schr., b. Cleveland, '57, foundered '68, L. Mich., 8 lives lost.

Peck, bge., sunk Sand Beach, '85.

Peck, E. M., tug, 86 g. t., b. '63, Cleveland, O., later the C. E. Benham.

Peck, E. M., prop., 1,809 g. t., b. '88, Wyandotte, in com.

Peck, Susan E., prop., 1,399 g. t., b. '92, Wyandotte, later the Lewiston.

Peck, W. I., schr., 361 g. t., b. '73, Carrollton, sunk L. Erie, '91.

Peck, Wm., stmr., 172 t., b. Buffalo, '54.

Peckham, W. S., tug, 18 g. t., b. '92, Buffalo, in com.

Peel, Sir Robert, Can. stmr., 350 t., b. Brockville, '37, captured and burned Well's island, '38, by "patriots."

Peerless, Can. schr., 400 a. t., b. '52, Dumbarton, wrecked.

Peerless, Can. schr., 256 t., b. '55, sunk L. Ont., '83.

Peerless, bark, wrecked Dunkirk, '59.

Peerless, stmr., passed from Lakes to Atlantic, '61.

Peerless, prop., 1,199 g. t., b. '72, Cleveland, in com.

Peerless, stcb., 99 g. t., b. '76, Chicago, in com.

Peerless, stmr., burned Montebello, '85.

Peerless, tug, 77 g. t., b. '93, Sandusky, in com.

Peerless, Can. stmr., now the Empress.

Peggy, Can. schr., b. L. Ont., 1790.

Pelican, schr., 813 g. t., b. '72, Detroit, foundered L. Erie, '93, 4 lives lost.

Pelton, J. R., schr., 129 g. t., b. '91, Vermilion, wrecked L. Erie, '96.

Pelton, J. R., schr., 128 g. t., b. '66, Vermilion, in com.

Pembroke, Can. prop., 162 g. t., b. '62, Pembroke, in com.

Pendell, tug, 14 t., b. '79, wrecked L. Sup., '87.

Pendell, tug, 20 t., burned L. Mich., '85.

Pendell, Dorcas, schr., 407 g. t., b. '84, Saginaw, in com.

Pendleton, I. C., schr., in com., '50.

Penelope, sty., 54 g. t., b. '92, St. Clair, in com.

Penfield, J. P., schr., 383 t., b. Three Mile Bay, '61, aground L. Hur., '70.

Penguin, scow, b. '68, Black River, O.

Peninsula, prop., 354 t., b. St. Clair r., '49, wrecked L. Sup., '53.

Peninsula Packet, a "horse boat," used as ferry at Toronto, operated by two horses on deck, '44 to '50.

Peninsular, prop., on L. Sup., before '55.

Penn, Wm., stmr., 250 t., b. Erie, '26, dismantled '37.

Penn, Wm., schr., capsized L. Ont., '51, 3 lives lost, wrecked L. Erie, '56.

Penn, William, Can. schr., b. '63, now the Can. schr., M. L. Breck.

Penniman, George, schr., 84 g. t., b. '94, Sebewaing, in com.

Pennington, B. L., schr., 1,142 g. t., b. '89, Gibraltar, Mich., in com.

Pennsylvania, stmr., 395 t., b. Erie, '32, broken up.

Pennsylvania, schr., b. Three Mile Bay, L. Ont., '36, wrecked L. Erie, '44, 10 lives lost.

Penobscot, schr., 257 g. t., b. '80, Manitowoc, in com.

Steel steamer Penobscot.
Penobscot, prop., 3,502 g. t., b. '95, West Bay City in com.

Penokee, schr., 332 g. t., b. '72, Milwaukee, in com.

Pensaukee, schr., 578 t., b. Sturgeon Bay, '67, later the schr. James G. Blaine.

Pensaukee, tug, 34 g. t., b. '75, Pensaukee, in com.

Pentagoet, prop., 333 g. t., formerly Geo. M. Bibb.

Pentland, prop., 827 g. t., b. '94, Grand Haven, in com.

Penyon, John, schr., damaged by col., '51.

Peoria, schr., 167 g. t., b. '54, Black River, in com.

Pepiken, Can. prop., 40 n. t., b. '95, Sarnia, in com.

Pere Marquette, cfy., 2,443 g. t., b. '96, West Bay City, in com.

Perew, Frank, schr., 524 g. t., b. '67, Cleveland, foundered L. Sup., '91, 6 lives lost.

Perew, Frank, Can. tug, 70 n. t., b. '67, Buffalo, in com.

Perew, Frank, bark, foundered near the South Fox, '73.

Perew, Mary E., schr., 337 g. t., b. '61, Cleveland, in com.

Perfection, tug, 71 g. t., b. '92, West Bay City, in com.

Peri, sly., 8 g. t., b. '89, in com.

Periwinkle, prop., 412 g. t., formerly Perry, b. '64, Buffalo, burned Toledo, '97.

Perkins, Chris., stcb., 118 g. t., b. '84, Lockport, passed out, '95.

Perkins, E. L., Can. prop., 17 g. t., b. '87, Aylmer, in com.

Perley, G. H., Can. prop., 122 g. t., b. '90, Sand Point, in com.

Permelia, slp., 17 g. t., b. '82, Wells Island, N. Y., in com.

Perogue, schr., 20 t., passed out.

Perrett, J. C., prop., 537 g. t., b. '82, Manitowoc, passed out, '97.

Perris, P. J., scow, wrecked Rondeau, '63.

Perry, tug, b. Buffalo, '55.

Perry, schr., 413 g. t., later the Periwinkle.

Perry, schr., 206 t., lost L. Ont., '56.

Perry, com., schr., in com. about '16, sunk L. Ont., '20, recovered.

Perry, com., stmr., 352 t., b. Perrysburg, '34, boiler exploded, '35, killing 6.

Perry, com., U. S. rev. cut., ashore, '77, Sturgeon Point.

Perry, L. W., schr., 253 g. t., b. '70, Port Huron, in com.

Perry, O. H., stmr. (small), burned Sandusky, '69.

Perry, Sam, Can. prop., 42 g. t., b. '72, Port Dalhousie, in com.

Perry, Theodore, schr., 249 t., b. '55, sunk '87, 5 lives lost.

Perseverance, 85 t., b. L. Sup., captured by Americans, '14.

Perseverance, Can. schr., b. Kingston, '16.

Perseverance, stmr., 50 t., b. Erie, '32, broken up.

Perseverance, Can. prop., 450 t., b. Port Dalhousie, '64.

Perseverance, prop., burned '68, L. Ont., 14 lives lost.

Persia, schr., 96 g. t., b. '55, Chicago, wrecked '92, L. Mich.

Persia, schr., 200 t., b. Hamilton, '67.

Persia, Can. prop., 392 n. t., b. '73, St. Catharines, in com.

Persian, schr., sunk by col. L. Hur., '68, 10 lives lost.

Persian, prop., 1,630 t., b. Cleveland, '74, burned and sunk L. Erie.

Pert, schr., 50 t., U. S. service, '12, L. Ont., originally Collector, 1 gun.

Perue, Hattie B., prop., 193 g. t., b. '81, South Haven, in com.

Peruvian, Can. slp., 53 n. t., b. '88, Seeley's Bay, in com.

Peshtigo, prop., 817 g. t., b. '69, Trenton, Mich., in com.

Peshtigo, schr., 633 g. t., b. '89, Milwaukee, in com.

Peter, schr., passed out.

Peters, E. J., Can. schr., 130 g. t., b. '75, Port Dalhousie, in com.

Peterson, Annie M., 631 g. t., b. '74, Green Bay, in com.

Peterson Ferry, Can. stmr., 9 g. t., b. '75, Sophiasburg, in com.

Peterson, Louis, sty., 9 g. t., b. '96, Buffalo, in com.

Petersville, 70 t., b. Detroit, '70.

Petoskey, prop., 770 g. t., b. '88, Manitowoc, in com.

Petrel, schr., 151 t., b. Buffalo, '47, sunk L. Mich., '83.

Petrel, schr., lost L. Mich., '54, 4 lives lost.

Petrel, tug, wrecked by explosion, '58.

Petrel, schr., 78 g. t., b. '64, Pultneyville, in com.

Petrel, schr., 8 g. t., b. '85, Charlotte, passed out, '93.

Petrel, Can. tug, 280 n. t., b. '92, Collin Bay, in com.

Petrel, tug, 34 g. t., b. '95, Au Sable, in com.

Petrie, A. M., Can. prop., 20 g. t., b. '92, Hamilton, in com.

Petronelle, prop., 70 t., b. '69, sunk Sister island, '73.

Pewabic, prop., b. Cleveland, '63, sunk by col. L. Hur., '65, about 70 lives lost.

Pewaukee, prop., 310 g. t., formerly Two Friends, b. '73, Port Burwell, Ont., in com.

Pfister, Guido, schr., 661 t., ashore Duluth, '85.

Phalarope, schr., 371 t., b. Cleveland, '54, abandoned L. Erie, '72.

Phantom, slpy., 9 t.,b. '84, Chicago, in com.

Phantom, schr., 13 g. t., b. '88, Ludington, foundered L. Mich., '95.

Phelps, W. B., schr., total wreck Glen Arbor, '79.

Phenix, schr., 206 g. t., b. '68, Stony Creek, passed out, '97.

Phenix, prop., 1,294 g. t., b. '84, West Bay City, in com.

Phenix, tug, 70 g. t., formerly Waldo A. Avery.

Philadelphia, schr., 120 t. b. Erie, '36.

Philadelphia, i. prop., 1,463 g. t., b. '68, Buffalo, sunk by col. L. Hur., '93, 24 lives lost.

Phillips, Harold B., tug, 32 g. t., b. '80, Lorain, in com.

Phillips, Jesse, schr., 186 g. t., b. '68, Manitowoc, in com.

Philomene, Can. scow, 38 g. t., b. '82, Belle River, in com.

Phoebe, schr., ashore Grand river, '25.

Phoebe, schr., lost '71.

Phoebe, Catherine, Can. schr., 141 g. t., b. '64, Picton, in com.

Phoenix, prop., 305 t., b. Cleveland, '45, burned L. Mich., '47, 190 lives lost.

Phoenix, tug, burned L. Ont., '63.

Phoenix, scow, sunk L. Erie, '64.

Phoenix, tug, burned Detroit, '84.

Phoenix, Can. tug, 43 n. t., b. '86, Ausable Falls, in com.

Phoenix, tug, formerly the I. N. Masters.

Phoenix, Can. stmr., b. Montreal, broken up.

Pickands, H. S., 625 g. t., b. '84, Grand Haven, in com.

Pickands, James, prop., 1,545 g. t., b. '86, Cleveland, stranded, '94.

Picket, sty., 39 g. t., b. '87, Brooklyn, in com.

Picton, Can. schr., 181 n. t., b. '67, Picton, in com.

Picton, stmr., b. Mill Point, '70, wrecked L. Erie, '82.

Pickup, prop., 137 g. t., later the Lucille.

Pierce, A. C., schr., 30 g. t., b. '87, Sebewaing, in com.

Pierce, Annie M., tug, 23 g. t., b. '73, Buffalo, in com.

Pierce, David, schr., b. '54, Ashtabula.

Pierce, D. C., bark, 396 t., sailed Europe, '58, destroyed by Rebels, '61.

Pierce, Franklin, schr., wrecked nr. Duck Pond, '54.

Pierce, Mary E., tug, 21 g. t., b. '71, Buffalo, in com.

Pierpont, Can. stmr., 109 n. t., b. '71, Kingston, in com.

Pierson, W. S., bark, 386 t., b. Sandusky, '59.

Piffany, A., foundered L. Mich., '83.

Pike, Ellen, schr., wrecked L. Mich., '63.

Pike, Gen., sloop-of-war, 875 t., b. U. S. Gov., Sacket's Harbor, '13, 28 guns.

Pilgrim, brig, 242 t., b. Ohio City, '47, wrecked L. Erie, '48, wrecked L. Mich., '69.

Pilgrim, sty., 32 g. t., formerly Truant, b. '76, Brooklyn, in com.

Pilgrim, Can. stmr., 202 n. t., b. '84, St. Nicholas, in com.

Pilgrim, prop., 299 g. t., b. '88, Saugatuck, in com.

Pilgrim, Kate, Can. prop., 11 g. t., b. '75, Meaford, in com.

Pillsbury, s. prop., 2,234 t., b. '94, West Superior, later the Henry Cort.

Pilot, schr., 28 t., b. Cleveland, '14.

Pilot, schr., b. Cleveland, '21.

Pilot, schr., 50 t., b. Milwaukee, '45, Sunk Chicago, '57.

Pilot, scow, foundered near Chicago, '58, 2 lives lost.

Pilot, schr., 131 g. t., b. '61, Depere, passed out, '95.

Pilot, tug, 77 t., burned Algonac, '65.

Pilot, Can. schr., 37 n. t., b. '66, Wilson, in com.

Pilot, tug, 30 g. t., b. '82, Milwaukee, in com.

Pilot, schr., sunk by col., L. Mich., '83.

Pilot, Can. fry., 417 n. t., b. '84, Levis, in com.

Pilot, schr., 9 g. t., b. '86, Cheboygan, in com.

Pinafore, Can. schr., 57 n. t., b. '86, Port Frank, in com.

Pine Lake, prop., 388 g. t., b. '95, Charlevoix, in com.

Pinola, prop., 25 g. t., b. '94, Cleveland, in com.

Pinta, caravel from Spain to World's Fair, '93.

Pinta, Can. schr., 36 g. t., b. '69, Port Nelson, in com.

Pinta, sly., 7 g. t., b. '92, in com.

Pinto, Dick, prop., b. '54, Black River, O.

Pioneer, stmr., 230 t., b'. Black Rock, '25, wrecked L. Mich., '34.

Pioneer, tug 18, g. t., b. '65, Sugar Island, Mich, in com.

Pioneer, schr., wrecked Grand Haven, L. Mich., '66.

Pioneer, schr., lost '71.

Pioneer, Can. prop., 28 t., b. '79, Napanee, in com.

Pioneer, tug, 88 g. t., b. '87, Saginaw, in com.

Pioneer, Can. prop., 38 g. t., b. '88, Bark Lake, in com.

Pioneer, s. prop., 1,124 g. t., b. '93, Cleveland, in com.

Piper, A. S., tug, 21 g. t., b. '80, Sturgeon Bay, passed out, '94.

Pitcairn, bge., 171 g. t., b. '90, in com.

Pittsburg, prop., 606 t., b. Cleveland, '57, later barge Cyclone.

Planet, schr., 25 t., b. Cleveland, '45.

Planet, slp., b. Geneva, O., '49, capsized on trial trip.

Planet, stmr., 1,164 t., b. Newport, '55, dismantled, '66, made the barge Northwest.

Planet, scow, b. '55, Black River, O.

Planet, schr., 473 g. t., b. '72, Marine City, in com.

Planet, schr., 159 g. t., later the John C. Bauer.

Plankinton, John, prop., 1,821 g. t., b. '89, West Bay City, in com.

Platt, James, schr., abandoned at Straits, '74.

Playfair, J., Can. tug., 28 n. t., b. '94, Collingwood, in com.

Pleasure, prop., 489 g. t., b. '94, West Bay City, in com.

Plough Boy, Can. stmr., 450 t., b. Chatham, '57, renamed the T. F. Parks, burned '70.

Plough Boy, scow, wrecked Black River, L. Erie, '61.

Plow Boy, schr., 41 g. t., b. '75, Wilson, N. Y., in com.

Plow Boy, prop., 114 g. t., b. '87, West Bay City, in com.

Plow Boy, schr., 239 t., b. Ashtabula, '62.

Plover, Can, tug, 52 n. t., b. '63, Montreal, in com.

Plover, schr., sunk near Whitefish Point, '71.

Plugger, A., schr., sunk. near South Haven, '81.

Plumb, Henry, tug, 92 g. t., b. '74, Buffalo, in com.

Plummer, H. C., prop., burned '88.

Plymouth, schr., 740 t., b. '53, wrecked L. Sup., '87.

Plymouth, stmr., 846 t., b. Cleveland, '54.

Plymouth, schr., 776 g. t., b. '85, Ohio City, in com.

Plymouth Rock, schr., 293 t., b. '52, burned Detroit, '84, rebuilt, '85.

Plymouth Rock, stmr., 1,991 t., b. Buffalo, '54, dismantled '57.

Pocahontas, prop., 420 t., b. Buffalo, '46, lost Long, Point, '62.

Pocahontas, Can. prop., 32 g. t., b. '85, Muskoka, in com.

Point Abino, prop., 304 g,. t., b. '72, Buffalo, in com.

Poland, schr., wrecked, '57, L. Mich.

Polaris, Can. fry., 538 n. t., b. '83, Levis, in com.

Polk, James K., slp., wrecked L. Mich., '45, 7 lives lost.

Pollux, stcb., 118 g. t., b. '80, Tonawanda, in com.

Polly, Can. schr., b. on Bay of Quinte, passed out.

Polynesia, schr., 940 t., b. '85, sunk L. Mich., '87.

Polynesia, bge., 3,562 g. t., b. '97, Cleveland, in com.

Pomeroy, Isaac, schr., b. Marine City, about '25.

Pomeroy, S. B., schr., 406 g. t., b. '56, Cleveland, in com.

Pontiac, stmr., boiler exploded, Grand Haven, '64, 3 lives lost.

Pontiac, s. prop., 2,298 g. t., b. '89, Cleveland, in com.

Pope, E. C., prop., 2,637 g. t., b. '91, Wyandotte, in com.

Porcupine, U. S. schr., 83 t., 1 gun, b. Erie, '13, in battle Lake Erie, repaired and used on lakes many years.

Porcupine, Can. stmr., burned Prescott, '55.

Pt. Elgin Queen, Can. tug, 43 n. t., b. '86, Port Elgin, in com.

Port Henry, schr., b. Cape Vincent, before '53.

Portage, schr., 260 t., b. Portage, '62, sunk off Port Rowan, '78.

Portage, prop., 1,608 g. t., b. '75, Buffalo, in com.

Portch, E. M., schr., sunk L. Mich., '71.

Porter, prop., 310 t., b. Buffalo, '44, wrecked '47.

Porter, schr., 747 g. t., b. '74, Milwaukee, lost in ocean service, '98.

Porter, Admiral D. D., i. tug, 195 g. t., passed up from seaboard, '67, later the Howard.

Porter, Gen., stmr., 342 t., b. Black Rock, '34, in '43 made the Can. prop. Toronto.

Porter, Lloyd S., prop., 536 g. t., b. '93, Port Huron, sunk St. Lawrence r., '98.

Porter, J. U., schr., 149 g. t., b. '68, Black River, O., in com.

Portland, schr., 394 t., b. Three Mile Bay, L. Ont., '47, wrecked L. Hur. '67.

Portland, sty., 9 g. t., b. '92, Brooklyn, passed out, '97.

Portland, sty., 11 t., b. '93, Chicago, passed out, '97.

Portsmouth, prop., 525 t., b. Buffalo, '52, lost L. Huron, '67.

Portsmouth, Can. bge., 131 g. t., b. '82, Ottawa, in com.

Post Boy, stmr., carried first cargo wheat from Michigan City, '36.

Post Boy, schr., lost L. Mich., '41, 10 lives lost.

Post Boy, schr., lost near Dunkirk, '62.

Post Boy, prop., 123 g. t., b. '88 West Bay City, in com.

Post Boy, tug, 11 g. t., b. '94, Buffalo, in com.

Post, H. C., schr., b. '66, Black River, O.

Potomac, schr., 208 t., b. Cape Vincent, '42, wrecked Frankfort, '83.

Potomac, schr., 659 g. t., b. '55, Cleveland, passed out, '95.

Pottawatomie, tug, 18 g. t., b. '71, Green Bay, in com.

Potter, Agnes L., schr., 279 t., b. '70, St. Clair, in com.

Potter, H. C., schr., 308 t., b. E. Saginaw, '68, lost, '91, L. Hur.

Potter, George R., tug, 133 g. t., b. '87, Buffalo, in com.

Potts, J. E., schr., 566 g. t., formerly Mohawk, b. '56, Cleveland, in com.

Poupore, W. J., Can. prop., 67 n. t., b. '81, Montreal, in com., formerly Rigaud.

Powell, C. B., Can. prop., 272 b. '87, Pembroke, in com.

Powell, Linnie, Can. schr., wrecked near Buffalo, '59.

Powerful, stmr., burned Quebec, '77.

Powers, Col., schr., 80 t., b. Three Mile Bay, L. Ont., '43.

Powers, B. W., prop., 302 t., b. '71, Marine City, later the George W. Johnson.

Prairie Flower, tug, passed out.

Prairie State, prop., liner in '52, sunk L. Erie, '64.

Pratt, C. N., bge., burned Windsor, '85.

Pratt, C. W., cbt., 135 g. t., b. '97, in com.

Pratt, Helen, schr., 194 g. t., b. '70, Buffalo, in com.

Pratt, John, Can. tug., 124 n. t., b. '81, Montreal, in com.

Pratt, Lillie, schr., 204 g. t., b. '69, Buffalo, wrecked L. Mich., '92.

Pratt, Pascal P., prop., 1,927 g. t., b. '88, Cleveland, in com.

Pratt, Zadoc, bark, sunk L. Erie, '60.

Preble, com., brig, b. Buffalo, '42, in com., '68.

Prefontaine, Can. prop., 200 n. t., b. '96, Sorel, in com.

Premier, Can. schr., sunk, '58.

Prentice, James H., prop., 535 t., b. '55, Trenton, in com.

Prendiville, prop., wrecked near Oscoda, '82.

Prescott, schr., foundered York bay, '31.

President No. 1, schr., b. '29, Black River, O., capsized L. Erie, '36, 4 lives lost.

President No. 2, schr., b. '41, Black River, O.

President, stmr., b. Oswego, '42.

President, Can. scow, 189 g. t., b. '69, St. Catharines, in com.

Presley, George, prop., 1,936 t., b. '89, Cleveland, in com.

Presque Isle, s. prop., 5750 g. t., b. '98, Lorain, in com.

Presque Isle, prop., 4,500 t., b. '98, Lorain, in com.

Presto, schr., 183 t., b. Huron, O., '57, wrecked Sand Beach '97.

Preston, prop., 472 t., b. '91, Green Bay, in com.

Preston prop., 175 g. t., b. '86, St. Joseph, burned Toledo, '98.

Preston, W. J., schr., 500 t., lost, '88.

Pride, schr., 81 g. t., b. '49, Sandusky, in com.

Pride, schr., capsized near Venice, '56.

Pride, schr., 69 g. t., b. '66, Black River, O., in com.

Pride, schr., 24 t., b. Milwaukee, '68.

Pride of America, Can. schr., 350 t., b. '63, wrecked L. 0nt., '87.

Pride of America, Can. schr., 285 g. t., b. '67, St. Catharines, in com.

Pride of Canada, bark, wrecked St. Lawrence r., '62.

Pridgeon, John, Jr., 1,211 t., b. '75, Detroit, in com.

Prime, J. B., schr., 148 g. t., b. '66, Fairport, passed out, '96.

Primrose, schr., in com., '56.

Primrose, Can. stmr., 247 n. t., b. '90, Toronto, in com.

Prince Albert, Can. schr., wrecked Long Point, '51.

Prince Alfred, schr., 296 g. t., b. '63, Kingston, wrecked, '94.

Prince Edward, Can. schr., b. Marysburg, 1800, broken up.

Prince Edward, Can. stmr., 150 t., b. '41, Gardner, burned L. Ont., '84.

Prince Edward, Can. schr., 18 g. t., b. '87, Summerside, in com.

Prince Edward Ferry, Can. stmr., 18 g. t., b. '85, Deseronto, in com.

Prince Eugene, Can. stmr., 104 t., b. '32.

Prince Eugene, schr., wrecked St. Joseph r., '35.

Prince, F. H., prop, 2,047 g. t., b. '90, Detroit, in com.

Prince, John F., scow, b. '64, Black River, O.

Prince of Peace, scow, in com., '56.

Prince of Wales, Can. schr., 200 g. t., b. '42, Kingston.

Prince Regent, Brit. v., 22 guns, on L. Ont., '12.

Prince Regent, Brit. ship, 1,450 t., b. L. Ont., '14, 38 guns.

Prince Royal, Can. stmr., 500 g. t., b. '41, Niagara.

Princess, stmr., 109 t., b. Algonac, '58, broken up, '69.

Princess, Can. stmr., 331 n. t., b. '72, Carillon, in com.

Princess, Can. bge., 336 n. t., b. '74, Montreal, in com.

Princess Charlotte, Brit. ship, 1,215 t., b. L. Ont. '14, 42 guns.

Princess Alexandria, schr., formerly the Marshfield.

Princess Louise, Can. prop., 95 n. t., b. '79, Long Island, in com.

Princess Louise, Can. prop., 35 n. t., b. '79, Ogdensburg, in com.

Princess of Wales, Can. schr., b. '64, Toronto, burned, '86.

Princess Royal, Can. stmr., b. Niagara, '42.

Prince William, Can. stmr., b. '42.

Princeton, prop., 450 t., b. Perrysburg, '45, sunk L. Erie, '54.

Prindiville, R., tug, 24 g. t., b. '63, Chicago, in com.

Pringle, tug, made Can. tug International, '84.

Pringle, John C., 474 g. t., formerly W. H. Gratwick, b. '80, Detroit, in com.

Pringle, Mary, prop., 204 g. t., b. '67, Trenton, Mich., burned Port Huron, '93.

Pringle, Wm. H., tug, burned near Port Huron, '77, made schr., '83.

Prior, Nellie, tug, in com., '88.

Priscilla, scy., 75 g. t., b. '85, in com.

Proctor, E. R. C., Can. schr., 163 g. t., b. '78, Brighton, in com.

Proctor, M., Can. schr., now the Can. schr. Snow Bird.

Proctor, Minnie, schr., wrecked L. Ont., '68.

Proctor, Wm. L., tug, 117 g. t., b. '83, Buffalo, in com.

Prodigy, tug, 80 g. t., b. '97, West Bay City, in com.

Progress, schr., in com., '68.

Progress, prop., 1,596 g. t., b. '80, Milwaukee, in com.

Promise, prop., 473 g. t., b. '92, Detroit, in com.

Prospect, slp., 10 g. t., b. '96, Fruitport, Mich., in com.

Protection, prop., sunk by col., St. Lawrence r., '56.

Protection, Can. prop., passed out.

Protection, tug, 160 g. t., b. '73, Chicago, in com.

Protection, prop., 91 g. t., b. '88, Sault Ste. Marie, in com.

Protector, i. tug, 271 t., b. '75, Wilmington, Del., in com.

Providence, sty., 11 t., b. '93, Chicago, passed out '97.

Provincial, Can. stmr., 300 t., in com. '56.

Provost, schr., 95 t., b. '64, wrecked L. Hur., '87.

Psyche, Brit. frigate, b. Kingston. '14.

Prudence, schr., b. Cleveland, '21.

Prussia, Can. stmr., liner in '72.

Prussia, Can. prop., burned L. Sup., '85.

Prussia, Can. bge., 428 n. t., b. '79, Garden Island, in com., formerly schooner.

Pryor, Ethel J., tug, 18 g. t., b. '90, Houghton, in com.

Pry, Paul, stmr., b. Heuvelton, N. Y., '30.

Pueblo, prop., 1,349 g. t., b. '91, Milwaukee, in com.

Pugsley, John, Can. schr., 50 g. t., b. '68, Sandusky, in com.

Pulaski, schr., in com., '41.

Pulaski, schr., 332 t, b. '73, wrecked Good Harbor bay, '87.

Pullar, Jim, tug, 39 g. t., b. '94, Sault Ste. Marie, in com.

Pup, tug, 13 g. t., b. '94, Saugatuck, in com.

Purdy, Virginia, schr., 307 t., b. Cleveland, '47, wrecked L. Erie, '59.

Puritan, schr., wrecked Buffalo, '66.

Puritan, Can. slp., 171 n. t., b. '71, Montreal, in com., formerly steamer.

Puritan, prop., 289 g. t., b. '87, Benton Harbor, burned '95.

Puritan, stcb., 126 g. t., b. '92, Buffalo, in com.

Puritan, sty., 20 g. t., b. '92, Buffalo, in com.

Puritan, prop., 409 g. t., b. '93, Buffalo, in com.

Puritan, tug, 10 g. t., b. '94, Buffalo, in com.

Puritan, sly, 8 g. t., b. '95, in com.


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Some of the transcription work was also done by Brendon Baillod, who maintains an excellent guide to Great Lakes Shipwreck Research.