Chapter 42
List of Lake Vessels
Table of Contents

Title Page
1 Introductory
2 Geological
3 Poetry of the Lakes
4 Description
5 The Aborigines
6 French Discovery and occupation
7 Story of La Salle and the Griffin
8 Struggle for Possession
9 Under English Rule
10 Beginnings of Lake Commerce
11 War of 1812
12 War of 1812, Continued
13 War of 1812, Concluded
14 Growth of Traffic
Commerce Through St. Mary's Canals
15 Early Navigation on Lake Superior
16 The Convention of 1847
17 A Half Century Ago
18 Lake Canals
19 Lake Canals, Concluded
20 Harbors
21 Lighthouses
22 Life Saving Service
23 Development of Lake Vessels
24 The Lake Carriers
25 The Sailor
26 Navigation
27 Lumber Traffic
28 Grain Traffic
29 Coal Traffic
30 Iron Ore and Iron Industries
31 Miscellaneous
33 CHRONOLOGY.The Beginnings
33 After the War of 1812
34 1821-1830
35 1831-1840
36 1841-1850
37 1851-1860
38 1861-1870
39 1871-1880
40 1881-1890
41 1891-1898
42 List of Lake Vessels
Past and Present
Table of Illustrations


Wabash, brig, 314 t., b. Sacket's Harbor, '45, sunk near Chicago, '51.

Wabash, schr., 103 t., b. '36, wrecked at Port Dover, '54.

Wabash, stmr., 34 t., b. Perrysburg, '38, broken up.

Wabash, prop., 721 t., b. 62, sunk Port Huron by col., '70.

Wabash, schr., 315 t., b. '73, wrecked L. Sup., '83.

Wabasha, stmr., 44 g. t., b. '94, in com.

Wabash Valley, prop., wrecked Muskegon, '60.

Wade, B. R., schr., 148 g. t., b. '54, Ashtabula, in com.

Wade, B. R., prop., 1,236 t., in com., '68, passed out.

Wade, J. H., s. prop., 1,863 g. t., b. '90, Cleveland, in com.

Wade, J., schr., 273 t., b. '73, foundered Long Point, '83, 7 lives lost.

Wade, Minnie, Can. prop., 9 g. t., b. '71, Penetanguishene, in com.

Wadena, schr., 1,076 g. t., b. '87, Cleveland, chartered ocean service, '98.

Wadsworth, Ava, tug, 23 g. t., b. '71, Buffalo, passed out, '95.

Wadsworth, C. F., tug, 11 t., b. '70.

Wagner, Matt, sty., 53 g. t., b. '88, Buffalo, in com.

Wagstaff, David, schr., 310 g. t., b. '63, Vermilion, O., lost L. Mich., '90.

Wahnipitae, schr., 1,431 g. t., b. '86, West Bay City, wrecked Cleveland, '90.

Waite, A. P., Can. scow, 144 g. t., b. '64, Dunville, in com.

Waite, Chief Justice, stmr., 571 g. t., b. '74, Trenton, Mich., in com.

Wake Up, schr., in com., '66, passed out.

Walaska, schr., 71 g. t., b. '66, Sheboygan, in com.

Walbridge, Belle, schr., 257 t., in com., '66, wrecked Sheboygan, '86.

Walbridge, H. S., schr., 215 g. t., b. '62, Milan, wrecked Long Point, '96.

Walbridge, Sarah C., brig, b. Conneaut, wrecked L. Erie, '66.

Walcot, H. T., Can. schr., 163 g. t., b. '80, Ottawa, in com.

Waldo, L. C., prop., 4,244 g. t., b. '96, West Bay City, in com.

Wales, Can. schr., 152 g. t., b. '81, Kingston, in com.

Wales, Can. tug, 311 n. t., b. '81, Sarnia, in com.

Walhalla, schr., 114 g. t., b. '67, Depere, in com.

Waliskie, schr., b. '66, passed out.

Walker, Chas., schr., 164 t., b. Chicago, '47, passed out.

Walker, C. H., schr., foundered L. Hur., '76.

Walker, G. H., schr., total wrecked L. Erie, '53.

Walker, Hiram, schr., 99 g. t., b. '86, Champlain, in com.

Walker, Ida, schr., 217 t., wrecked Brighton, '86.

Walker, James A., tug, in com., '83.

Walker, James A., Can. prop., 170 n. t., b. '87, Kingston, sunk L. Ont., '98.

Walker, O. J., schr., 66 g. t., b. '62, Burlington, Vt., passed out, '95.

Walker, P. H., stmr., foundered L. Erie., '87.

Walk-in-the-Water, first stmr., on L. Erie, 340 t., b. '18, Scajaquada creek, lost L. Erie, '21.

Wall, Charles, schr., 629 g. t.,b. '66, Cleveland, chartered ocean service, '98.

Wallace, Albert, prop., 179 g. t., b. '91, Bay City, in com.

Wallace, C. B., stmr., 98 g. t., b. '80, Port Clinton, formerly the J. V. Lutts, in com.

Wallace, David, schr., 1,088 g. t., b., '84, Cleveland, chartered ocean service, '98.

Wallace, J. S., schr., sunk Holland, Mich., '69.

Wallace, Lewis, tug, 41 g. t., b. '65, Grand Haven, burned Onekama, '93.

Wallace, Robert, prop., 1,180 g. t., b. '82, Cleveland, in com.

Wallace, W. J., schr., 12 g. t., b. '78, Whitefish, Mich., in com.

Wallace, William, schr., 40 t., b. Goderich, passed out.

Waller, i. sty., 56 g. t., .b '87, Buffalo, in com.

Wallala, prop., 1,924 g. t., b. '82, Cleveland, in com.

Walrus, schr., lost Gray's reef, '68.

Walsh, Lizzie, sty., 37 g. t., b. '82, Grand Haven, in com.

Walter, schr., 18 g. t., b. '93, Ontonagon, in com.

Walter, D., prop., 136 g. t., .b '91, Toledo, in com.

Walter, J., sty., 9 g. t., b. '96, Tonawanda, in com.

Walter, Val, sty., 18 g. t., b. '90, Buffalo, passed out, '94.

Walters, J., Can. schr., 176 g. t., b. '74, Picton, in com.

Walters, P. H., prop., sunk with 8 lives L. Erie, '87.

Walton, A. 372 t., b. '69, passed out.

Walton, Andrew, tug, 32 g. t., .b '91, in com.

Walton, B., 32 g. t., b. '91, Duluth, in com., formerly Cora B.

Walton, N. C., schr., 104 t., b. Chicago, '46.

Wand, George H., schr., 358 g.t., b. '66, Buffalo, in com.

Wanda, sly., 3 g. t., b. '83, in com.

Wanda, sty., 20 g. t., b. '92, Detroit, in com.

Wanderer, schr., sunk Port Stanley, '65.

Wanderer, schr., 65 g. t., b. '60, Essex, N.Y., in com.

Wanderer, Can. schr., 122 n. t., b. '66, Oakville, in com.

Wanderer, slp., 11 g. t., b. '78, Erie, foundered L. Erie, '92.

Wanderer, schr., 14 g. t., b. '90, Chicago, in com.

Waneka, sty., 22 g. t., formerly Laura, b., '89, West Bay City, in com.

Wanette, schr., 100 g. t., b. '71, Sodus, passed out, '97.

Wanzer, Allie, sty., 8 g. t., b. '75, Houghton, passed out, '91.

Wapiano, Can. sty., 5 g. t., b. '93, Kingston, in com.

Wapiti, s. sty., 84 g. t., b. '95, West Bay City, in com., formerly Straightway.

War Eagle, schr., wrecked Ashatabula, '76.

Ward, Artie, tug, 8 g. t., b. '86, St. Joseph, Mich., passed out, '97.

Ward, A. B., tug, 30 g. t., b. '66, Chicago, in com.

Ward, E. B., schr., capsized L. Mich., '70.

Ward, Eber, prop., 1,343 g. t., b. '88, West Bay City, in com.

Ward, Eliza, schr., 65 t., b. before '41, capsized '45, L. Erie.

Ward, John, schr., wrecked Buffalo, '51.

Ward, Joseph, schr., 237 t., passed out.

Ward, J. P., stmr., 160 t., b. Detroit, '57, burned Bay City, '65, bottom rebuilt and made vessel.

Ward, J. W., tug, 40 g. t., b. '91, Benton Harbor, in com.

Ward, Mary, Can. stmr., stranded Thames r., '72.

Ward, Milton D., stmr., 544 g. t., b. '70, Marine City, passed out, '97.

Ward, Sam, stmr., 450 t., b. Newport, '47, made bge.

Ward, Susan, stmr., 359 t., b. Detroit, '62, made bge., '70, wrecked Oscoda, '85.

Ware, Liberty H., sty., 44 g. t., b. '94, Cleveland, passed out, '96.

Warmington, G. H., schr., 559 g. t., b. '72, Vermilion, O., in com.

Warmington, George H., schr., 338 g. t., .b '66, Buffalo, in com.

Warner, G. W., schr., in com., '89.

Warner, John R., schr., 200 g. t., b. '35, Cleveland, wrecked near Alpena, '90.

Warner, M. R., schr., 669 g. t., b. '73, Toledo, wrecked L. Sup., '93.

Warney, John F., schr., 341 t., damaged, '69.

Warren, schr., 65 t., b. before '45, passed out.

Warren, Gen., schr., b about '34, ran from L. Erie to Sault.

Warren, H. J., tug, 34 g. t., b. '91, Buffalo, in com.

Warren, Minnie, 13 g. t., b. '69, Buffalo, in com.

Warrington, lighthouse tender.

Warrington, H., prop., 343 t., damaged '69.

Washburn, tug, 31 g. t., b. '85, West Bay City, passed out, '97.

Washburn, prop., 2,234 g. t., now the James B. Nielson.

Washington, schr., b. Erie 1797, carried on wheels to L. Ont., 1798, and sailed as English v. under name of Lady Washington; lost in gale near Oswego, 1803,

Washington, stmr., 609 t., b. Huron, '33, lost on her third trip, Long Pt.

Washington, prop., left lakes '69, for ocean, where she had formerly plied.

Washington, Geo., schr., 99 t., b. before '53, passed out.

Washington, sty., 11 g. t., b. '93, Chicago, passed out.

Wasp, schr., 18 t., b. Huron, '17.

Wasp, schy., 41 g. t., b. '82, Chicago, in com.

Watchful, schr., 144 t., b. Clayton, '54, passed out.

Watchman, schr., wrecked L. Erie, '58.

Water Lily, Can. prop., 102 n. t., b. '91, Picton, in com.

Water Lily, sty., 11 g. t., b. '64, Newburgh, in com.

Water Witch, prop., 438 t., b. Newport, '62, foundered L. Hur., '63, 28 lives lost.

Water Witch, bark, 365 t., sunk L. Ont., '69.

Water Witch, Can. prop., 9 g. t., b. '80, Lindsay, in com.

Waterloo, stmr., 98 t., b. Black Rock, '40, a portion of her engine had served time in the Walk-in-the-Water and in the Superior, wrecked, '46.

Waters, A. C., tug, burned L. Mich., '86.

Watertown, Can. stmr., now the Can. stmr. Union.

Watertown, stmr., 222 t., burned L. Ont., '65.

Watertown, schr., b. Chaumont, '74.

Watkins, Edward, sty., 20 g. t., formerly Gen. A. A. Humphreys, b. '73, Milwaukee, in com.

Watkins, Grace, schr., 18 g. t., b. '87, Sand Beach, in com.

Watkins, John, Can. schr., 90 g. t., b. '19, York.

Watson, Alex., prop., burned St. Clair r., '71.

Watson, A. B., tug, 28 g. t., b. '80, Muskegon, in com.

Watson, Flora, schr., sunk by col., L. Erie, '62.

Watson, George, schr., 64 t., b. '41, Black River, O., sunk L. Mich., '52.

Watson, Harvey, sty., 37 g. t., b. '93, Saugatuck, in com.

Watson, Jim, stmr., 107 g. t., .b '58, Belle Vernon, Penn., passed out, '91.

Watson, Mary, Can. schr., 90 t., b. Goderich, lost near Goderich, '58.

Watson, Samuel L., schr., 606 g. t., b. '74, Detroit, chartered ocean, '98.

Watson, S. V. R., schr., 515 g. t., b. '62, Cleveland, chartered ocean, '98.

Watt, Annie, tug, sunk by col. near Barrier island, '90.

Watt, James, prop., 4,000 g. t., b. '96, Cleveland, in com.

Watts, R., Can. prop., 27 g. t., b. '87, Hamilton, in com.

Waubaushene, Can. bge., 478 g. t., b. '72, Chatham, in com.

Waubaushene, Can. tug, 100 n. t., b. '82, St. Catharines, in com.

Wau Bun, tug, 63 g. t., b. '87, Manitowoc, in com.

Waubun, sty., 53 g. t., b. '74, Chicago, in com.

Waubuno, Can. stmr., 180 t., b. Port Robinson, '65, foundered Georgian Bay, '79, 30 lives lost.

Waukesha, schr., 310 g. t., formerly Nabob, b. '62, Manitowoc, foundered L. Mich., '96, 6 lives lost.

Waukon, prop., 173 g. t., b. '83, Saugatuck, in com.

Waurecan, bge., ashore Austin reef, '75.

Wave, schr., lost L. Mich., '45, 13 lives lost.

Wave, schr., 100 t., b. Detroit, '49, lost L. Mich., '49.

Wave, stmr., b. Detroit, wrecked L. Erie, '51.

Wave, schr., lost L. Hur., '58, 2 lives lost.

Wave, schr., 180 t., lost L. Ont., '67.

Wave, stmr., 169 t., b. Algonac, '64, passed out.

Wave Crest, schy., 63 g. t., formerly Juniata, b. '64, Philadelphia, in com.

Wave Crest, Can. schr., 245 n. t., b. '67, Brockville, in com.

Waverly, schr., 262 g. t., b. '53, Sacket's Harbor, passed out, '91.

Waverly, prop., 1,104 g. t., b. '74, Buffalo, in com.

Wavetree, schr., formerly R. H. Harmon, lost '68, L. Hur.

Wawa, sty., 17 g. t., b. '91, Fort Howard, in com.

Wawanosh, Can. schr., 400 n. t., b. '73, Sarnia, in com.

Wawatam, s. prop., 1,856 g. t., b. '90, Cleveland, in com.

Wayland, J. L., tug, 14 t., b. '85.

Wayne, schr., 965 g. t., b. '82, St. Clair, in com.

Wayne, schr., ashore Au Sauble, '75.

Wayne, Anthony, stmr., 390 t., b. Perrysburg, '37, boiler exploded, '50, many lives lost, broken up, '51.

Wayne, Gen., originally Caledonia, brig, 86 t., b. Amherstburg, '07, by Can. Gov.

Wayward, scy., 40 g. t., b. '90, in com.

Wayward, sty., 42 g. t., formerly Winifred, b. '82, Brooklyn, in com.

Weatherly, J. C., fire boat, in com., '87.

Weaver, Gen., schr., 27 g. t., b. '81, Au Gres, Mich., in com.

Weaver, Jennie, schr., 88 g. t., b. '82, South Haven, in com.

Weaver, Nettie, schr., 400 t., b. Milan, '65, wrecked near Kincardine, '77.

Weaver, Winnie, schr., 17 g. t., b. '89, Charlevoix, in com.

Wearel, small slp., b. L. Erie, 1796 or earlier.

Webb, B. L., prop., 843 t., b. '56, burned same year in Waiska bay.

Webb, H. J., schr., 431 g. t., b. '69, Vermilion, in com.

Webber, John, schr., b. '56, Black River, O.

Webster, prop., 10 g. t., b. '81, Syracuse, passed out, '93.

Webster, Daniel, stmr., 358 t., b. Black Rock, '33, burned '35, Buffalo, rebuilt.

Webster, D., schr., b. Clayton, L. Ont., before '52.

Wee, John, schr., 199 g. t., b. '81, Milwaukee, passed out, '97.

Weed, Emily P., s. prop., 2,362 g. t., b. '90, Bay City, now the Sevona.

Weedon, John, schr., 269 t., lost L. Ont., '69.

Weeks, G. S., schr., seized by Can. authorities, '39.

Weeks, G. W., schr., lost L. Mich, '55.

Wehrle, A., Jr., stmr., 421 g. t., b. '89, Sandusky, in com.

Weidman, R. H., tug, 34 g. t., b. '82, Buffalo, in com.

Weitzel, Gen., tug, 34 g. t., b. '81, Buffalo, in com.

Welch, T. H., sty., in com., '82.

Welcome, tug, 56 g. t., b. '76, Milwaukee, in com.

Welcome, stch., 93 g. t., b. '77, Chicago, passed out, '90.

Welcome, prop., 306 g. t., b. '78, Fort Howard, in com.

Welcome, stmr., 98 g. t., b. '78, Fort Howard, passed out, '94.

Welcome, Can. tug, 36 n. t., b. '86, Collingwood, in com.

Welcome, tug, 10 g. t., b. '88, Sheboygan, in com.

Welcome, tug, 58 g. t., b. '90, Buffalo, in com.

Welcome, tug, 77 g. t., b. '90, Sheboygan, in com.

Welcome, prop., 212 g. t., b. '94, St. Clair, in com.

Welland, schr., b. before '39, sunk St. Lawrence r., '51.

Welland, Can. stmr., 300 t., b. St. Catharines, '42, burned.

Welland, schr., 220 t., b. Oswego, '45, lost L. Mich., '57, 8 lives lost.

Welland, Can. scow, 142 g. t., b. '76, Merrilton, in com.

Welland, Can. stmr., 300 t., b. St. Catharines, '53, burned Port Dalhousie, '56.

Wellandport, Can. scow, 212 g. t., b. '67, Welland, in com.

Wellington, brig, 130 t., sailed in '17.

Wellington, schr., 298 t., lost Skillagalee, '67.

Wellington, Can. prop., passed out.

Wells, C. J., bark, b. '66, passed out.

Wells, C. W., tug, 38 t., b. Marine City, '83, burned Amherstburg, '97.

Wells, D. A., schr., 310 t., b. '69, foundered L. Mich. '80.

Wells, D. A., schr., 56 g. t., b. '74, Sack Bay, in com.

Wells, F. L., schr., wrecked off Port Bruce, '68.

Wells, Fred L., schr., 80 g. t., b. '75, New Jerusalem, O., in com.

Wells, Hattie, schr., 376 g. t., b. '67, Port Huron, in com.

Welshman, Can. prop., 114 n. t., b. '73, Kingston, in com.

Wemple, passed out.

Wend-the-Wave, schr., 220 t., b. '67, Ashtabula.

Wenona, slp., 30 t., b. Milwaukee before '36.

Wenona, schr., 496 g. t., b. '57, Cleveland, wrecked Portage, '98.

Wenonah, schr., 20 t., b. Milwaukee, '41.

Wenonah, Can. prop., 161 g. t., b. '86, Burk's Falls, in com.

Wenoway, Can. prop., 99 g. t., b. '93, Quinze Bay, in com.

Wente, Robert C., prop., 335 g. t., b. '88, Gibraltar, in com.

Wesley, bge., foundered near Erie, '80.

Wesley, Geo. W., schr., 280 g. t., b. '67, Saginaw, in com.

Wesley, John, Can. schr., 40 g. t., b. '69, Picton, in com.

Wesley, John, schr., 302 g. t., b. '72, Toledo, in com.

Wesley, John, Can. prop., 42 g. t., b. '84, Port Hope, in com.

West, Charles, prop., 122 g. t., b. '83, Saugatuck, now Waukon.

West, D. C., Can. prop., g. t., b. '74, Clayton, in com.

West, George R., prop., 22 g. t., b. '85, Milwaukee, in com.

West, N. C., schr., 145 g. t., b. '67, Fremont, O., sunk by col., St. Clair r., '98.

West Wind, schr., in com., '56, passed out.

Westchester, schr., 207 t., b. Huron, '46, stranded Plum island, '85.

Westcott, George W., schr., 122 g. t., b. '63, Sacket's Harbor, in com.

Wescott, J. W., tug, 18 g. t., b. '80, Buffalo, in com.

Westcott, J. W., prop., 522 g. t., b. '83, Marine City, in com.

Westerman, Geo., Sr., sty., 17 g.t., b. '90 Olcott, passed out, '97.

Westerman, Geo., Jr., sty., 10 g. t., '96, LaSalle, N. Y., in com.

Western, schr., b. Clayton, before '46.

Western, Can. stmr., burned Detroit, '42.

Western Metropolis, stmr., 1,860 t. Buffalo, '56, made a bark and wrecked L. Mich., '64.

Western Miller, Can. prop., passed out.

Western Reserve, s. prop., 2,392 g. t., b. '90, Cleveland, foundered L. Sup., '92, entire crew and 6 passengers, including Capt. Minch, the owner, lost except one survivor.

Western Star, schr., wrecked near Goderich, '54.

Western Trader, schr., 53 t., capsized off Cleveland, '37, in com., '39.

Western World, stmr., 2,002 t., b. Buffalo, '54, dismantled.

Westford, prop., 302 g. t., b. '69, Trenton, Mich., in com.

Westminster, prop., 34 g. t., b. '80, Chaumont, N. Y., passed out, '95.

Westmoreland, prop., 800 t., sunk '54 near Manitou island, 17 lives lost, wreck discovered, '72.

Weston, Alex., Can. prop., 150 t., b. Wallaceburg, '70, burned Lambton, Ont., '71.

Weston, A., prop., 511 g. t., b. '82, Mt. Clemens, in com.

Weston, I. M., prop., 95 g. t., b. '83, Grand Haven, in com.

Westover, Luther, Can. stmr., 127 g. t., b. '77, Bay City, in com.

Westover, i. Prop., 455 g. t., b. '73, Wilmington, Del., in com.

Westport, Can. stbge., 196 g. t., b. '62, Bedford Mills, in com.

Westside, scow, wrecked L. Erie, '84.

West Side, schr., 324 g. t., b. '70, Oswego, in com.

Wetmore, W. L., prop., 819 g. t., b. '71, Cleveland, in com.

Wetzel, tug, 25 t., b. '70, boiler exploded, lost with all hands, L. Mich., '82.

Whale, stch., 88 g. t., b. '64, Portsmouth, O., passed out, '91.

Whaling, W. W. J., schr., in com. '65, stranded Grand Haven, '73.

Wheat Bin, Can. bge., 324 n. t., b. '70, in com.

Wheaton, H., schr., 200 t., b. Oswego, '45, sunk Long Point, '55.

Wheeler, tug, 32 t., burned Oswego, '85.

Wheeler, Frank, schr., 775 t., sunk L. Sup., '85.

Wheeler, Frank W., prop., 1,687 g. t., b. '87, West Bay City, lost '93, L. Mich.

Wheeler, Fred D., tug, 32 g. t., b. '65, Oswego, passed out, '91.

Wheeler, Fred D., tug, 32 g. t., b. '77, Oswego, passed out, '95.

Wheeler, Irma L., tug, 51 g. t., b. '77, Manitowoc, in com.

Wheeler, J. C., schr., lost L. Ont., '64.

Where Now, Can. sty., 48 g. t., b. '89, Kingston, in com.

Whig, schr., '97 t., passed out.

Whim Wham, stmr., 133 g. t., b. '98, in com.

Whip, schr., 40 t., in com., '51, wrecked St. Joseph, '65.

Whip-Poor-Will, Can. schr., 15 g. t., b. '67, Welland, in com.

Whirlwind, schr., b. Racine.

Whisper, sty., 35 g. t., b. '82, Harlem, N. Y., in com.

Whistle Wing, Can. prop., 88 g. t., b. '81, Peterboro, in com.

Whistler, schr., 19 g. t., b. '92, Detroit, in com.

Whitaker, Byron, prop., 1,404 g. t., b. '90, Mt. Clemens, in com.

Whitbeck, Henry, schr., 498 g. t., b. '80, Manitowoc, passed out, '95.

Whitby, prop., sunk by col. About '62.

White, stmr., 80 t., b. Cleveland, '68, passed out.

White, Charles N., schr., 115 g. t., b. '88, in com.

White, Clara, schr., burned Grenadier island, '89.

White Cloud, schr., 243 g. t., b. '53, Clayton, in com.

White Cloud, Can. scow, 29 g. t., b. '64, Sandwich, in com.

White, D. L., Can. prop., 62 n. t., b. '96, Midland, in com.

White, Eliza, Can. schr., 162 n. t., b. '67, Port Burwell, in com.

White, Elizabeth, tug, passed out.

White, Ellen, scow schr., burned L. Erie, '70.

White, Fannie, tug, in com. '69.

White Foam, schr., 18 g. t., b. '80, North Island, Mich., in com.

White, Jennie, schr., 246 g. t., b. '74, Henderson, N. Y., passed out, '94.

White, J. K., stmr., 50 t., b. Cleveland, '68.

White, John B., tug, 39 t., passed out.

White, Kate, sty., 24 g. t., b. '85, Erie, in com.

White, Kirk, schr., in com. '52, wrecked Saginaw bay, '69.

White Oak, Can. schr., 260 n. t., b. '67, Oakville, in com.

White Oak, Can. schr., b. Kingston, '80.

White, Perry, schr., passed out.

White Pigeon, schr., b. '32, Black River, O., lost L. Mich., '59.

White Squall, schr., b. Clayton before '52, sunk by col., Saginaw bay, '72, 7 lives lost.

White Star, schr., 131 t., b. 74, wrecked L. Erie, '87.

White Star, prop., 378 g. t., formerly Maria J. Scott, b. '74 Oswego, in com.

White Swan, schr., 10 g. t., b. '94, Sault Ste. Marie, in com.

White Wings, slp., 17 g. t., b. '82, Detroit, in com.

White & Friant, prop., 459 g. t., b. '81, Grand Haven, made schooner '97, in com.

Witherbee, S. H., schr., 69 g. t., b. '64, Essex, in com.

Whiting, Lula, schr., 23 g. t., b. '83, Sand Beach, wrecked, '94.

Whitman, H. L., schr., 295 t., wrecked L. Mich., '44, all hands lost.

Whitney, D. C., prop., 1090 g. t., b. '82, St. Clair, in com.

Whitney, Geo. F., schr., foundered near Sugar island, with all hands, '71.

Whitney, Geo. J., schr., 300 t., b. Rochester, '67.

Whitney, Grace, schr., 289 g. t., b. '66, Gibraltar, in com.

Whitney, J., stmr., 238 t., b. Saginaw, '53, made bge., '67.

Whitney, O. R., stch., 136 g. t., b. '86, Lockport, in com.

Whitney, T., 238 t., b. Bangora, Mich., '53.

Whittlesea, scow, abandoned, Cleveland, '73.

Whittlesey, Elisha, schr., sunk L. Erie, '32, 10 lives lost.

Whittlesey, Elizabeth, schr., 50 t., b. Ashtabula, passed out.

Whitworth, Sir Joseph, bge., 1,192 g. t., b. '89, Duluth, in com.

Wiarton, Belle, Can. prop., 88 g. t., b. '79, Buffalo, in com.

Wide Awake, schr., wrecked L. Ont., '57.

Wide-a-Wake, Can. slp., 26 g. t., b. '87, Kingston, in com.

Widgeon, sty., b. Clayton, N. Y.

Widgeon, schy., 22 g. t., b. '66, Algonac, in com.

Widow's Son, schr., 41 t., passed out.

Wilber, sty., 13 g. t., b. '91, Chicago, in com.

Wilbur, E. P., s. prop., 2,633 g. t., b. '88, Cleveland, in com.

Wilbur, Katherine T., prop., 55 g. t., b. '95, Buffalo, in com.

Wilbur, John B., schr., 412 g. t. ,b. '67, Huron, in com.

Wilcox, A., schr., 130 t., sunk Cleveland, '45.

Wilcox, Aaron, tug, 14 g. t., b. '71, Buffalo, passed out, '92.

Wilcox, Asa, schr., b. L. Ont., '41, wrecked L. Mich., '52, 3 lives lost.

Wilcox, Frankie, schr., 229 t., b. Fairport, '65.

Wilcox, M., schr., 70 g. t., b. '67, Harrison, Mich., passed out, '95.

Wilcox, M. I., schr., 377 g. t., b. '66, Toledo, in com.

Wilcox, M. I., tug, 13 g. t., b. '80, Buffalo, in com.

Wilcox, M. I., slp., 28 g. t., b. '94, Chaumont, N. Y., in com.

Wilcox, O., tug, 123 g. t., b. '69, Detroit, sunk L. Hur., '93.

Wild Rover, schr., 290 t., total loss, '69.

Wild Rover, schr., 60 g. t., b '71, Cheneaux Island, Mich., passed out, '94.

Wilde, Oscar, slpy., 23 g. t., b. '82, Port Huron, passed out, '97.

Wilds, Alice E., prop., 292 g. t., b. '83, Detroit, sunk by col., L. Mich., '92.

Wiley, May, Can. schr., 61 g. t., b. '73, Bronte, in com.

Wilhelm, Kaiser, prop., 28 g. t., b. '74, Grand Haven, passed out, '91.

Wilhelm, S. S., prop., 683 g. t., b. '89, West Bay City, in com.

Wilhouse, W., schr., 83 t., b. '67, Fairport.

Wilkes, C. H., schr., passed out.

Wilkinson, schr., 80 t., b. by U. S. Gov., Detroit, 1797, renamed Amelia, one of Perry's squadron.

Willard, Julia, schr., 214 g. t., b. '65, Ashtabula, sunk L. Erie, '95.

Willard, W. H., schr., b. '56, Black River, O., wrecked St. Joseph, '80.

Willet, schr., b. Clayton, L. Ont., before '32.

Willet, Tom, schr., in com., '33.

William, IV, Can. stmr., 450 t., b. Gananoque, '32.

William, schr., 32 t., b about '18, wrecked Cleveland, '25.

William, schr., 188 t., b. '47.

William, schr., 33 t., b. Ohio City, '47.

William, scow, wrecked Fairport, '59.

William, Can. bge., 360 n. t., b. '75, Quebec, in com.

William D., tug, 51 g. t., b. '92, Ashtabula, in com.

Williams, bge., sunk L. Ont., '85.

Williams, A., stmr., 274 g. t., b. '70, Burlington, Vt., dismantled, '95.

Williams, A. B., schr., foundered L. Hur., '64.

Williams, Alonso, bge., 55 g. t., b. '87, in com.

Williams, Caroline, brig, damaged by fire, '71.

Williams, Caroline, tug, burned Big Point Sable, '84.

Williams, C. G., scow, sunk Muskegon.

Williams, C. P., brig, wrecked near Port Austin, '86.

Williams, E. C., schr., 156 t., wrecked near Erie, '61.

Williams, Eliza, tug, 37 g. t., b. '72, Buffalo, in com.

Williams, Ellen, schr., 321 g. t., b. '55, Cleveland, in com.

Williams, E. R., schr., 293 g. t., b. '73, Toledo, sunk Green bay, '95.

Williams, Farrand H., schr., 95 g. t., b. '82, Manitowoc, in com.

Williams, George F., 1,888 g. t., b. '89, West Bay City, in com.

Williams, Grace, prop., 46 g. t., b. '85, Manitowoc, sunk L. Mich., '96.

Williams, G. T., schr., 167 t., lost L. Ont., '56.

Williams, H. G., scow, foundered Cleveland, '71, 2 lives lost, abandoned Cedar Point, '73.

Williams, H. W., prop., 249 g. t., b. '88, South Haven, in com.

Williams, J. T., schr., lost L. Ont., '56.

Williams, J. L., tug, 51 g. t., b. '83, Buffalo, in com.

Williams, John, Can. tug, 15 n. t., b. '87, Fessenden, in com.

Williams, Kate, tug, 164 g. t., b. '62, Cleveland, in com.

Williams, M., schr., 397 t., b. Wallaceburg, '62.

Williams, Oliver C., tug, 57 g. t., b. '79, Saugatuck, passed out, '93.

Williamson, Jas., Can. schr., 155 g. t., b. '82, Hull, in com.

Willie, Can. scow, 37 g. t., b. '71, River Reescum, in com.

Willie, bge., 50 g. t., b. '94, in com.

Willing Maid, Can. schr., b. York, '18.

Willis, schr., sunk by col., L. Erie, '72.

Willis, Robert, schr., b. Buffalo, '52.

Wilson, Alfred, Can. prop., 33 g. t., b. '79, Port Frank, in com.

Wilson, Annabell, schr., 490 g. t., b. '87, Mt. Clemens, Mich., in com.

Wilson, Belle, Can. prop., 120 t., b. '81, lost, '88.

Wilson, D. M., prop., 757 g. t., b. '73, St. Clair, foundered L. Hur., '94.

Wilson, Eliza, schr., wrecked near Toronto, '63.

Wilson, Gen. John M., s. tug, 42 g. t., b. Toledo, '98, in com.

Wilson, Geo., schr., wrecked L. Ont., '64.

Wilson, G. W., schr., sunk by col.

Wilson, H. B., tug, 33 g. t., b. '77, Huron, in com.

Wilson, John, Can. schr., 158 g. t., b. '81, Hull, in com.

Wilson, Kate, tug, 15 g. t., b. '97, Buffalo, in com.

Wilson, Lena M., schr., 86 g. t., b. '96, Ludington, in com.

Wilson, Mabel, schr., 1,224 g. t., b. '86, West Bay City, in com.

Wilson, S. P., schr., 141 t., ashore Grand Haven, '85.

Wilson, Thomas, tug, 71 g. t., b. '88, Buffalo, in com.

Wilson, Thomas, prop., 1,713 g. t., b '92, West Superior, in com.

Wilson, Thomas C., schr., 30 g. t., b '68, Black River, in com.

Wilson, W., Can. tug, 15 n. t., b '93, Fort Erie, in com.

Wilson, William, Can. schr., 69 g. t., b. '65, Rondeau, in com.

Wiman, schr., lost Point aux Barques, '55.

Wiman, Erastus, Can. prop., 54 g. t., b. '90, Huntsville, in com.

Windham, schr., 270 t., b. Ashtabula, '43.

Windsor, schr., 270 t., b. Buffalo, '47.

Windsor, schr., 237 t., b. '56, Detroit, wrecked '93.

Windsor, stmr., 223 t., b. '56, burned Detroit, '66, 30 lives lost.

Windsor, scow, sunk Benton Harbor, '70.

Windsor, prop., 194 g. t., b '94, Summerville, N. Y., in com.

Windsor, E., Can. prop., 89 n. t., b. '71, Sombra, in com.

Wing and Wing, schr., 228 t., wrecked Michigan City, '54.

Wing, Winnie, schr., 200 g. t., b. '67, Fort Howard, in com.

Wings, schr., 9 g. t., b. '97, Muskegon, in com.

Wings of the Morning, schr., 340 t., b. '54, Black River, O., passed out.

Wings of the Wind, schr., b. Buffalo, '55, sunk by col., L. Mich., '66.

Winifred, sty., 42 g. t., b. '82, Brooklyn, N. Y., later the Wayward.

Winlock, Nellie, 32 t., b. '69.

Winnie, Bertha H., schr., 26 t., b. Touissant, O., '71, capsized L. Erie, '96.

Winnebago Chief, stmr., b. Green Bay, '29.

Winnebago, schr., 280 t., b Green Bay, '67.

Winnipeg, Can. bge., 837 n. t., b. '93, Kingston, in com.

Winona, schr., 436 g. t., .b '56, Cleveland, passed out, '94.

Winona, Can. schr., 149 g. t., b. '90, Greenville, in com.

Winona, Can. prop., 12 g. t., b. '93, Montebello, in com.

Winslow, prop., 1,650 g. t., b. '63, Cleveland, burned Duluth, '91.

Winslow, tug, 290 g. t., b. '62, Cleveland, in com.

Winslow, schr., lost '94, L. Mich.

Winslow, Annie, brig, 205 t., b. Cleveland, '42, wrecked Duck island, '52.

Winslow, H. C., schr., 252 g. t., b. '53, Black River, in com.

Winslow, Kate, 736 g. t., b. '72, East Saginaw, foundered, '97.

Winslow, R., brig, 127 t., b. Avon, '41.

Winslow, Richard, schr., 885 g. t., b. '71, Detroit, sunk in Straits, '98.

Winter, Jessie, schr., 56 g. t., b. '76, Sheboygan, in com.

Wirralite, bark, formerly Vanguard, arrived Detroit from Liverpool, '66.

Wisconsin, schr., first v. b. Green Bay, '34, wrecked Death's Door, '47.

Wisconsin, stmr., 700 t., b. Conneaut, '37, sunk L. Erie by col. '52.

Wisconsin, stmr., 352 t., b. '52, burned St. Lawrence r., '67, 23 lives lost.

Wisconsin, tug, 56 g. t., b. '85, Green Bay, in com.

Wisconsin, i. prop., 1,181 g. t., b. '81, Wyandotte, in com.

Wiskonsan, stmr., passed out.

Wissahicken, prop., 1,620 g. t., b. '76, Buffalo, in com.

Witch, tug, sunk Saginaw, '69.

Witch of the Waves, Can. prop., 27 g. t., b. '75, Kemptville, in com.

Witch of the West, tug, 23 g. t., b. '56, Petty's Island, N. J., in com.

Witherbee, J. G., schr., 65 g. t., b. '63, Essex, N. Y., in com.

Witherbee, J. G., prop., 114 g. t., b. '72, Philadelphia, in com.

Witter, Wm. E., stch., 133 g. t., b., '90, Ithaca, N. Y., passed out, '93.

Wizard, sly., 6 g. t., b. '96, in com.

Wocoken, prop., 1,400 g. t., b. '80, Cleveland, foundered L. Erie, '93, 14 lives lost.

Wolcott, E. G., schr., ashore Sheboygan, '47.

Wolcott, J., stmr., 80 t., b. Maumee about '44, burned '54.

Wolf, schr., 29 t., b. Danbury, O., '17.

Wolf, Lottie, schr., 334 t., b. Green Bay, '66, wrecked, '91.

Wolf, William H., prop., 2,265 g. t., b. '87, Milwaukee, in com.

Wolf, W. H., tug, 42 g. t., b. '81, Milwaukee, in com.

Wolfe, 637 t., Brit. gunboat on L. Ont., '13, 23 guns, afterwards Montreal.

Wolfin, schr., 48 g. t., b. '54, Milwaukee, wrecked off Sheboygan, '97.

Wolseley, Gen., stmr., burned Georgian Bay, '86.

Wolseley, Gen., Can. prop., 123 g. t., b. '84, Oakville, in com.

Wolverine, schr., 97 t., b. Detroit, '43.

Wolverine, Can. schr., b. Pt. Dalhousie, '64.

Wolverine, schr., 125 g. t., b. '71, Grand Haven, in com.

Wolverine, schr., 141 g. t., b. '67, Saginaw, in com.

Wonder, schr., 39 g. t., b. '75, Sheboygan, in com.

Wood Duck, Can. schr., 120 t., b. probably York, '19.

Woodduck, schr., stranded Oswego, '80.

Wood, Charles, B., schr., 108 g. t., b. '79 Chaumont, N. Y., passed out, '95.

Wood, Jas., prop., 400 t., b. Dexter, '46, wrecked Ashtabula, '52.

Wood, Robt., schr., 152 t., b. Clayton, N. Y., lost off Dunkirk, '54.

Wood, S. A., schr., 314 g. t., b. '68, Manitowoc, in com.

Woodbridge, schr., 118 t., b. Huron, '41, passed out.

Woodbury, W. A., Can. schr., 150 g. t., b. '79, Hull, in com.

Woodman, schr., stranded, '51.

Woodruff, Carrie, schr., 127 t., lost L. Mich., '67.

Woodruff, Jane C., Can. schr., 228 g. t., b. '66, St. Catharines, in com.

Woodruff, J. C., Can. schr., wrecked Georgian Bay, '86.

Woodruff, L. S., bark, b. '66, ashore Big Sand Point, '73.

Woods, Arthur, tug, 37 g. t., b. '88. Buffalo, in com.

Woods, Frank, prop., 385 g. t., b. '88, Saugatuck, in com.

Woodward, Nettie, schr., in com., '72.

Woolsey, schr., b. Sacket's Harbor about '15.

Woolson, Mary, schr., 708 g. t., b. '88, West Bay City, in com.

World's Fair of Chicago, bge., 128 g. t., b. '93, in com.

Worswick, J. R., tug, 11 g. t., b. '78, Lorain, passed out, '95.

Worth, Gen., schr., b. Euclid, '48, 222 g. t., later the John Raber.

Worthington, schr., aground, near Chicago, '53.

Worthington, Geo., schr., sunk near St. Helena, '73.

Worthington, Geo., bge., sunk by col., Colchester reef, '87.

Worthington, H. L., prop., 375 g. t., b. '80, Lorain, in com.

Worthington, Luella, stmr., in com., '81.

Worts, James G., Can. schr., 309 g. t., b. '74, Mill Point, wrecked '95.

Wotan, prop., 886 g. t., b. '93, Marine City, in com.

Wren, schr., 7 g. t., b. '96, Onekama, Mich., in com.

Wrenn, George L., schr., 214 g. t., b. '63, Fort Howard, in com.

Wright, Albert, Can. tug, 50 n. t., b. '75, Port Hope, in com.

Wright, A. G., schr., 100 t., b. South Haven, '68.

Wright, Albert J., tug, 240 g. t., b. '81, Buffalo, in com.

Wright, A. J., stch., 130 g. t., b. '80, Buffalo, in com.

Wright, A. P., tug, 29 t., wrecked Manistee, '86.

Wright, Alfred P., prop., 2,207 g. t., b. '88, Cleveland, in com.

Wright, A. W., schr., 530 g. t., b. '80, Saginaw, in com.

Wright, D. B., schr., capsized off South Haven, '75.

Wright, J. B., schr., wrecked L. Mich., '54.

Wright, John W., schr., 26 g. t., b. '69, Oshkosh, in com.

Wright, Luther, schr., 195 t., b. Huron, wrecked Gravelly bay, '54.

Wright, M. W., tug, 34 g. t., b. '68, Depauville, N. Y., passed out, '93.

Wright, Silas, schr., b. Cape Vincent, wrecked N. Y., passed out, '60.

Wright, Tommy, Can. prop., 12 g. t., b. '73, Goderich, in com.

Wrong, Tom, schr., wrecked Port Burwell, '66.

Wyandotte, English slp., 47 t., b. Detroit, 1779.

Wyandotte, schr., wrecked Buffalo, '56.

Wyandotte, schr., 320 g. t., b. '56, Newport, Mich., in com.

Wyandotte, s. prop., 320 g. t., b. '92, Wyandotte, in com.

Wyland, J. L., tug, 13 g. t., b. '85, Vermillion, in com.

Wyman, Chas. E., schr., 234 g. t., b. '82, Grand Haven, in com.

Wyman, T., brig, 258 t., b. Oswego, '45.

Wyoming, schr., 233 t., b. Ohio City, '47.

Wyoming, bge., sunk Port Huron, '76.

Wyoming, schr., 289 g. t., b. '70, Port Huron, passed out, '91.

Wyoming, prop., 1,952 g. t., b. '87, Buffalo, in com.

Wyoming, prop., 350 g. t., b. '70, Detroit, in com.


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Some of the transcription work was also done by Brendon Baillod, who maintains an excellent guide to Great Lakes Shipwreck Research.