Chapter 42
List of Lake Vessels
Table of Contents

Title Page
1 Introductory
2 Geological
3 Poetry of the Lakes
4 Description
5 The Aborigines
6 French Discovery and occupation
7 Story of La Salle and the Griffin
8 Struggle for Possession
9 Under English Rule
10 Beginnings of Lake Commerce
11 War of 1812
12 War of 1812, Continued
13 War of 1812, Concluded
14 Growth of Traffic
Commerce Through St. Mary's Canals
15 Early Navigation on Lake Superior
16 The Convention of 1847
17 A Half Century Ago
18 Lake Canals
19 Lake Canals, Concluded
20 Harbors
21 Lighthouses
22 Life Saving Service
23 Development of Lake Vessels
24 The Lake Carriers
25 The Sailor
26 Navigation
27 Lumber Traffic
28 Grain Traffic
29 Coal Traffic
30 Iron Ore and Iron Industries
31 Miscellaneous
33 CHRONOLOGY.The Beginnings
33 After the War of 1812
34 1821-1830
35 1831-1840
36 1841-1850
37 1851-1860
38 1861-1870
39 1871-1880
40 1881-1890
41 1891-1898
42 List of Lake Vessels
Past and Present
Table of Illustrations


Sabino, tug, left lakes for New Orleans, '60.

Sachem, prop., 739 g. t., b. '89, Grand Haven, in com.

Sacramento, scow, capsized off Buffalo, '51.

Sacramento, schr., wrecked Gull Island reef, '67.

Sacramento, Can. scow, 158 g. t., b. '70, Welland, in com.

Sacramento, prop., 2,380 g. t., b. '95, West Bay City, in com.

Sadie, slp., 14 g. t., b. '83, Chicago, in com.

Sadie, Can. stmr., now the Can. stmr. Shamrock.

Sagamore, prop., 1,601 g. t., b. '92, West Superior, in com.

Sage, Russell, prop., 1,224 g. t., b. '81, Buffalo, in com.

Sage, W. H., schr., 848 g. t., b. '75, Bangor, Mich., chartered for ocean, '98.

Sagina, slp., on Lake Erie in 1800.

Saginaw, stmr., later called the Rhode Island, rebuilt and enlarged '43, called St. Clair, sunk '46, recovered.

Saginaw, brig, 283 t., b. Buffalo, '47, ashore Buffalo, '49.

Saginaw, prop., 296 t., b. '50, converted into bge., '69, damaged by col., L. Hur., '86.

Saginaw, schr., 378 t., b. Newport, '62.

Saginaw, prop., 508 g. t., b. '66, Marine City, in com.

Saginaw, schr., 434 g. t., b. '66, Marine City, passed out

Saginaw, Can. tug, 350 n. t., b. '73, Port Huron, in com.

Saginaw Valley, prop., 112 g. t., b. '81, Bay City, in com.

Saguenay, Can. stmr., 720 n. t., b. '68, Quebec, in com., formerly Union.

Saguenay, stmr., burned, St. Lawrence r., '84.

Sailor Boy, schr., 76 t., b. '66, wrecked Milwaukee, '83.

Sailor Boy, prop., 162 g. t.,b. '91, 13ay City, in com.

Sailor's Bride, Can. schr., 40 t., b. Goderich, in com. '56, passed out.

St. Albans, prop., 435 t., b. Cleveland, '68, sunk L. Mich., '81.

St. Andrew, Can. gunboat, b. England, in com.

St. Andrew, schr., sunk near Ranney's Bend, '75.

St. Andrew, schr., sunk near Cheboygan, '78.

St. Andrew, Can. prop., 695 n. t., b. '85, St. Catharines, in com., formerly W. B. Hall.

St. Andrews, schr., sunk L. Erie, '82.

St. Anne, Can. tug, 50 n. t., b. '75, Montreal, in com.

St. Anne, Can. prop., 12 n. t., b. '89, Sorel, in com.

St. Anthony, schr., wrecked Goderich, '56.

St. Antoine, schr., 21 g. t., b. '87, Alpena, passed out '96.

St. Catherine, schr., 33 g. t., b. '70, Fair Haven, in com.

St. Charles, scow, ashore, Middle Bass island, '76.

St. Clair, schr., 30 t., b. Newport, '24, sunk off Pt. aux Barques, '55.

St. Clair, stmr., 250 t., b. Sandusky, '36, formerly Rhode Island, went into decay.

St. Clair., schr., 30 t., b. Newport, '24, went New York, '26.

St. Clair, stmr, 210 t., b. Detroit, 43.

St. Clair, prop., b. Algonac, '66, transformed into stmr. St. Clair, '75.

St. Clair, stmr., formerly prop. St. Clair, burned L. Sup., '76, 26 lives lost.

St. Clair, Can. schr., 132 n. t., b. '75, Robbin's Mills, in com.

St. Clair, bge., 450 t., wrecked Sand Beach, '88, 4 lives lost.

St. Clair Flat, Can. prop., 17 g. t., b. '67, Algonac, in com.

St. Cloud, schr., 32 g. t., b. '69, Sheboygan, passed out, '94.

St. Croix, Can. stmr., 194 n. t., b. '80, St. Nicholas, in com.

St. David, Can. stmr., ashore L. Ont. '42.

St. Elmo, Can. schr., 350 g. t., b. '53, Montreal.

St. Francis, Can. tug, 80 n. t., b. '75, Montreal, in com.

St. Francis, Can. stmr., 350 n. t., b. '76, Montreal, in com.

St. George, Can. schr., 400 g. t., b. '34, Kingston.

St. George, Can. tug, 49 n. t., b. '86, Sorel, in com.

St. George, Can. tug, 88 n. t., b. '92, Montreal, in com.

St. Helen, Can. stmr., 100 t., in com., '56.

St. Helena, schr., lost on African coast, '61.

St. Ignace, scow, 238 t., foundered L. Mich., '94.

St. Ignace, prop., 1,199 g. t., b. '88, Detroit, in com.

St. James, schr., 296 t., damaged by col., '60.

St. James, Can. tug, 93 n. t., b. '75, Montreal, in com.

St. John, Wm., tug, 31 g. t., later the Island Belle.

St. Joe, schr., afloat L. Mich., '45.

St. Joseph, schr., b. '35, Black River, O.

St. Joseph, prop., 470 t., b. Buffalo, '46, wrecked L. Erie, '56.

St. Joseph, schr., 165 g. t., b., '64, Marine City, in com.

St. Joseph, prop., 304 g. t., b. '67, Buffalo, in com.

St. Joseph, prop., 400 t., lost, '88.

St. Joseph, small stmr., sunk by col., '71, near Fighting Island.

St. Julian, Can. sty., 20 g. t., b. '84, Kingston, in com.

St. Lawrence, Brit. ship, b. Kingston, '14, doubledecker, 120 guns.

St. Lawrence, stmr., 402 t., b. Oswego, '39, laid up, '50, first stmr. on L. Ont. with staterooms on main deck.

St. Lawrence, stmr., sunk St. Lawrence r., '51.

St. Lawrence, schr., b. Clayton before '52.

St. Lawrence, stmr., 1,844 t., b. Buffalo, '53, made a bark, wrecked Buffalo, W.

St. Lawrence, schr., 281 g. t., b. '63, Cleveland, in com.

St. Lawrence, Can. schr., 358 g. t., b. '64, St. Catharines, in com.

St. Lawrence, prop., burned Kingston, '73.

St. Lawrence, stmr., 312 g. t., b. '84, Clayton, wrecked Pt. Betsey, '98.

St. Lawrence, prop., 1,437 g. t., b. '90, Marine City, in com.

St. Louis, brig, 200 t., b. Kalamazoo, '43, lost L. Erie, '60.

St. Louis, stmr., 618 t., b. Perrysburg, '44, wrecked L. Erie, '52.

St. Louis, prop., 985 g. t., b. '64, Cleveland, in com.

St. Louis, Can. tug, 60 n. t., b. '75, Buffalo, in com.

St. Louis, Can. schr., 405 n. t., b. '77, St. Catharines, in com.

St. Louis, Can. stmr., 267 n. t., b. '80, Labinier, in com.

St. Louis, sty., 11 g. t., b. '93, Chicago, in com.

St. Marie, prop., 132 g. t., b. '75, Sugar Island, Mich., passed out, '97.

St. Mary, schr., b. Perrysburgh, '48.

St. Mary, schr., foundered L. Mich., '60, 7 lives lost.

St. Mary, tug, burned Grand Haven, '63.

St. Mary, tug, burned Glen Haven, '85.

St. Magnus, Can. prop., 853 g. t., b. Hamilton, '80, burned Port Dalhousie, '95.

St. Nicholas, prop., b. Cape Vincent, before '53, wrecked Sleeping Bear, '57.

St. Nicholas, Can. stmr., b. '54, St. Catharines.

St. Paul, schr., 303 t., passed out.

St. Paul, prop., 760 g. t., b. '68, Marine City, in com.

St. Paul, prop., sunk Detroit, '83.

St. Paul, Can. tug, 82 n. t., b. '95, Sorel, in com.

St. Paul, s. prop., 2,029 g. t., b. '97, South Chicago, in com.

St. Peter, schr., 120 t., b. New Baltimore, '68, ashore Clay Banks, '71.

St. Peter, schr., 289 g. t., b. '73, Toledo, in com.

St. Peter, Can. schr., sank L. Ont., '98, 8 lives lost.

St. Peter, Can. tug, 70 n. t., b. '75, Buffalo, in com.

St. Peters, stmr., burned, '61, on ways at Sorel.

St. Regis, schr., ashore L. Ont., '45.

St. Stephen, schr., burned Detroit, '75.

Ste. Marie, sfy., 1,357 g. t., b. Detroit, '93, in com.

Salem, schr., 28 t., b. about '18.

Salina, prop., 212 g. t., b. '66, Marine City, burned St. Clair r., '96.

Sally, schr., 25 t., b. Cleveland, '12.

Sally, sty., in com., '81.

Saltillo, schr., sunk by col., St. Clair r., '53.

Samana, schr., 287 t., b. '73, Oswego, wrecked Cleveland, '92.

Sammons, Maud, tug, 18 g. t., b. '74, Cheboygan, in com.

Samoa, prop., 1,096 g. t., formerly Thomas W. Palmer, b. '80, Detroit, in com.

Sampson, prop., 250 t., b. '42, Perrysburg, wrecked near Buffalo, '52.

Samson, tug, 181 t., b. St. Catharines, '64.

Samson, tug, 181 g. t., b. '66, Detroit, in com.

Samson, tug, burned Bar Point, L. Erie, '65.

Samson, Can. prop., 129 g. t., b. '76, Lindsay, in com.

Samson, Can. prop., 15 g. t., b. '93, Simcoe, in com.

San Diego, schr., 809 g. t., b. '74, Detroit, chartered ocean service '98, wrecked on ocean.

San Jacinto, schr., damaged, '62.

San Jacinto, schr., b. Manitowoc, '70, wrecked Sheboygan, '71.

Sanborn, Maggie, tug, 21 g. t., b. '74, Buffalo, in com.

Sanborn, R. J., schr., wrecked L. Mich., '73.

Sanderson, Wm., schr., sunk L. Ont., '71.

Sands, Isabella, schr., 230 g. t., b. '74, Manistee, in com.

Sandusky, stmr., 377d t., b. Sandusky, '34, burned Buffalo, '43, made bark, lost '45.

Sandusky, schr., 110 t., ashore L. Erie, '38.

Sandusky, brig, sunk Long Point, '48.

Sanduskv, prop., 460 t., b. '48, burned L. Erie, '57.

Sandusky, brig., lost in Straits, '56, 7 lives lost.

Sandusky, schr., 837 g. t., b. '73, Gibraltar, in com.

Sandy, Can. scow, 28 g. t., b. '86, Hamilton, in com.

Sandy, Can. tug, 24 n. t., b. '87, Surnmerstown, in com., formerly Glengarry.

Sanford, George D., Jr., tug, 51 g. t., b. '82, Grand Haven, in com.

Sanilac, prop., 310 g. t., b. '67, Algonac, in com.

Santa Maria, caravel from Spain to World's Fair, '93.

Santa Maria, slpy., 7 g. t., b. '93, Sault Ste. Marie, in com.

Santa Maria, prop., 982 g. t., b. '93, Marine City, in com.

Santillo, brig, sunk by col., L. St. Clair, '47, on first trip.

Sapphire, sty., 120 g. t., b. '88, Bath, Me., in com.

Sappho, prop., 224 t., b. '83, Detroit, in com.

Sarah, schr., ashore, '60.

Sarah, Can. schr., 81 n. t., b. '81, Port Burwell, in com.

Sarah and Cornelia, Can. schr., ashore Long Point, '51.

Sarah Jane, Can. scow, 238 g. t., b. '78, Port Robinson, in com.

Saranac, schr., arrived Chicago from Liverpool, '66.

Saranac, tug, 8 g. t., b. '90, Shelburne, Vt.

Saranac, s. prop., 2,669 g. t., b. '90, Cleveland, in com.

Saratoga, schr., ashore L. Erie, '38, sunk by col. '51, 4 men lost.

Saratoga, stmr., 800 t., b. Cleveland, '46, wrecked Port Burwell, '54.

Saratoga, schr,, 661 g. t., b. '46, Cleveland, lost near Chicago,. '55.

Sardinia, schr., 150 g. t., b. '56, Penetanguishene, Ont., in com.

Sardina, schr., wrecked Oswego, '64.

Sargeant, J. W., schr., abandoned, '72.

Sargent, James, prop., 34 t., b. '89, Rochester, passed out, '91.

Sargisson, Z., tug, 13 g. t., b. '73, Winneconne, in com.

Sarnia, schr., 126 t., b. Chippewa, '41.

Sasco, schr., damaged by col., '60.

Sassacus, schr., 109 g. t., b. 67, Oswego, lost '93, L. Mich.

Sassacus, sty., 11 g. t., b. '88, Skaneateles, N. Y., in com.

Satellite, tug, 149 t., b. Cleveland, '64, sunk off Whitefish Point, '79.

Satisfaction, tug, 36 g. t., b. '71, Buffalo, in com.

Satisfaction, tug, 47 g. t., b. '94, Sheboygan, in com.

Saturn, schr., ashore Whitefish Point, '72.

Saturn, Can. prop., 663 n. t., b. 175, Owen Sound, in com., formerly the City of Owen Sound.

Sauber, William F., prop., 2,053 g. t., b. '91, West Bay City, in com.

Saucy Jack, Can. schr., 68 t., b. '64, Sandusky Creek, in com.

Saucy Jim, Can. tug, 120 n. t., b. '87, Meaford, in com.

Saugatuck, sty., 88 g. t., b. '75, Saugatuck, in com.

Saugatuck, tug, 229 g. t., b. '87, Saugatuck, in com.

Sauguenay, Can. stmr., burned '61.

Savage, schr., 30 t., b. 28, passed out.

Savage, R. D., Can. schr., 126 g. t., b. '82, Hull, in com.

Savannah, schr., b. '36.

Savannah, schr., 50 t., b. Milwaukee, '41, sunk L. Erie, '41, raised.

Saveland, schr., 689 g. t., b. '73, Milwaukee, in com.

Savidge, George P., tug, 20 g. t., b. '81, Grand Haven, passed out, '93.

Savidge, Hunter, tug, 14 g. t., b. '66, Ferrysburg, Mich., in com.

Savidge, Hunter, schr., 152 g. t., b. '79, Grand Haven, in com.

Savona, s. prop., 2,362 g. t., b. '90, Bay City, in com.

Sawyer, E. P., Can. tug, 180 n. t., b., '86, Buffalo, in com.

Sawyer, James R, schr., 637 g. t.,.b. '71, Tonawanda, wrecked L. Mich., '93.

Sawyer, Philetus, prop., 449 g. t., b. '84, Green Bay, in com.

Sawyer, W. H., prop., 747 g. t., b. '90, West Bay City, in com.

Saxon, brig, schr., lost '71.

Saxon, s. prop., 2,348 g. t., b. '90, Cleveland, in com.

Saxton, brig, b. Three Mile Bay, L. Ont., '48.

Say When, sty., 87 g. t., b. '88, Bristol, R. I., in com.

Scagel, Willie, Can. y., 11 n. t., b. '87, Sarnia, in com.

Scammon, J. Young, schr., b. Chicago, '45, wrecked L. Mich., '48, 2 lives lost.

Scammon, Maria, schr., 194 t., passed out.

Scandinavian, schr., 247 t., b. New Buffalo, '62.

Scarth, Jessie, schr., foundered L. Mich., '81.

Scarth, Jessie, Can. schr., 333 g. t., b. '71, Hamilton, in com.

Schenck, S. C., s. tug, 126 g. t., b. '90, Buffalo, in com.

Schilde, schr., 338 g. t., formerly Canada, b. '72, Hamilton, Ont., later the Eureka.

Schiller, prop., 27 g. t., b., '84, Fort Howard, Wis., later the Nettle Denessen.

Schlesinger, Ferd, prop., 2,607 g. t., b. '91, Milwaukee, in com.

Schlitz Globe, schr., 20 g. t., b. '96, Racine, in com.

Schnoor, H. C., prop., 244 g. t., b. '74, Fair Haven, Mich., in com.

Schofield, L., Jr., sty., 9 g. t., b. '88, Algonac, in com.

Schoolcraft, prop., 745 g. t., b. '84, Trenton, in com.

Schriver, Fannie, tug, 20 g. t., b. '67, Buffalo, passed out, '93.

Schroder, John, prop., 372 g. t., b. '90, Shebyogan, in com.

Schuck, R. E., prop., 1,867 g. t., b. '90, Cleveland, in com.

Schuette, John, schr,, 269 g. t., b. '75, Two Rivers, in com.

Schultz, L. A., tug, 31 g. t., b. '82, Milwaukee, in com.

Schuyler, D. H., schr., b. Three Mile Bay, L. Ont., '48.

Schuylkill, schr., wrecked Portage lake, '89.

Schuylkill, s. prop., 2,205 g. t., b. '92, Cleveland, in com.

Scionda, sty., 84 g. t., b. '87, Athens, N. Y., in com.

Scioto, schr., 130 t., b. Cleveland, '41, sunk L. Erie, '51, by col.

Scorpion, U. S. schr., 86 t., 2 guns, b. Erie, '13 in battle Lake Erie, captured by British L. Hur., '14.

Scorpion, slpy., 10 g. t., b. '91, Chicago, in com.

Scotch Thistle, Can. tug, 17 g. t., b. '93, Little Current, in com.

Scotia, prop., sunk L. Erie, '64, by col., 9 lives lost.

Scotia, Can. slp., 458 g. t., b. '70, St. Catharines, in com.

Scotia, 64 t., b. Detroit, '70.

Scotia, bge., 115 g. t., b. '72, in com.

Scotia, schr., 903 g. t., b. '73, Cleveland, in com.

Scotia, Can. tug, 20 n. t., b. '78, Glasgow, in com.

Scotia, prop., wrecked L. Sup, '84.

Scotland, schr., 100 g. t., b. '45, Perrysburg, O.

Scotland, schr., 187 t., lost L. Erie, '69.

Scotland, Can. schr., 150 g. t., b. '47, Toronto.

Scotland, schr., wrecked Port Stanley, '48.

Scotland, Can. bge., 450 n. t., b. '66, Brockville, in com.

Scotland, Can. prop., passed out.

Scott, A., schr., wrecked Vermilion, '59

Scott, E. H., brig, 200 t., b. St. Joseph, 43, wrecked L. Mich., '52.

Scott, Gen., stmr., 240 t., b. Huron, O., '39, sunk L. St. Clair, by col., '48.

Scott, Gen., schr., 20 t., b. Sandusky, passed out.

Scott, James, schr., ashore Long Point, '81.

Scott, J. D., sty., 87 g. t., formerly City of Rochester, b. '76, Rochester, in com.

Scott, J. G., Can. v., lost L. Erie, '60.

Scott, J. Maria, prop., 378 g. t., later the White Star.

Scott, J. N., Can. schr., 20 g. t., b. '59, Goderich, in com.

Scott, Mary, tug, 26 g. t., b. '92, Ludington, in com.

Scott, Mary M., schr., 361 t., b. after 1850, Conneaut.

Scott, M. S., schr., wrecked Racine, '66.

Scott, Thomas A., prop., 1,159 t., b. Buffalo, '69, changed to sail, lost, '80.

Scott, Thomas R., prop., 268 g. t., b. '87, Grand Haven, in com.

Scott, T. R., tug, 10 t., b. '69, passed out.

Scott, Walter, Can. tug, 15 n. t., b. Buffalo, in com.

Scott, Walter, tug, 9 t., b. Detroit, '80,

Scott, Winfield, schr., b. '52, Black River, O., aground Point Pelee, '65.

Scott, Winfield, schr., 118 t., b. Cleveland, capsized '71.

Scott, Wm. L., tug, 55 g. t., b. '90, Buffalo, in com.

Scottish Chief, scow, wrecked L. Mich., '71.

Scourge, schr., 110 t., originally Lord Nelson, U. S. v. on L. Ont., '12, 9 guns, lost L. Ont., '13.

Scove, H. M., schr., 305 g. t., b. '73, Manitowoc, lost L. Mich., '94.

Scoville, fry. stmr., St. Clair r., in com., '79.

Scoville, E., schr., 102 g. t., b. '61, Huron, in com.

Scoville, Jonathan, stcb., 136 g. t., b. '80, Buffalo, passed out, '90.

Scranton, s. prop., 2,015 g. t., b. '88, Cleveland, in com.

Scud, schr., 86 g. t., b. '68, Clayton, passed out, '97.

Scugog, Can. prop., 60 g. t., b. '59, Bridgenorth, in com.

Sea Bird, schr., sunk L. Erie, '50.

Sea Bird., schr., 139 t., b. '57, foundered L. Mich., '83, 9 lives lost.

Sea Bird, stmr., 638 t., b. Newport, '59, burned L. Mich., '68, 72 lives lost.

Sea Bird, scow, b. after 1850, Conneaut.

Sea Bird, scow, 102 t., total loss, '69.

Sea Bird, schr., 115 t., b. Trenton, '81.

Sea Flower, Can. prop., 7 g. t., b. '83, Toronto, in com.

Sea Flower, slp., 7 g. t., b. '96, Marinette, in com.

Sea Foam, schr., 40 g. t., b. '78, Sacket's Harbor, in com.

Sea Fox, tug, 15 g. t., b. '93, Rocky River, O., in com.

Sea Fox, sty., 74 g. t., b. '95, Detroit, in com.

Sea Gem, schr., 103 g. t., b. '63, Manitowoc, in com.

Sea Gull, schr., 125 t., b. Milan, '46.

Sea Gull, schr., wrecked Grand Haven, '69.

Sea Gull, stmr., b. '59, burned, L. Mich., '68.

Sea Gull, Can. tug, 41 n. t., b. 162, Marine City, in com.

Sea Gull, Can. schr., 201 t., b. Oakville, '64, made brigantine and sailed to Africa '65, returned Kingston, '66, made bge. and burned Tawas, '88.

Sea Gull, tug, 74 g. t., b. '68, Portsmouth, Mich., in com.

Sea Gull, tug, 521 g. t., b. '83, Mystic, Conn., burned in Straits, '93.

Sea Gull, Can. tug, 30 n. t., b. '90, Goderich, in com.

Sea Gull, tug, sunk, Saginaw bay, '90.

Sea Gull, prop., burned East Tawas, '90.

Sea Gull, Can. prop., 9 g. t., b. '93, Port Severn in com.

Sea King, Can. tug, 35 n. t., b. '92, Goderich, in com.

Sea Lion, schr., 65 g. t., b. '84, Nicolette, Wis., in com.

Sea Queen, Can. tug, 26 n. t., b. '92, Goderich, in com.

Search, schr., 205 g. t., later the Grace Grummond.

Sea Star, schr., 95 t., wrecked Ahnapee, '86.

Sea Serpent, schr, ashore L. Mich., '36.

Sea Shell, Can. tug, 7 g. t., b. '94, Kincardine, in com.

Sea Wing, tug, 22 g. t., b. '81, Detroit, in com.

Sea Witch, scow, b. '50, Black River, O., wrecked Fort Erie, '59.

Seacord, T. R., Can. scow, 122 g. t., b. '64, Port Robinson, in com.

Seacord, T. R., Can. prop., 19 g. t., b. '67, Port Robinson, in com.

Seaman, schr., 181 g. t., b. '48, Cleveland, in com.

Seaman A., Can. tug, 101 n. t., b. '94, Buffalo, formerly tug J. Armstrong, in com.

Seamour Belle, tug, 51 t., b. Cleveland, '59.

Seaton, L., schr., 232 g. t., b. '72, Henderson, N. Y., wrecked L. Hur., '92.

Seattle, prop., 429 g. t., b. '92, Oscoda, in com.

Sebastopol, stmr., b. Cleveland about '54, lost L. Mich., '55, 7 lives lost.

Secor, J. K., prop., 100 g. t., b. '84, Toledo, in com.

Segison, Geo. W., tug, 13 g. t., b. '73, Buffalo, in com.

Seguin, Can. tug, 843 n. t., b. '90, Owen Sound, in com.

Selbold, W. H., Can. prop., 22 g. t., b. '87, Goderich, in com.

Selden, Marvin E., schr., 618 g. t., b. '81, Toledo, passed out,

Selkirk, schr., 307 g. t., b. '62, Wallaceburg, Ont., in com.

Selkirk, Can. bge., 843 n. t., b. '94, Kingston, in com.

Seminole, schr., 188 g. t., b. '47, Point Peninsular, N. Y., in com.

Senator, schr., 332 g. t., b. '63, Clayton, N. Y., in com.

Senator, Can. bge., 385 n. t., b. '71, Lancester, in com.

Senator, s. prop., 4,048 g. t., b. '96, Wyandotte, in com.

Senator Blood, schr., 230 g. t., b. '63, Oswego, passed out, '91.

Seneca, English war v., 22 guns, on L. Ont., 1760.

Seneca, Brit. v., 4 guns, b. Kingston, '12.

Seneca, tug, b. '47, exploded Chicago, '55, 2 lives lost.

Seneca, stmr., burned Chicago, '51.

Seneca, prop., early boat on L. Sup.

Seneca, brig, wrecked Kalamazoo, '56.

Seneca, prop., 2,669 g. t., b. '89, Cleveland, in com.

Seneca Chief, schr., 150 t., b. Buffalo, '46, burned Manistee, '71.

Seneca Chief, tug, 24 g. t., b. '93, Rochester, passed out, '96.

Senora, slpy., 25 g. t., b. '93, in com.

Sensation, Can. tug, 22 n. t., b. '73, Buffalo, in com.

Sentinel, 297 t., b. '63, passed out.

Sentinel, s. sty., 74 g. t., b. '83, Brooklyn, N. Y., in com.

Sephie, Can. schr., 369 n. t., b. '77, Goderich, in com.

Serena, schr., ashore, '52.

Serepta, Can. schr., now the Can. schr. Mary Everett.

Servia, prop 1,425 g. t., b. '88, West Bay City, burned L. Sup., '98.

Seventh Ohio, wrecked Chicago, '77.

Seventy Six, schr., wrecked L. Mich., '48, stranded Grand river, '53.

Severn, schr., wrecked Grand River, Ont., '52.

Severn, Can. schr., 536 g. t., b. '72, Welland, in com.

Severn, Can. prop., 44 g. t., b. '83, Waubaushene, in com.

Sevona, prop., 2,362 g. t., b. '90, formerly Emily P. Weed.

Sewell, Edith, schr., sunk off Wolfe island, '83.

Sewell, Harry, Can. tug, 30 n. t., b. '74, Wallaceburg, in com.

Sexton, D. B., schr., 345 t., sailed Detroit to Liverpool, '58, wrecked Straits of Gibraltar, '62.

Seymour, George D., tug, 76 g. t., b. '75, Buffalo, in com.

Seymour, H. R., brig, b. Three Mile Bay, L. Ont., '47.

Seymour, R. A., prop., 131 g. t., b. '82, Manitowoc, in com.

Seymour, Wm., Can. prop., 175 t., b. Goderich, passed out.

Seymour, Wm. H., tug, 52 g. t., b. '74, Erie, in com.

Shade, A., Can. schr., 72 g. t., b. '57, Goderich, in com.

Shafer, E. C., sty., 24 g. t., b. '92, Buffalo, in com.

Shakespeare, brig, b. Cleveland, '48, wrecked L. Mich., '58, afterward called Empire State.

Shamrock, stmr., sunk, '42, St. Lawrence r.

Shamrock, schr., capsized L. Erie, '44, recovered.

Shamrock, Can. schr., 116 g. t., b. '69, Kingston, in in com.

Shamrock, Can. stmr., 126 n. t., b. '85, Oakville, in com., formerly Sadie.

Shamrock, sly., 7 g. t., b. '90, in com.

Shamrock, Can. tug, 14 g. t., b. Collingwood, '96.

Shandon, schr., sunk Georgian Bay, '84.

Shanks, I. L., schr., in com., '76.

Shannon, schr., 120 t., b. Chippewa, '41.

Shannon, schr., 400 t., b. '69, lost Georgian Bay, '70.

Shark, schr., wrecked L. Erie, '38.

Sharp, scow, in com., '57.

Sharp, David, schr., in com., '75.

Shattuck, W. B., schr., 37 g. t., b. '73, Menekaunee, passed out, '96.

Shaughraun, tug, 43 g. t., b. Buffalo '82, now the Alpha.

Shaughraun, i. tug, 45 g. t., b. '83, Buffalo, in com.

Shaw, scow, wrecked Grand River, '74.

Shaw, John, schr., 928 g. t., b. '85, West Bay City, foundered Au Sable, '94.

Shaw, J. E., schr., lost in Straits, '56.

Shaw, O., schr., 40 g. t., b. '70, South Haven, in com.

Shawenag, Can. tug, 117 n. t., b. '82, Penetanguishene, in com.

Shawmut, bge., 250 g. t., b. '89, in com.

Shawnee, schr., 571 g. t., b. '73, Gibraltar, chartered for ocean, '98.

She, sty., 10 g. t., b. '88, Buffalo, in com.

Sheboygan, stmr., 623 g. t., b. '69, Manitowoc, in com.

Sheboygan, tug, 62 g. t., b. '86, Sheboygan, in com.

Sheffield, Chas. J., stmr., sunk by col., Whitefish bay, '89.

Shelby, Blanche, Can. tug, 21 g. t., b. '74, Buffalo, in com.

Shelby, Edward, tug, 27 g. t., b. '82, Saugatuck, in com.

Sheldon, Cora A., tug, 54 g. t., b. '83, Saugatuck, in com.

Sheldon, Sarah E., prop., 693 g. t., b. '72, Black River, O., in com.

Sheldon, Thomas P., schr., 669 g. t., b. '71, East Saginaw, chartered ocean service, '98.

Shenandoah, prop., 2,251 g. t., b. '94, West Bay City, in com.

Shenango, No. 1, prop., 1,941 g. t., b. '95, Toledo, in com.

Shenango, No. 2, prop., 1,938 g. t., b. '95, Toledo, now the Muskegon.

Shepard, L. B., schr., 214 g. t., b. '55, Buffalo, capsized L. Mich., '98.

Shepard, Sadie, prop., 188 g. t., b. '83, Huron, burned St. Clair, '98.

Shephard, B. S., bark, 509 t., b. Cleveland, '54, wrecked L. Erie, '63.

Shepherd Boy, Can. schr., 62 g. t., b. '93, Ottawa, in com.

Sheppardson, schr., 130 t., b. Milwaukee, '45.

Sheridan, bge., lost L. Hur., '66.

Sheridan Belle, on L. Erie, '55.

Sheridan, Gen., stmr., 100 t., b. Cleveland, '65.

Sheridan, Phil, stmr., 711 t., b. '67, burned Buffalo, '75,

Sheridan, Phil, schr., 7 g. t. b. '67, Bangor, Mich., passed out, '97.

Sheridan, Phil, s. tug, 35 g. t., b. '89, Buffalo, in com.

Sheriff, J., tug, 21 g. t., b. '74, Sheboygan, in com.

Sheriffs, Jim, prop., 841 g. t., b. '83, Milwaukee, in com.

Sherman, George, bark, 550 t., ore carrier in '56.

Sherman, George, schr., 307 t., b. '62, wrecked L. Sup., '87.

Sherman, John, schr., 322 g. t., b. '65, Cleveland, passed out, '93.

Sherman, P. C., schr., 566 t., b. Cleveland, '62, ashore Long Point, '71, crew of 9 perished.

Sherman, Walter A., bge., 519 g. t., b. '82, Buffalo, in com.

Sherman, Watts, schr., 199 t., b. Buffalo, '47, later the Ebenezer.

Sherman, W. P., 75 t., b. '69.

Sherwood, Annie, schr., 622 g. t., b. '66, Fairport, lost L. Sup., '93, 2 lives lost.

Sherwood, Grace, schr., sunk Port Burwell, '75.

Sherwood, Nellie, Can. schr., foundered with all hands Georgian Bay, '82.

Shiawassee, schr., 186 g. t., b. '70, Saginaw, passed out, '94.

Shickluna, prop., burned Port Colborne, '70.

Shickluna, prop., sunk near Algoma Mills, '83.

Shickluna, Can. tug, 62 n. t., b. '62, St. Catharines, in com.

Shickluna L., Can. prop., 394 n. t., b. '70, St. Catbarines, sunk by col. Long Point, '97.

Shickluna, L., Can. tug, 30 n. t., b. '78, St. Catharines, in com.

Shields, M., tug, 34 g. t., b. '70, Chicago, in com.

Shipman, Allie E., prop., 40 g. t., b. '92, Manitowoc, in com.

Shipman, Sarah R., prop., 17 g. t., b. '71, Saugatuck, passed out, '91.

Shipner, Norwegian bark, arrived Detroit from Europe, '62.

Shoecraft, tug, 12 g. t., b. '65, Wilson, N. Y., in com.

Shoe Fly, Can. prop., 25 g. t., b. '70, Cleveland, in com.

Shoo Fly, schr., 6 g. t., b. '74, Sand Beach, Mich., in com.

Shook, schr., 361 t., total loss, '69.

Shores, Adella, prop., 734 g. t., b. '94, Gibraltar, in com.

Shores, E. A., Jr., prop., 520 g. t., b. '92, Sheboygan, in com.

Shrewsburg, stmr., 326 g. t., b. '87, Bath, Me., in com.

Shrigley, James H., prop., 459 g. t., b. '81, Milwaukee, in com.

Shriver Brothers, tug, 17 g. t., b. '82, Saugatuck, in com.

Shriver, Eli, Jr., tug, 26 g. t., b. '90, Buffalo, in com.

Shriver, Fannie, tug, 20 t., b. '69.

Shupe, Wm., schr., 240 g. t., b. '62, Milan, wrecked L. Hur., '94, 4 lives lost.

Sibera, prop., 1,618 g. t., b. '82, West Bay City, in com.

Sibley, Hiram W., prop., 1,418 g. t., b. '90, East Saginaw, wrecked L. Mich., '98.

Sible M. H., schr., 250 t., b. Buffalo, '47, lost L. Erie, '69.

Sicken, M., prop., 212 g. t., b. '84, Marine City, in com.

Sidney, stcb., 129 g. t., b. '80, Havana, N. Y., passed out, '93.

Sidonie, tug, 14 g. t., b. '98, Manitowoc, in com.

Siemens, Sir William, s. prop., 4,344 g. t., b. '96, Cleveland, in com.

Siesta, prop., 102 g. t., b. '82, Bristol, R. I., in com.

Siesta, Can. sty., 15 g. t., b. '88, Kingston, in com.

Sigel, Gen. Franz, schr., 316 g. t., b. '62, Black River, O., in com.

Sigison, Geo. W., stmr., 13 g. t., b. '97, in com.

Sigma, sty., 158 g. t., b. '83, Trenton, Mich., in com.

Signal, schr., 161 t., b. '47, wrecked Oswego, '56.

Signal, Can. prop., 95 n. t., b. '96, Collinwood, in com.

Sill, Henry S., tug, 35 g. t., b. '75, Buffalo, in com.

Silver Cloud, schr., 96 g. t., b. '69, Sheboygan, capsized L. Mich., '91, 3 lives lost.

Silver King, sty., 37 g. t., b., '93, Buffalo, in com.

Silver Lake, schr., 111 g. t., b. '89, Little Point Sable, in com.

Silver Spray, Can. stmr., 269 g. t., b. Port Dalhousie, '64, sunk by col. L. St. Clair, '69, raised.

Silver Spray, sty., 111 g. t., b. '89, Buffalo, in com.

Silver Spray, sty., 38 g. t., b. '95, West Bay City, in com.

Siver Spray, tug, 33 g. t., b. Sandusky, O., '98, in com.

Simcoe, Can. schr., b. 1797, Kingston.

Simcoe, Brit. v., 12 guns, sunk L. Ont., '12, broken up few years after war.

Simcoe, Can. schr., 150 g. t., b. 39, Lake Simcoe.

Simcoe, Can. prop., sunk L. Mich., '80, several lives lost.

Simcoe, Gov., Can. schr., b. Mississaga Pt., '08.

Simmons, Rouse, schr., 205 g. t., b. '68, Milwaukee, in com.

Simmons, Z. G., schr., 136 g. t., b. '66, Huron, O., sunk by col., Manistee, '80, raised, in com.

Simpson, John, schr., passed out.

Simpson, Lucia A., schr., 227 g. t., b. '75, Manitowoc, in com.

Simpson, W. H., 49 g. t., b. '89, Sheboygan, in com.

Sims, Laney, schr., 45 g. t., b. '86, Presque Isle, Mich., in com.

Sims, Tom, schr., 321 t., b., Chicago, '62, total wreck Pierrepont, '82.

Sincennes, Can. tug, 232 n. t., b. '93, Montreal, in com.

Singapore, Can. schr., 243 n. t., b. 78, Kingston, in com.

Sioux, scow, ashore Sandusky, '68.

Sippican, schr., 121 g. t., b. '82, Port Huron, passed out '95.

Sir Arthur, tug, 21 g. t., b. '92, Benton Harbor, in com.

Sir F. B. Head, Can. schr., damaged L. Ont., '42.

Sir James Kempt, Can. stmr., b. Bath, '29.

Sir John, Can. tug, 85 n. t., b. '84, Buffalo, in com.

Sir Hector, Can. prop., 40 g. t., b. '91, Ottawa, in com.

Sir Luke, sty., 44 g. t., b. '92, Vans Harbor, Mich., in com.

Siren, Can. bge., 401 n. t., b. '73, Quebec, in com.

Siren, sly., 17 g. t., b. '85, in com.

Sirius, schr., 256 t., b. Milan, '54, sailed Detroit for Liverpool, '62, wrecked St. Lawrence r.

Sirius, sty., 17 . t., b. '85, Clayton, in com.

Sisbold, Wm. H., Can. tug, 33 n. t., b. '87, Goderich, in com.

Siskowit, schr., 40 t., added L. Sup. fleet, '45.

Siskiwitt, Can. prop., 47 t., b. Buffalo, '87, in com.

Siskiwot, Can. tug, 50 n. t., b. Houghton, in com.

Sitka, prop., 1,740 g. t., b. '87, West Bay City, in com.

Six Brothers, schr., 19 g. t., b. '72, St. James, Mich., passed out, '97.

Sixsmith, W. H., Can. schr., 147 g. t., b. '87, Hull, in com.

Sizer, schr., lost '94, L. Mich.

Sizer H. H., brig, 242 t., b. Pillar Pt., '45, capsized L. Mich., '46, several lives lost, sunk Dunkirk, '51.

Skater, prop., 92 g. t., b. '90, Detroit, in com.

Sketch, schy., 8 g. t., b. '83, Chicago, in com.

Skidmore, R. J., schr., 107 t., ashore Leland, '85.

Skinner, J. B., Can. schr., in com., '65.

Skinner, J. B., schr., b. '41, Conneaut, lost L. Mich., '55.

Skinner, J. S., 195 t., b. '69.

Skinner, schr., total loss, Grand Haven, '82.

Skinner's sloop, Can. L. Ont. before 1801.

Skjoldoman, slp., arrived Chicago from Norway, '63.

Skylark, schr., b. Clayton, N. Y., sunk Alexandria bay, '77.

Skylark, schr., 312 g. t., b. '63, Detroit, wrecked, '95.

Slaty Jack, Can. tug, 28 n. t., b. '74, Buffalo, in com. .

Slauson, Minnie, schr., 317 g. t., b. '67, Green Bay, in com.

Sleipun, Norwegian bark, arrived Detroit, '63.

Sligo, Can. schr., 399 n. t., b. '60, St. Catharines, in com.

Sloan, schr., lost L. Mich., '35, 6 lives lost.

Sloan, Alex. H., sty., 25 g. t., b. '88, Buffalo, in com.

Sloan, Annie L., sty., 17 g t., b. '86, Buffalo, passed out, '97.

Sloan, Geo. B., schr. , 298 t, wrecked Oswego, '85.

Sloan, Samuel M., tug, 15 g. t., b. '82, Buffalo, in com.

Smalley, J. H., stpd., 32 g. t., b. '89, Bay City, passed out, '93.

Smart, David, brig, 203 t., wrecked near Chicago, '57.

Smead, R. C., schr., 75 t., b. Chaumont, N. Y., '39, wrecked L. Erie, '52.

Smith, Abram, schr., 373 g. t., b. '92, Algonac, in com.

Smith, Andrew J., tug, 239 g. t., b. '76, Buffalo, in com.

Smith, Angus, schr., 580 g. t., b. '76, Milwaukee, in com.

Smith, Anna, stmr., lost '89, L. Hur.

Smith, Annie L., tug, 44 g. t., b. '68, Chicago. in com.

Smith, Augusta, slp., 14 g. t., b. '67, Cape Vincent, in com.

Smith, Bessie, bge., b. Toledo, '73.

Smith, Charles, schr., b. Cape Vincent, before '53.

Smith, Charley J., schr., 43 g. t., b. '97, South Haven, in com.

Smith, Charlie O., tug, 64 g. t., formerly S. S. Rumage, b. '63, Cleveland, in com.

Smith, Davis & Co., stcb., 131 g. t., b. '86, Lockport, passed out, '93.

Smith, Edward, prop., 700 g. t., b. '83, Marine City, in com.

Smith, Edward, prop., 748 g. t., b. '90, West Bay City, in com.

Smith, Ella M., tug, 151 g. t., b. '76, Algonac, in com.

Smith, F. E., tug, 32 g. t., b. '91, Cleveland, in com.

Smith, Florence M., schr., 60 g. t., b. '84, Charlevoix, Wrecked L. Mich., '97.

Smith, Frances, Can. stmr., 627 t., b. Owen Sound, '67.

Smith, Gerritt, schr., 254 g. t., b. '55, Buffalo, in com.

Smith, Gov., prop., 2,044 g. t., b. '89, Detroit, in com.

Smith, H. P., tug, totally burned Saginaw river, '72.

Smith, Ira O., tug, 39 g. t., b. '77, Muskegon, burned near Chicago, '98.

Smith, J. A., schr., 248.t., b. '71, wrecked Straits, '87.

Smith, J. B., stmr., 141 t., b. Algonac, '64.

Smith, Janie E., tug, 24 g., t., b. '92, Ashtabula, in com.

Smith, Jesse, schr., b. Clayton, L. Ont., '32.

Smith, Jessie, schr., 117 t., b. Detroit, '43, wrecked L. Mich., '48.

Smith, John, tug, 14 g. t., b. '76, Manistee, in com.

Smith, Julia, schr., ashore Ahnapee, '81.

Smith, Lathem. D., 46 g. t., b. '90, Milwaukee, in com.

Smith, Lillie, Can. prop., 304 n. t., b. '88, Southampton, in com.

Smith, L. P., tug, 39 t., b. '69.

Smith, L. P., tug, 73 g. t., b. '94, Cleveland, in com.

Smith, Minerva, schr., on L. Mich, '40.

Smith, Paul, Can. stmr., 175 n. t., b. '73, Quebec, in com., formerly the Gatineau,

Smith, Peter, tug, 161 g. t., formerly Ada, b. '63, Glasgow, Scotland, in com.

Smith, Rosa, bge., 554 t., b. Saginaw, '82.

Smith, Sarah, tug, 45 g. t., b. '83, West Bay City, in com.

Smith, Sidney T., tug, 71 g. t., b. '95, Manitowoc, in com.

Smith, Sophia, schr., made bge., lost L. Hur., '74.

Smith, Sydney, 216 t., Brit. v., L. Ont., '13, 12 guns, afterwards the Netly.

Smith, Thomas H., tug, lost, '93, L. Mich.

Smith, Walter, schr., 42 g. t., b. '83, South Haven, passed out, '95.

Smith, Wm., schr., 44 t., b. South Haven, '70.

Smith and Post., Can. schr,, 212 g. t., b. '66, Oakville, Ont., in com.

Smoke, David, bge., 593 t., damaged, '69.

Smuggler, schr., 8 g. t., b. '89, Manistee, in com.

Smyth, Henry, Can. prop., 39 g. t., b. '77, Wallaceburg, in com.

Snook, T. W., prop., 168 g. t., b. '73, Mt. Clemens, in com.

Snowball, Can. schr., 23 g. t., b. '81, Chatham, in com.

Snow Bird, Can. schr., 90 n. t., b. '62, Brighton, in com., formerly the M. Proctor.

Snowbird, schr., 95 t., b. Spanish River, '70.

Snowdrop, schr., b. Conneaut, '53.

Snow Drop, schr., 190 g. t., b. '54, Sacket's Harbor, wrecked North Point, '92.

Snowstorm, Can. tug, 24 n. t., b. '91, Port Stanley, in com.

Snyder, Eddie, tug, 4 g. t., b. '82, Erie, passed out, '95.

S. O. Co., No. 75, s. schr., 793 g. t., b. '95, West Superior.

S. O. Co., No. 76, s. schr., 793 g. t., b. '95, West Superior.

S. O. Co., No. 81, 1,774 g. t., b. '97, in com.

Sodus, schr., lost L. Mich., '59

Somers, schr., 94 t., 2 guns, formerly Catherine, b. '03, bought by U. S. Gov., in Perry's fleet, captured by British off Fort Erie and used in Canadian merchant service.

Somerset, schr., ashore L. Erie, '52.

Somerset, bge., wrecked off Monroe, '72.

Son and Heir, schr., total loss Georgian Bay, '69.

Song, John J., Can. tug, 201 g. t., b. '94, Collingwood, in com.

Sonntag, Can. prop., 7 g. t., b. '91, Toronto, in com.

Sonora, schr., 275 g. t., b. '54, Sacket's Harbor, in com.

Sonora, sty., 24 g. t., b. '93, Detroit, in com.

Sonsmith, Rosa, schr., 766 g. t., b. '82, Saginaw, Mich., in com.

Soo City, prop., 670 g. t., b. '88, West Bay City, in com.

Soper, Albert, prop., 349 g. t., b. '81, Grand Haven, ashore Algoma, '98.

Sophia, English v., on L. Ont. in 1795.

Sophia, schr., 50 t., b. Sacket's Harbor, '18, made stmr., wrecked Georgian Bay, '54.

Sophia, Can. schr., sailed Kingston to Liverpool, '50.

Sophia, sty., 16 g. t., b. '94, Alexandria Bay, in com.

Sorel, schr., wrecked L. Ont., '61.

Sorel, Can. stmr., 86 n. t., b. '71, Sorel, in com.

Sorel Boy, Can. prop., 25 n. t., b. '82, Three Rivers, in com.

South, Can. stmr., 266 n. t., b. '85, Levis, in com.

South America, schr., 100 t., b. Vermilion, '41, lost in a storm L. Erie, '43.

South Eastern, Can. prop., 395 n. t., b. '81, Montreal, now the Can., prop. International.

South Haven, scow, 80 t., damaged, '69.

South Haven, schr., 114 t., wrecked Muskegon, '86.

South Side, schr., 139 g. t., b. '67, Milwaukee, passed out, '94.

Southampton, Can. bge., 379 n. t., b. '60, Garden Island, in com.

Southeastern, Can. stmr., burned Prescott, '97.

Southern Belle, Can. v., formerly Rothesay Castle.

Southern Belle, tug, 38 g. t., b. '74, Chicago, passed out, '95.

Southern Cross, sty., 25 g. t., b. '94, in com.

Southerner, stmr., 500 t., b. Trenton, '47, wrecked L. Erie, '63.

Southern Michigan, stmr., 1,470 t., b. Buffalo, '52, dismantled.

Southgate, R. H., prop., 14 g. t., b. '88, Alexandria Bay, later the Lizzie H.

Southwest, schr., 292 g. t., b. '66, Ogdensburg, lost L. Sup., '98.

Southwest, schr., 280 t., lost, '69.

Southwood, Can. prop., 19 g. t., b. '84, Barrie, in com.

Souvenir, schr., 87 g. t., b. '54, Lake, Wis., passed out, '94.

Souvenir, schr., foundered L. Mich., '62, 4 lives lost.

Sovereign, Can. stmr., 475 g. t., b. '40, Niagara, broken up.

Sovereign, Can. slp., 65 n. t., b. '76, Kingston, in com.

Sovereign, Can. stmr., 303 n. t., b. '89, Montreal, in com.

Sovereign, Can. prop., foundered L. Sup., '91.

Sovereign of the Lakes, bark, b. Clayton, L. Ont., before '52, ashore Detroit r., '55.

Spademan, Chas., schr., 306 g. t., b. '73, Marine City, in com.

Spafford, F., tug, 35 t., boiler exploded Chicago, '65.

Spalpeen, i. tug, 29 g. t., b. '89, Buffalo, in com.

Spangler, Kyle., schr., b. '56, Black River, O., wrecked Atlantic coast.

Spanker, scow, 45 t., total loss, '69.

Spannier, Lewis, b. '60.

Sparrow, schr., 50 t., b. China, '45, wrecked near Buffalo, '55.

Sparrow, Joseph E., schr., 264 g. t., b. '73, Bangor, Mich., passed out, '94.

Sparrow, Can. prop., 25 g. t., b. '82, Dechener Creek, in com.

Sparta, schr., ashore Gananoque, '81.

Sparta, prop., 1,017 g. t., b. '74, Cleveland, in com.

Sparta, sty., 24 g. t., b. '92, Sparta, Mich., in com.

Spartan, schr., afloat, '48, lost L. Mich., '60.

Spartan, Can. stmr., 452 n. t., b. on Clyde, put together '64, Montreal, in com.

Spaulding, J. B., schr., sunk Rondeau, '83.

Spaulding, J. M., schr., 71 g. t., b. '75, Manhattan, O., in com.

Spaulding, Jesse, tug, 52 g. t., formerly Henry Marshall, b. '83, Green Bay, in com.

Spaulding, M. B., prop., 419 t., b. Buffalo, '49, burned Forrester, L. Hur., '60, bottom made a vessel.

Spear, Thomas, tug, 83 g. t., b. '82, Green Bay, in com.

Specular, prop., 1,741 g. t., b. '82, Cleveland, in com.

Speed, schr., sunk Muskegon, '55.

Speed, schr., 104 t., b. '48, Madison, O., wrecked near Racine, '83.

Speed, schr., 40 g. t., b. '66, Detroit, wrecked, '94.

Speedwell, schr., b. L. Sup, 1789 or earlier.

Speedwell, slp., on L. Erie in 1801.

Speedwell, schr., 161 t., b. Ohio City, '47.

Speedwell, schr., 276 t., b. '74, ashore L. Ont., '86.

Speedwell, Can. schr., 181 g. t., b. '75, Marysburg, in com.

Speedy, Can. v., b. Navy Pt., 1776, lost near Presque Isle, L. Ont., 1804, with all on board, 24 souls, including Justice Cochrane and other distinguished passengers.

Stag, tug, wrecked, '70.

Stalker, M., schr., 255 t., sunk by col., L. Hur., '86.

Stambach, H. G., brig, b. Conneaut, capsized L. Erie, '48, 3 lives lost, wrecked North Manitou, '57.

Stampede, schr., 294 g. t., b. '62, Huron, O., in com.

Standard, tug, 15 t., b. '70.

Standard, H. M., bge.., ashore, '81, Fairport.

Standard, stpd., 25 g. t., b. '87, Lorain, passed out, '93.

Stanley, Can. schr., 47 g. t., b. '51, Bayfield, in com.

Stanley, scow, lost Georgian Bay, '59.

Stanley, Can. prop., 914 g. t., b. '88, Govan, in com.

Stanley, H. M., Can. schr., 397 n. t., b. '73, Port Dalhousle, in com., formerly the schr. J. H. Breck.

Standard, B. A., bark, capsized near Rondeau, '59, wrecked Point Betsey, '64.

Stannard, N. M., brig, sunk by col. North Manitou, '59, raised.

Stanton, D. D., schr., 17 t., b. Detroit, '43.

Stanton, E. M., schr., 152 g. t., b. '66, Detroit, in com.

Stanwood, F. H., tug, 18 g. t., b. '83, Saugatuck, in com.

Star, Brit. brig, 260 t., 16 guns, b. L. Ont., '14, formerly Earl of Moira.

Star, stmr., 128 t., b. Belvidere, Mich., '37, burned Buffalo, '45.

Star, schr., wrecked Georgian Bay, '52, 6 lives lost.

Star, schr., wrecked near Conneaut, '64.

Star, tug, burned Saginaw, '69.

Star, Can. bge., 347 g. t., b. '73, Quebec, in com.

Star, tug, 10 g. t., b. '82, Conneaut, passed out, '95.

Star, schr., 13 g. t., b. '86, Au Gres, Mich., passed out '96.

Star of Hope, schr., 256 g. t., b. '56, Cleveland, passed out, '93.

Star of the North, schr., 214 g. t., b. '54, Cleveland, in com.

Stark Alwine, sty., 10 g. t., b. '88, Buffalo, in com.

Starke, schr., 209 g. t., b. '76, Milwaukee, passed out, '97.

Starke, tug, 49 g. t., b. '89, Sheboygan, in com.

Starke, C. H., prop., 317 g. t., b. '81, Milwaukee, in com.

Starkey, schr., stranded Grand river, '42.

Starkey, O. P., schr., b. Cape Vincent, ashore Buffalo '37.

Starkweather, tug, sunk near Cleveland, '79.

Starlight, schr., 307 t., b. '56, foundered L. Hur., '83, 4 lives lost.

Starlight, schr., 30 g. t., b. '69, Erin, Mich., in com.

Starlight, schr., 31 t., b. '97, South Haven, in com.

Starling, Can. schr., 198 g. t., b. '73, Sophiasburg, in com.

Starrucca, prop., 1,500 t., b. '75, total wreck, L. Sup. '88.

Starrucca, s. prop., 3,114 g. t., b. '97, Buffalo, in com.

Startled Fawn, Can. prop., 24 n. t., b. '90, Toronto, in com.

State of Michigan, prop., 736 g. t., formerly Depere, b. '73, Manitowoc, in com.

State of Ohio, stmr., 1,222 g. t., formerly City of Alpena, b. '80, Wyandotte, in com.

State of New York, i. stmr., 808 g. t., formerly City of Mackinac, b. '83, Wyandotte, in com.

Stauber, George, sty., 42 g. t., b. '83, Buffalo, in com.

Stauber, George, tug, 43 g. t., b. '84, Buffalo, in com.

Steadman, Oscar C., tug, 68 g. t., b. '96, Cleveland, in com.

Steele, George, schr., 270 g. t., b. '55, Three Mile Bay, broken up L. Hur., '98.

Steele, H. B., schr., 118 t., wrecked Point Betsey, L. Mich., '70.

Steinhart, schr., capsized L. Mich., '55.

Steinhoff, J. W., Can. prop., 311 g. t., b. '74, Wallaceburg, now Queen City.

Spencer, George, prop., 1,360 g. t., b. '84, Cleveland, in com.

Spencer, J. C., schr., 86 t., passed out.

Spencer, Mollie, tug, 53 g. t., b. '69, Buffalo, in com.

Spencer, Wm., stcb., 131 g. t., b. '81, Havana, N. Y., passed out, '93.

Speranza, schr., 69 g. t., b. '84, Bay Ridge, N. Y., in com.

Spicer, W. J., stmr., 446 t., b. Port Sarnia, '64, later the W. W. Stewart.

Spinner, F. E., prop., 1003 g. t., formerly Quebec, b. '74, Chatham, Ont., in com.

Spinney, Joseph S., tug, 15 g. t., b. '73, Buffalo, in com.

Split Log, U. S. revenue cutter, b. about '18.

Spokane, s. prop., 2,357 g. t., b. '86, Cleveland, in com.

Sport, i. tug, 45 g. t., b. '73, Wyandotte, in com.

Sport, sty., 72 g. t., b., '81, Newburg, N. Y., in com.

Sport, tug, 12 g. t., b. '85, Grand Haven, in com.

Sport, sty., 9 g. t., b. '89, Buffalo, in com.

Sporstman, Can. prop., 34 g. t., b. '88, Ottawa, in com.

Sprague, H. C., bge., 316 t., b. Toledo, '81.

Sprague, H. C., schr., 316 g. t., b. '80, Rockwood, Mich., passed out, '97.

Sprague, N. P., tug, b. '57, boiler exploded '57, 9 lives lost, sunk Point Pelee, '84.

Sprankle, J. R., s. tug, 44 g. t., b. '94, Cleveland, in com.

Spray, schr., capsized off South Haven, '75.

Spray, Can. tug, 141 n. t., b. '93, Montreal, in com.

Spray, Can. prop., 42 g. t., b. '74, Brockville, in com.

Spray, Can. prop., 15 g. t., b. '88, Kincardine, in com.

Spray, Can. prop., 47 g. t., b. '88, Wallaceburg, in com.

Spray, Can. tug, 22 n. t., b. '94, Levis, in com.

Springer, M. C., schr., 10 g. t., b. '87, Red River, Wis., passed out, '94.

Sprite, tug, 23 g. t., formerly Bertie Dahlke, b. '71, Buffalo, in com.

Sprite, sty., 13 g. t.., b. '89, Grand Haven, in com.

Sprudel, sty., 67 g. t., b. '91, Buffalo, in com.

Spry, Ellen, schr., 518 t., sunk L. Mich., '86.

Spry, John, prop., 92 t., burned Green Bay, '85.

Spry, John, prop., 583 g. t., formerly May Durr, b. '88, Milwaukee, in com.

Spy, schr., 74 t., b. '58, wrecked L. Mich., '83.

Squatter, sty, 8 g. t., b. '92, Chicago, in com.

Squaw, Can. prop., 22 g. t., b. '91, Glen Almond, in com.

Staats, Elizabeth, Can. scow, 134 g. t., b. '78, Lockport, N. Y., in com.

Stabel, John A., sty., 39 g. t., b. '95, Buffalo, in com.

Stack, J. K., schr., 12 g. t., b. '75, in com.

Stafford, schr., 199 g. t., b. '68, Tonawanda, in com.

Stafford, Alice, prop., 859 g. t., formerly prop., Lora, b. '82, Benton Harbor, in com.

Stafford, W. R., prop., 744 g. t., b. '86, West Bay City, in com.

Stag, tug, wrecked, '70.

Stalker, M., schr., 255 t., sunk by col., L. Hur., '86.

Stambach, H. G., brig, b. Conneaut, capsized L. Erie, '48, 3 lives lost, wrecked North Manitou, '57.

Stampede, schr., 294 g. t., b. '62, Huron, O., in com.

Standard, tug, 15 t., b. '70.

Standard, H. M., bge., ashore, '81, Fairport.

Standard, stpd., 25 g. t., b. '87, Lorain, passed out, '93.

Stanley, Can. schr., 47 g. t., b. '51, Bayfield, in com.

Stanley, scow, lost Georgian Bay, '59.

Stanley, Can. prop., 914 g. t., b. '88, Govan, in com.

Stanley, H. M., Can. schr., 397 n. t., b. '73, Port Dalhousie, in com., formerly the schr J. H. Breck.

Standard, B. A., bark, capsized near Rondeau, '59, wrecked Point Betsey, '64.

Stannard, N. M., brig, sunk by col. North Manitou, '59, raised.

Stanton, D. D., schr., 17 t., b. Detroit, '43.

Stanton, E. M., schr., 152 g. t., b. '66, Detroit, in com.

Stanwood, F. H., tug, 18 g. t., b. '83, Saugatuck, in com.

Star, Brit. brig, 260 t., 16 guns, b. L. Ont., '14, formerly Earl of Moira.

Star, stmr., 128 t., b. Belvidere, Mich., '37, burned Buffalo, '45.

Star, schr., wrecked Georgian Bay, '52, 6 lives lost.

Star, schr., wrecked near Conneaut, '64.

Star, tug, burned Saginaw, '69.

Star, Can. bge., 347 n. t., b. '73, Quebec, in com.

Star, tug, 10 g. t., b. '82, Conneaut, passed out, '95.

Star, schr., 13 g. t., b. '86, Au Gres, Mich., passed out, '96.

Star of Hope, schr., 256 g. t., b. '56, Cleveland, passed out, '93.

Star of the North, schr., 214 g. t., b. '54, Cleveland, in com.

Stark Alwine, sty., 10 g. t., b. '88, Buffalo, in com.

Starke, schr., 209 g. t., b. '76, Milwaukee, passed out, '97.

Starke, tug, 49 g. t., b. '89, Sheboygan, in com.

Starke, C. H., prop., 317 g. t., b. '81, Milwaukee, in com.

Starkey, schr., stranded Grand river, '42.

Starkey, O. P., schr., b. Cape Vincent, ashore Buffalo, '37.

Starkweather, tug, sunk near Cleveland, '79.

Starlight, schr., 307 t., b. '56, foundered L. Hur., '83, 4 lives lost.

Starlight, schr., 39 g. t., b. '69, Erin, Mich., in com.

Starlight, schr., 31 t., b. '97, South Haven, in com.

Starling, Can. schr., 198 g. t., b. '73, Sophiasburg, in com.

Starrucca, prop., 1,500 t., b. '75, total wreck L. Sup. '88.

Starrucca, s. prop., 3,114 g. t., b. '97, Buffalo, in com.

Startled Fawn, Can. prop., 24 n. t., b. '90, Toronto, in com.

State of Michigan, prop., 736 g. t., formerly Depere, b. '78, Manitowoc, in com.

State of Ohio, stmr., 1,222 g. t., formerly City of Alpena, b. '80, Wyandotte, in com.

State of New York, i. stmr., 808 g. t., formerly City of Mackinac, b. '83, Wyandotte, in com.

Stauber, George, sty., 42 g. t., b. '83, Buffalo, in com.

Stauber, George, tug, 43 g. t., b. '84, Buffalo, in com.

Steadman, Oscar C., tug, 68 g. t., b. '96, Cleveland, in com.

Steele, George, schr., 270 g. t., b. '55, Three Mile Bay, broken up L. Hur., '98.

Steele, H. B., schr., 118 t., wrecked Point Betsey, L. Mich., '70.

Steinhart, schr., capsized L. Mich., '55.

Steinhoff, J. W., Can. prop., 311 g. t., b. '74, Wallaceburg, now Queen City.

Steins, Rosa, schr., lost, '71.

Stella, schr., capsized and raised, '71.

Stella, Can. prop., 16 g. t., b. '92, Collingwood, in com.

Stella, Can. slp., 5 g. t., b. '92, Oakville, in com.

Stellar, Andrew, stch., 133 g. t., b. '80, Tonawanda, in com.

Stellar, sty., 26 g. t., b. '93, in com.

Stephenson, Bob, tug, 18 g. t., b. '72, Buffalo, in com.

Stephenson, George, s. prop., 4,563 g. t., b. '96, West Bay City, in com.

Stephenson, I. Watson, prop., 639 g. t., b. '96, West Bay City, in com.

Stephenson, Isaac, schr., 461 g. t., b. '79, Manitowoc, in com.

Stephenson, S. M., schr., 511 g. t., b. '89, Manitowoc, in com.

Sterling, schr., ashore near Toronto, '56.

Sterling, schr., ashore, Black River, '78.

Sterling, F. S., tug, 78 g. t., b. '93, Monroe, in com.

Stevens, Bell, b. St. Joseph, '61.

Stevens, Belle, schr., 88 g. t., b. '73, Bangor, Mich., passed out, '95.

Stevens, Ezra, tug, in com., '78.

Stevens, Ida M., tug, 22 g. t., b. '89, Buffalo, in com.

Stevens, J. H., schr., 94 g. t., b. '66, Detroit, in com.

Stevens, John, tug, in com., '70.

Stevens, O., bark, 320 t., wrecked Georgian Bay, '67.

Stevens, W. H., schr., lost L. Hur., '63.

Stevens, Wm. H., prop., 1,332 g. t., b. '86, West Bay City, in com.

Stevenson, Ellen, schr., 43 g. t., b. '75, Sheboygan, foundered L. Mich., '97.

Stevenson, Wm., tug, 30 g. t., b. '87, Buffalo, in com.

Stewart, A., schr., 533 g. t. b. '89, Mt. Clemens, in com.

Stewart, Archie, Can. tug, 92 n. t., b. '92, Ottawa, in com.

Stewart, Carrie, stch., 141 g. t., b. '90, Buffalo, later the Charleston.

Stewart, David, brig, b. '46, in St. Clair r.

Stewart, David, schr., 545 g. t., b. '67, Cleveland, sunk Pigeon bay, '93.

Stewart, Duncan, scow, capsized L. Erie, '57.

Stewart, Edward, tug, 15 g. t., b. '76, Grand Haven, passed out, '96.

Stewart, Eric, Can. schr., 230 t., b. Port Dover, '73, in com.

Stewart, Frank, schr., wrecked Oswego, '63.

Stewart, Mary, prop., 442 t., b. '55, wrecked Grand Haven, '66.

Stewart, R. G., prop., 197 g. t., b. '78, Buffalo, in com.

Stewart, Rhoda, prop., 447 g. t., b. '73, Algonac, in com.

Stewart, W. W., schr., 294 g. t., formerly W. J. Spicer, b. '80, Port Huron, in com.

Stickland, Col., Can. prop., 164 g. t., b. '71, Lakefield, in com.

Stickney, George, tug, 12 g. t., b. '80, Grand Haven, in com.

Stickney, Natt, tug, 77 g. t., b. '80, Saginaw, in com.

Stimson, Thomas D., prop., 509 g. t., formerly Virginia, b. '81, Mt. Clemens, Mich., in com.

Stockbridge, F. B., schr., 266 g. t., later the Hattie Hutt.

Stockman, prop., converted into tug, '62.

Stockman, H. D., schr., 11 g. t., b. '85, Au Sable, foundered Saginaw bay, '94.

Stockton, tug, 81 t., burned Bear Creek, '65.

Stockton, Mary, schr., 233 g. t., b. '54, Manistee, passed out, '95.

Stoker, Robert, Can. prop., 17 n. t., b. '77, Quebec, in com.

Stone City, tug, 42 g. t., b. '96, Lockport, Ill., in com.

Stone, Ella G., tug, 42 g. t., formerly E. L. Mason, b. '81, Algonac, in com.

Stone, George, prop., 1,841 g. t., b. '93, West Bay City, in com.

Stone, L. B., schr., 61 g. t., b '68, Clayton, in com.

Stone, S. S., tug, 68 g. t., b '82, Cleveland, in com.

Stone, Walter H., prop., 33 g. t., b. '89, Sandusky, in com.

Stone, William, schr., 183 g. t., b. '96, Vermilion, in com.

Storm, schr., lost L. Mich., with one life, '64.

Story, James, Can. tug, 64 n. t., b. '88, Collingwood, in com.

Stowell, A., schr., lost L. Ont., '62.

Straightaway, sty., 51 g. t., later the Vapiti.

Stranger, schr., 121 t., b. Milan, '43.

Stranger, tug, 89 t., b. '63.

Stranger, tug, 49 g. t., b. '72, Hammondsport, N. Y., passed out, '97.

Stranger, Can. prop., 28 g. t., b. '80, Lindsay, in com.

Stranger, tug, 10 g. t., b. '81, Detroit, passed out, '97.

Stranger, stch., 135 g. t., b. '81, Buffalo, in com.

Stranoch, Jacob, schr., capsized Milwaukee, '55.

Street, Charles A., prop., 512 g. t., b. '88, Grand Haven, in com.

Street, Thos. Clark, Can. schr., 340 g. t., b. '69, St. Catharines, in com.

Striker, Charles P., tug, 14 g. t., b. '92, Buffalo, in com.

Strohn, C. B., tug, 26 g. t., b. '88, West Bay City, in com.

Stronach, J. and A., schr., 143 g. t., later the A. B. C. F. M.

Strong, Alice, prop., sunk Cleveland by col., '89.

Strong, Alice, stpd, 78 g. t., b. '70, Berlin, Mich., passed out, '93.

Strong, Helen, stmr., 253 t., b. Monroe, '43, wrecked near Barcelona, '47, 2 lives lost.

Strong, Samuel, schr., b. '47, Black River, O., wrecked Pere Marquette, '55.

Stuart, David, brig, wrecked near Chicago, '57, 7 lives lost.

Stuart, Ellen, schr., sunk Long Point, '51.

Stuart, Mary, prop., sunk Buffalo, '62.

Sturges, George, schr., 439 g. t., formerly Higgis, b. '72, Sheboygan, in com.

Sturgess, G. S., tug, bought by U. S. Gov. '63, for Mississippi river service.

Suavity, schr., ashore, '45.

Success, schr., 395 t., b Detroit, '62.

Success, tug, 26 g. t., b. '62, Blenders Land'g, Mich., in com.

Success, bark, foundered L. Mich., '63, 10 lives lost.

Success, schr., 134 g. t., b. '75, Manitowoc, wrecked L. Mich., '96.

Swell, Calvin, schr., sunk L. Ont., '58.

Suffel, George, Can. schr., 75 g. t., b '66, Port Burwell, in com.

Suffel, W. J., Can. schr., 287 n. t., b. '74, Port Burwell, in com.

Suffolk, Can. schr, 251 t., b. Buffalo, '47.

Sult, Joseph C., prop., 152 g. t., b. '84, Saugatuck, in com.

Sullivan, Hannah, tug, 29 g. t., b. '77, Milwaukee, in com.

Sultan, brig, b. Chicago, '48, sunk off Euclid, '64, 7 lives lost.

Sultan, schr., wrecked Port Hope, '73.

Sultana, stmr., 800 t., b. Trenton, '47, made bge., renamed Cumberland, wrecked '58.

Sultana, bge, lost L. Hur., '63.

Sultana, sty., 77 g. t., b. '74, Cleveland, foundered L. Mich., '96, 4 lives lost.

Summer, Alanson, prop., 300 g. t., b. '72, Oswego, in com.

Summer Cloud, bark, 341 t., b. '64, Black River, O.

Sumner, Chas., scow, sunk near Rondeau, '65.

Sun, prop., 629 t., b. Buffalo, '54, passed out.

Sunbeam, stmr., 398 t., b. Manitowoc, '61, foundered L. Sup., '63, 21 lives lost.

Sunbeam, Can. prop., 13 g. t., b. '78, Birdsall, in com.

Sunbeam, slpy., 7 g.t., b. '87, Cleveland, passed out, '93.

Sunbeam, sty., 52 g. t., b. '88, Buffalo, in com.

Sunbeam, tug, 53 g. t., b. '91, Chicago, in com.

Sunbury, schr., 224 t., b. Buffalo, '59.

Sunnyside, schr., 563 t., b. '63, foundered L. Mich., '83.

Sunnyside, prop., 113 t., lost L. Mich., '67.

Sunnyside, schr., 35 g. t., b. '72, Newport, Mich., in com.

Sunod, tug, 62 g. t., b. '92, Ashtabula, in com.

Sunrise, schr., 439 g. t., b. '62, Cleveland, sunk by col. L. Mich., '96.

Sunrise, bark, lost L. Hur., '71.

Sunrise, schr., wrecked near Chicago, '87.

Sunrise, schr., 26 g. t., b. '88, Milwaukee, in com.

Sunshine, schr., 389 g. t., b. '54, Saginaw, in com.

Sunshine, bark, capsized off Fairport, '69, several lives lost.

Superior, U. S. frigate, 1,580 t., 58 guns, b. L. Ont., '14.

Superior, stmr., 300 t., b. Buffalo, '22, made ship, lost L. Mich., '43.

Superior, schr., ashore Cedar Point, '25.

Superior, an old hulk, sent over Niagara Falls, '31.

Superior, stmr., 507 t., b. Perrysburg, '45, wrecked L. Sup., '56, 35 lives lost.

Superior, schr., b. Clayton, L. Ont., before '52.

Superior, bark, wrecked L. Ont., '60.

Superior, schr., 306 g. t., b. '61, Detroit, passed out, '97.

Superior, schr., 70 t., b. '66.

Superior, prop., 964 g. t., b. '73, Gibraltar, Mich., wrecked L. Mich., '98.

Superior, Can. tug, 134 n. t., b. '81, Owen Sound, in com.

Superior, prop., 251 g. t., b. '90, Cleveland, in com.

Superior, tug, 71 g. t., b. '96, Benton Harbor, in com.

Superior, bge., 94 g. t., b. '97, in com.

Superior City, s. stmr., 4,579 g. t., b. Lorain, '98, in com.

Supply, schr., wrecked L. Hur., '32.

Supply, brig, 396 t., lost L. Mich., '69.

Supply, schr., 89 g. t., b. '61, Black River, O., passed out, '96.

Supply, tug, sunk off Port Washington, '69.

Surprise, schr., 25 t., first v. b. Buffalo, about 1805.

Surprise, Can. schr., wrecked L. Erie, '27.

Surprise, schr., 222 g. t., b. '56, Milan, O., in com.

Surprise, stpd., 17 g. t., b. '89, Sandusky, in com.

Surprise, Can. tug, 19 g. t., b. '93, Gore Bay, in com.

Susan, Can. schr., ashore Otter creek, '28.

Susan C., schr., 18 g. t., b. Detroit, passed out, '93.

Susanna, schr., burned Port Dover, '53.

Susie, schy., 9 g. t., b. '87, Buffalo, passed out, '93.

Susie B., tug, 20 g. t., b. '92, Lorain, in com.

Susquehanna, stmr., b. Oswego, '35.

Susquehanna, prop., 439 t., in com., '60.

Susquehanna, schr., 270 t., sunk L. Erie, '65.

Susquehanna, s. prop., 2,782 g. t., b. '86, Buffalo, in com.

Sutherland, J. E., schr., 99 t., damaged, '69.

Sutler Girl, scow, 70 t., lost '69.

Sutton, Belle, Can. prop., 6 g. t., b. '80, Sutton, in com.

Sutton, David, tug, 28 g. t., b. '80, Buffalo, in com.

Sutton, Emma V., tug, 23 g. t., b. '73, Buffalo, passed out, '94.

Sutton, Lizzie, tug, 23 t., burned L. Sup., '86.

Sutton, M. R., tug, 21 t., b. '70.

Swain, Martin, tug, 285 g. t., b. '81, Detroit, burned St. Mary's r., '98.

Swain, V., prop., 955 g. t., b. '74, Cleveland, in com.

Swallow, slp., 11 t., b. Detroit, '43.

Swallow, schr., 70 t., added L. Sup. Fleet, '45.

Swallow, schr., ashore Braddock's Point, '80.

Swallow, prop., 256 g. t., b. '73, Trenton, Mich., in com.

Swallow, schr., sunk Fairport, '88.

Swallow, slp., 15 g. t., b. '88, Grindstone Island, N. Y., in com.

Swan, schr., conveyed American troops to Detroit in 1796.

Swan, schr., b. before '38.

Swan, schr., 41 t., b. Cleveland, '43.

Swan, stmr., 166 t., b. Detroit, '51, burned Toledo, '52, and at Algonac, '54.

Swan, tug, burned East Saginaw, '75.

Swan, prop., 95 g. t., b. '88, Sandusky, in com.

Swan, Can. tug, 27 n. t., b. '96, Port Burwell, in com.

Swan, Geo., Can. tug, 22 n. t., b. '94, Kincardine, in com.

Swan, M. R., tug, 17 g. t., later the J. H. Upham, Jr.

Swansea, prop., 19 g. t., b. '87, Detroit, in com.

Swayon, Tom, scow, b. after 1850, Conneaut.

Sweden, scow, sunk Buffalo, '45.

Sweden, schr., 383 t., b. Kingston, '70.

Sweeney, John, bark, wrecked Muskegon, '66.

Sweepstakes, schr., 369 g. t., b. '56, Cleveland, in com.

Sweepstakes, tug, 227 g. t., b. '67, Cleveland, in com.

Sweepstakes, Can. schr., 218 g. t., b. '67, Wellington Sq., in com.

Sweetheart, schr., lost L. Hur., '80.

Sweetheart, schr., 538 g. t., b. '67, Detroit, in com.

Sweet Home, schr., ashore near Dunville, '67.

Sweet Mary, Can. prop., 13 g. t., b. '89, Henry Harbor, in com.

Sweet, Thomas C., Can. schr., ashore Racine Point, '75.

Swift, Can. schr., 34 g. t., b. '52, Port Credit, in com.

Swift, schr., lost Wolf Island, L. Ont., '70.

Swift, A. R., 457 g. t., b. Detroit, '55.

Swift, James, Can. prop., 126 n. t., b. '93, Kingston, in com.

Swift, O. L., tug, lost L. Erie, '68.

Sylph, schr., 300 t., U. S. v. L. Ont., '13, 10 guns.

Sylph, schr., wrecked L. Erie '24, several lives lost.

Sylph, schr., b. Clayton about '41, lost near Oswego, '53.

Sylvan Glen, schr., 24 g. t., b. '79, Sand Beach, passed out, '97.

Sylvan Stream, stmr., 379 g. t., b. '63, Athens, N. Y., later the Empire State.

Sylvia, slpy., 8 g. t., b. '83, Bristol, Ont., passed out, '93.

Syphax, tug, 10 g. t., later the Pacific.

Syracuse, prop., 350 t., b. Oswego, '45.

Syracuse, schr., sunk L. Ont., '63.

Syracuse, tug, 10 g. t., b. '72, Buffalo, in com.

Syracuse, s. prop., 1,917 g. t., b. '84, Wyandotte, in com.

Syracuse, stmr., 85 g. t., b. '97, in com.


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Some of the transcription work was also done by Brendon Baillod, who maintains an excellent guide to Great Lakes Shipwreck Research.