Chapter 42
List of Lake Vessels
Table of Contents

Title Page
1 Introductory
2 Geological
3 Poetry of the Lakes
4 Description
5 The Aborigines
6 French Discovery and occupation
7 Story of La Salle and the Griffin
8 Struggle for Possession
9 Under English Rule
10 Beginnings of Lake Commerce
11 War of 1812
12 War of 1812, Continued
13 War of 1812, Concluded
14 Growth of Traffic
Commerce Through St. Mary's Canals
15 Early Navigation on Lake Superior
16 The Convention of 1847
17 A Half Century Ago
18 Lake Canals
19 Lake Canals, Concluded
20 Harbors
21 Lighthouses
22 Life Saving Service
23 Development of Lake Vessels
24 The Lake Carriers
25 The Sailor
26 Navigation
27 Lumber Traffic
28 Grain Traffic
29 Coal Traffic
30 Iron Ore and Iron Industries
31 Miscellaneous
33 CHRONOLOGY.The Beginnings
33 After the War of 1812
34 1821-1830
35 1831-1840
36 1841-1850
37 1851-1860
38 1861-1870
39 1871-1880
40 1881-1890
41 1891-1898
42 List of Lake Vessels
Past and Present
Table of Illustrations


Oades, John, schr., sunk Muskegon, '58.

Oades, John, schr., 198 g. t., b. '64, Clayton.

Oades, John, prop., 1,454 g. t., b. '90, Detroit, in com.

Oades, Walter H., schr., 500 t., b. Detroit, '69, suffered many disasters and finally sank by col. in L. Erie, '88.

Oak Hill, schr., ashore, '60.

Oak Leaf. schr., 395 g. t., b. '66, Cleveland, in com.

Oak Leaf, schr., 93 g. t., b. '95, Gibraltar, in com.

Oakland, schr., formerly Can. schr. Elgin.

Oakland, prop., 311 t., built Erie, '67, sunk Ashtabula, '78, sunk L. Erie, '83.

Oak Orchard, schr., 24 g. t., b. '87, Pensaukee, in com.

Oaks, scow, capsized L. Erie, '55.

Oakville, Can. stmr., b. Oakville, '34.

O'Brien, tug, boiler exploded, Niagara r., '66.

O'Brien, Julian V., tug, 57 g. t., b. '88, Buffalo, in com.

Ocean, brig, b. Three Mile Bay, L. Ont., '48.

Ocean, Can. brig, lost L. Erie, '60.

Ocean, brig, 240 t., wrecked L. Hur. '65.

Ocean, brig, sunk L. Ont., '72.

Ocean, bge., lost Tawas bay, '73.

Ocean, stmr., 900 t., b. Newport, '50, made a barge in '67.

Ocean, stmr., 1,057 t., b. '55, engine placed in Morning Star, '62.

Ocean, Can. prop., 358 n. t., b. '72, Port Dalhousie, in com.

Ocean, Can. prop., 684 g. t., b. St. Catharines, '72, sunk L. Ont., '94.

Ocean, slp., 15 t., b. Detroit, '43, added L. Sup. fleet, '45.

Ocean, schr., 121 t., b. Cleveland, '43, burned Port Dalhousie, '54.

Ocean, schr., lost L. Mich., '44.

Ocean Eagle, brig., wrecked, Sheboygan, '62.

Ocean Wave, Can. stmr., b. Montreal, '51, burned L. Ont., '53, 23 lives lost.

Ocean Wave, bark, wrecked, Green bay, '66.

Ocean Wave, Can. schr., 96 g. t., b. '68, Picton, in com.

Ocean Wave, scow, 308 t., lost L. Mich., '69.

Oceana, schr., 60 t., b. Silver Creek, '43.

Oceanica, prop., 1,490 g. t., b. '81, West Bay City, in com.

Ochs, Jay, tug, 18 g. t., b. '88, Huron, in com.

Oclemena, sty., 149 g. t.; b. '90, Buffalo, in com.

O'Connell, Dan, scow schr., ashore Kelley's island, '49.

Oconto, prop., 447 t., sunk St. Lawrence, '86.

Oconto, prop., 61 g. t., b. '80, Oconto, passed out, '94.

Octavia, schr., b. Saugatuck, about '40, ashore Grand River, Ont., '55.

Octavia, Can. schr., '94, g. t., b. '66, Colborne Harbor, in com.

Octavia, schr., abandoned Kewaunee, '74.

Oddfellow, Can. schr., 72 g. t., b. '48, Oakville, in com.

Odd Fellow, tug, 29 g. t., later the F. W. Gillett.

Odd Fellow, stmr., wrecked near Gravelly bay, '41.

Odd Fellow, brig, 225 t., b. Cleveland, '45, wrecked near Mackinaw, '54.

Odd Fellow, prop., 250 t., b. Grand river, '46.

Odd Fellow, schr., 99 t., b. Detroit, '52.

Odd Fellow, schr., sunk Toronto, '56.

Odd Fellow, brig, sunk by col., Sandusky, '72.

Odd Fellow, schr., 124 g. t., b. '81, Washington Isle, Wis., lost L. Mich., '92.

Odd Fellow, schr 10 g. t., b. '88, Marquette, in com.

Odd Fellow, tug, 22 g. t., b. '93, Grand Haven, in com.

O'Delight, Jack, schr., 16 t., passed out.

Oden, prop., 96 g. t., b. '90, Fond du Lac, in com.

Odessa, Can. prop., 10 n. t., in com.

Odin, schr., 120 g. t., b. '53, Milwaukee, passed out, '94.

Ogarita, schr., 604 g. t., b. '64, Conneaut, in com.

Ogden, schr., b. '57, Black River, O.

Ogden, Martha, stmr., 49 t., b. '25, Sacket's Harbor, wrecked Stony Point, '32.

Ogden, Wm. B., schr., 298 g. t., b. '57, Cleveland in com.

Ogden, Wm. B., schr., sunk Goderich, '79, sunk Oscoda, '81.

Ogdensburgh, prop., liner in '52, sunk L. Erie, by col. '64.

Ogemaw, prop. 625 g. t., b. '81, St. Clair, sunk, '91, in com.

Oggle, E. C., tug, 25 g. t., b. '74, Grand Haven, in com.

Olga, schr., 308 g. t., b. '81, Manitowoc, in com.

Oglebay, E. W., s. prop., 3,666 g. t., b. '96, West Bay City, in com.

Ogontz, prop., ashore Marblehead, '55, converted into vessel, '60, wrecked Chicago, '62.

Ogontz, tug, 165 g. t., b. '92, Chicago, Ill., in com.

O'Gorman, Mary, schr., 125 t., damaged, '69, ashore Oswego, '83.

Ohio, prop., 584 t., b. Black River, '48, exploded and sunk off Erie, '59, 2 lives lost.

Ohio, prop., 209 g. t., b. '90, Toledo, in com.

Ohio. prop,, 1,101 g. t., b. '75, Huron, sunk by col. L. Hur., '94.

Ohio, schr., 127 t., b. Cleveland, '41, lost off Dunkirk, '56, 1 life lost.

Ohio, schr., 60 t., b. Cleveland, '10, sold to U. S. Gov., '12, one of Perry's fleet but not in battle Lake Erie, captured by British, Fort Erie, '14.

Ohio, slp., ashore near Buffalo, '26.

Ohio, stmr., 187 t., b. Sandusky, '30, burned Toledo, '42.

Ojeda, tug, 9 g. t., b. '93, Gladstone, in com.

Okoboji, prop., 15 g. t., b. '93, Chicago, in com.

Oksen, Ida A., schr., 201 g. t., b. '88, Fort Howard, in com.

Old Concord, prop., 457 t., b. Newport, '55, damaged Point Pelee, '59.

Old Concord, bge., 550 t., sunk off Lion's Head, '88.

Old Hundred, scow, in com, '68.

Old Jack, tug, in com, '66.

Old Rocks, stcb., 88 g. t., formerly B. J. Moore, b. '77, Chicago, passed out, '96.

Olean, prop., 609 t., b. Cleveland, '56, passed out.

Oleander, brig., in com., '52.

Olive, Can. prop., 105 n. t., b. '75, Smith's Falls, in com.

Olive, stmr., burned and sunk Toledo, '84.

Olive, 223 g. t., b. Detroit, '58.

Olive Branch, slp., wrecked Grand river, '31.

Olive Branch, scow, first ferry boat at Detroit, '25 to '50.

Olive Branch, stmr., 89 t., b. Detroit, '58, broken up.

Olive Branch, schr., 14 t., b. '66.

Olive Branch, slp., 21 g. t., b. '85, Clayton, in com.

Olive Jeanette, schr., 1,271 g. t., b. '90, West Bay City, passed out, '97.

Oliver, Major, brig, 150 g. t., b. '37, Perrysburg, O., wrecked L. Mich., '45.

Olivette, sty., b. Racine, '98.

Ollie, sty., 14 g. t., b. '85, Brooklyn, in com.

Olivia, Can. schr., 122 g. t., b. '53, Bronte, in com.

Olivia, schr., sunk L. Ont., '71.

Olson, Ole, schr., lost L. Mich., '87.

Olwill, Margaret, prop., 554 g. t., b. '87, Cleveland, in com.

Olympia, Can. schr., 23 g. t., b. '79, Bronte, in com.

Olympia, prop., 2,065 g. t., b. '89, Cleveland, in com.

Omah, schr., wrecked Cleveland, '54, 3 lives lost.

Omaha, prop., 1,231 g. t., b. '87, Milwaukee, in com.

Omar Pasha, prop., 343 t., b. Buffalo, '54, burned Muskegon, '69.

Omega, tug, 16 g. t., b. '82, Chicago, in com.

Ometa, Can. yacht, 22 n. t., b. Brockville, in com.

Onaganoh, Can. tug, 19 g. t., b. '87, Kingston, in com.

Onaping, Can. tug, 174 n. t., b. '84, Detroit, in com.

101, s. bge., 456 g. t., b. '88, Duluth, in com.

104, s. bge., 1,295 g. t., b. '90, Duluth, sunk L. Erie, '98.

105, s. bge., 1,295 g. t., b. '90, Duluth, in com.

107, s. bge., 1,295 g. t., b. '90, Duluth, in com.

109, s. bge., 1,228 g. t., b. '91, West Superior, in com.

110, s. bge., 1,228 g. t., b. '91, West'Superior, in com.

111, s. bge., 1,228 g. t., b. '91, West Superior, in com.

115, s. bge., 1,169 g. t., b. '91, West Superior, in com.

116, s. bge., 1,169 g. t., b. '91, West Superior, in com.

117, s. bge., 1,311 g. t., b. '91, West Superior, in com.

118, s. bge., 1,311 g. t., b. '91, West Superior, in com.

126, s. bge., 1,128 g. t., b. '92, West Superior, in com.

127, s. bge., 1,128 g. t., b. '92, West Superior, in com.

129, s. bge., 1,311 g. t., b. '93, West Superior, in com.

130, s. bge., 1,311 g. t., b. '93, West Superior, in com.

131, s. bge., 1,311 g. t., b. '93, West Superior, in com.

132, s. bge., 1,311 g. t., b. '93, West Superior, in com.

133, s. bge., 1,311 g. t., b. '93, West Superior, in com.

134, s. bge., 1,311 g. t., b. '93, West Superior, in com.

137, s. bge., 2,481 g. t., b. '96, West Superior, in com.

Oneida, Can. bge., now the Can. bge. Maggie.

Oneida, brig, 243 t., b. by U. S. Gov., Oswego, 1809, as rev. cut., armed 16 guns, 1812.

Oneida, stmr., 227 t., b. Oswego, '36, changed to sail, '45, lost L. Erie.

Oneida, prop., 345 t., b. Cleveland, '46, capsized L. Erie, '52, 19 lives lost.

Oneida. schr., 150 t., b. Clayton, wrecked near Chicago, '48.

Oneida, sty., 15 g. t., b. '93, Chicago, in com.

Oneida, prop., 887 g. t., b. '62, Buffalo, burned L. Erie, '93.

Oneida, schr., 201 g. t., b. '57, Ashtabula, in com.

Oneida, English war vessel of 18 guns, on Lake Ontario in 1760.

Oneida, prop., 1,070 t., b. '62, sunk L. Ont., '83.

Oneida, tug, 12 g. t., b. '71, Buffalo, in com.

Oneida, tug, 22 g. t., b. '72, Buffalo, in com.

O'Neil, John, schr., 616 g. t., b. '73, Cleveland, chartered ocean service, '98, wrecked Prince Edward Island, '98.

O'Neil, Louis, schr., 522 t., b. '62, sunk by col. L. Erie, '87.

Onekama, tug, 33 g. t., b. '83, Portage Harbor, Mich., in com.

Onen, Anna F., tug, 50 g. t., b. '86, Youngstown, N. Y., in com.

Oneonto, schr., 424 g. t., b. '62, Buffalo, in com.

Ongiara, Can. prop., 94 n. t., b. '85, Toronto, in com., formerly Queen City.

Only Sue, tug, passed out.

Onoko, s. prop., 2,164 g. t., b. '82, Cleveland, in com.

Onondaga, schr., ashore Manistee river, '41.

Onondaga, bark, b. '66.

Onondaga, Can. bge., 380 n. t., b. '71, Garden Island, in com.

Onondaga, schr., sunk near Chicago, '75.

Onondaga, English armed schr., on L. Ont., 1793.

Onondaga, U. S. rev. cut., b. Cleveland, '98, transferred Atlantic coast, '98.

Ontario, Can. bge., 228 n. t., b. '75, Lancaster, in com.

Ontario, brig, lost Green bay, '58.

Ontario, schr., b. by English Gov., Carleton island, 1779, lost L. Ont., in gale, about 1780, with crew and detachment of English soldiers, 172 souls in all.

Ontario, prop., 400 t., b. Rochester, '46, made passage from Buffalo to San Francisco, first steam vessel to leave lakes.

Ontario, Can. prop., 80 g. t., b. 168, Lindsay, in com.

Ontario, Can. prop., 41 g. t., b. '70, Hamilton, in com.

Ontario, Can. prop., 723 n. t., b. '73, Chatham, in com.

Ontario, Can. prop., 11 g. t., b. '81, Walker's Point, in com.

Ontario, schr., 70 t., b. Lewiston, '09, sold U. S. Gov. during war of '12, armed with 2 guns.

Ontario, schr., wrecked L. Ont., '54.

Ontario, English sloop of war, b. Oswego in 1755, captured at Oswego by Montcalm. in 1756.

Ontario, Can. schr., 210 n. t., b. '68, Goderich, in com.

Ontario, Can. schr., 107 g. t., b. '74, Fort Ann, N. Y., in com.

Ontario, schr., sunk off Port Porter, '81.

Ontario, first stmr. on lakes, 232 t., b. '16, Sacket's Harbor, first trip, '17, broken up at Oswego, '32.

Ontario, brig, b. Three Mile Bay, L. Ont., '43.

Ontario, stmr., 832 t., b. Clayton, L. Ont., '47.

Ontario, stmr., 160 t., burned Toronto, '85.

Ontario, stmr., 444 g. t., b. '84, Clayton, N. Y., passed out, '95.

Ontario, Can. stmr., 1,733 n. t., b. '91, Owen Sound, in com.

Ontario, Can. tug, 57 g. t., broken up '97.

Ontario, tug, burned Algonac, '70.

Ontario, Can. tug, '57, g. t., b. '81, Buffalo, in com.

Ontario, tug, burned Port Huron, '83.

Ontonagon, prop., 775 t., b. Fairport, '66.

Ontonagon, prop., 682 t., b. Buffalo, '56, burned Detroit r., '83.

Ontonagon, schr., 217 t., b. '47, wrecked L. Ont., '62, carried in '56, first iron ore cargo L. Sup. to L. Erie.

Onward, slpy., 24 g. t., b. '75, Islip, N. Y, in com.

Onward, schr., 99 g. t., b. 79, Wilson, N. Y., in com.

Opechee, schr., foundered L. Erie, '64, 6 lives lost.

Orantes, schr., in com., '82.

Orcadia, Can. tug, 33 n. t., b. '88, Goderich, in com.

Orcadia, Can. tug, 30 n. t., b. '94, Collingwood, in com.

Orchard, Lucy, schr., passed out.

Oregon, prop., 346 t., b. Cleveland '46, lost by boiler explosion Detroit r. '55 10 lives lost, raised, '61.

Oregon, prop., 974 g. t., b. 82, West Bay City, in com.

Oregon, schr., 145 t., b. Three Mile Bay, L. Ont., '43, foundered L. Erie '52, 10 lives lost.

Oregon, schr., 46 g. t., b. '80, Pine River, Mich., in com.

Oregon, stmr., sunk by col., Bois Blanc island, '86.

Oregon, stmr., 781 t., b. Newport, '45, burned Chicago, '49, while laid up.

Orient, schr., ashore L. Mich., '55.

Orient, schr., 319 t., b. Tonawanda, '70.

Orient, tug, 19 t., b. '74, sunk with all hands off Point Pelee, '87.

Orient, prop., 37 g. t., b. '74, passed out, '93.

Oriental, prop., 950 t., b. Buffalo, '54, lost on Skillagalee with two wrecking pumps, '59.

Oriental, schr., wrecked L. Ont. '57.

Oriental, Can. bge., 328 t., b. 66, sunk L. Ont., with crew of 5, '87.

Orillia, Can. prop., 135 g. t., b. '85, Orillia, in com.

Orinoco, prop., 1,926 n. t., b. Bay City, '98, in com.

Oriole, schr., sunk by col., '67, 12 lives lost.

Oriole, Can. sail yt., 50 g. t., b. '86, Toronto, in com.

Oriole, Can. prop., 75 g. t., b. '86, Gravenhurst, in com.

Oriole, tug, in com., '66.

Orion, schr., b. '53, lost L. Erie, '72.

Orion, schr., lost Point aux Barques, '56, sunk near St.Joseph, '61.

Orion, stmr., 636 t., b. Manitowoc, '66, wrecked Grand Haven, '70.

Orion, schr., 308 t., b. Hamilton, '67.

Orion, Can. prop., 527 n. t., b. '72, Welland, in com. formerly Isaac May.

Orizaba, sty., 76 g. t., b. '75. Buffalo, in com.

Orkney Lass, Can. brig, 281 g. t., b. Kingston, '56, lost L. Erie, '67, with all hands, passed out, '92.

Orleans, brig, ashore near Detroit, '47.

Orleans, Can. prop., 166 n. t., b. '82, Levis, in com.

Orontes, bge., 557 t., b. '56, total wreck L. Hur., '83.

Orphan Boy, bark, b. '62, Black River, O., lost '85, L. Mich.

Orphan Boy, schr., 7 g. t., b. '76, Bangor, Mich., in com.

Orr, Arthur, s. prop., 2,329 g. t., b. '93, Chicago, abandoned L. Sup., '98.

Orr, George N., prop., 2,972 g. t., b. '96, Chicago, in com.

Orton, Minnie E., schr., 431 g. t., b. '84, Marine City, in com.

Orton, T. H., bge., 262 g. t., b. '73, in com.

Osborn, schr., abandoned L. Erie, '74.

Osborne, J. M., prop., sunk by col. near Owen Sound, '84.

Osborne, S. S., schr., 853 t., b. Fairport, '67.

Osborne, Thos., Can. tug, 28 n. t., b. '93, Hull, in com., formerly J. Henry.

Oscar, George, schr., 31 t., b. Sheboygan, '70.

Osceola, brig, wrecked L. Mich, '41, wrecked L. Erie, '46, 4 lives lost.

Osceola, schr, wrecked L. Erie, '51.

Osceola, prop., 980 g. t., b., '82, Bay City, wrecked L. Hur., '88, in com.

Osceola, stmr., b. Grand Island, '38.

Osceola, sty., 21 g. t., b. '89, Lakeside, O., in com.

Osceola, sty., 15 g. t., b. '93, Chicago, in com.

Oscius, brig, 318 t., passed out.

Oscoda, prop., 529 g. t., b. '78, St. Clair, in com.

Osgood, J. C., tug, 51 g. t., b. '63, New Baltimore, N. Y., passed out, '92.

O'Shanter, Tam, tug, 24 g. t., b. '92, Buffalo, in com.

O'Shaw, schr., 40 t., b. South Haven, '78.

Oshawa, prop., wrecked L. Ont., '61.

Osiris, Can. bge., 152 n. t., b. '92, Deseronto, in com.

Osprey, schr., wrecked Oswego, '58, 3 lives lost.

Osprey, Can. prop., b. Sorel, '63, laid up '76, later burned.

Osprey, Can. tug, 57 g. t., b. '86, Meaford, in com., formerly Hiawatha .

Ossifrage, prop., 433 g. t., b. '86, West Bay City, in com.

Ostrich, schr., 279 g. t., b. '56, Buffalo, lost L. Mich. '92, with all hands.

Oswegatchie, prop., 350 g. t., b. '67, Ogdensburg, sunk L. Hur., '91.

Oswego, stmr., 286 t., b. Oswego, '33, changed to sail, '39, lost, engines placed in stmr. St. Lawrence.

Oswego, prop., 150 t., b. Oswego '42, sunk by col., '52.

Oswego, prop., b. Rochester, '46.

Oswego, English sloop of war, b. Oswego, 1755, captured at Oswego, by Montcalm in 1756.

Oswego, tug, 148 g. t., b. '57, Philadelphia, burned Detroit r., '91.

Oswego, prop., wrecked off Barcelona, '67, 55 lives lost.

Oswego, stcb., 115 g. t., b. '81, Phoenix, N. Y., in com.

Oswego, sunk by col., '87.

Oswego Belle, prop., in com.

Oswell, J. N., Can. schr., 112 g. t., b. '75, Curley's Mills, in com.

Otego, prop., 334 g. t., formerly City of St. Catharines, b. '74, Port Robinson, Ont., burned, '95.

Othello, tug, 10 g. t., later the Morning Star.

Other, Can. scow, 51 t., b. '79, Gravenhurst, in com.

Otis, John, prop., 301 g. t., formerly G. J. Truesdell, b., '64, Chicago, in com.

Otis, John, prop., sunk Sturgeon Bay, '90.

Otonabee, schr., 301 t., b. Port Hope, '67.

Otonabee, Can. schr., 80 g. t., b. '72, Fort Ann, N. Y., in com.

Ottaca, scow, sunk L. Erie, '60.

Ottawa, prop., sunk near Kingston, '51.

Ottawa, Can. prop., 116 g. t., b. '85, Pembroke, in com.

Ottawa, schr, 130 g. t., b. '37, Oregon, O., wrecked Port Stanley, '48.

Ottawa, schr., 163 g. t., b. '74, Grand Haven, in com.

Ottawa, schr., sunk Sarnia bay by col., '75.

Ottawa, stmr., 300 t., b. '52, Detroit, ferry boat Detroit and Toledo.

Ottawa, stmr., sunk '55, by col. near Brockville.

Ottawa, Can. tug, 34 n. t., in com.

Otter, slp., on Lake Superior in 1800.

Otter, schr., 205 g. t., b. '63, Freeport, O., wrecked near Sturgeon bay, '95.

Our Son, schr., 720 g. t., b. '75, Black River, O., in com.

Outaouaise, bark, b. by French near Ogdensburg in 1759 to carry 10 guns, captured by the English 1760.

Outhwaite, J. H., prop., 1,304 g. t., b. '86, Cleveland, in com.

Outing, bge., 33 g. t.,, b. '92, in com.

Outing, sty., 19 g. t., b. '92, Bay City, in com.

Outlet Queen, Can. sty., 18 g. t., b. '88, Warburton, in com.

Outward Bound, schr., 260 t., foundered '49, 11 lives lost.

Oval Agitator, prop, 94 g. t., b. '92, Grand Haven, in com.

Owanungah, first three-mast schooner on lakes, 190 t., b. Buffalo, '36, ashore L. Mich. '36, released and in service many years.

Owasco, schr., 314, g. t., b. '63, Detroit, passed out, '97.

Owashenonk, stmr., 45 t., b. Grand Haven, '38, broken up.

Owego, prop., liner in '50s, wrecked near Dunkirk, '67, 5 lives lost.

Owego, prop., 2,611 g. t., b. '88, Buffalo, in com.

Owen, Can. prop., 103 g. t., b. '84, Chatham, in com.

Owen, Can. schr., ashore Long Point, '20.

Owen, tug, 43 g. t., b. '81, Detroit, in com.

Owen, D. R., schr., sunk at Manistee, '78.

Owen, Garry, schr., 833 t., sunk with all hands L. Erie, '66, sunk L. Erie, '69.

Owen, George B., schr., 744 g. t., b. '93, West Bay City, in com.

Owen, Ira H., prop., 1,753 g. t., b. '87, Cleveland, in com.

Owen, Ira H., prop., 573 g. t., later the Monohansett.

Owen J., Emory, prop, 1,739 g. t., b. '88, Detroit, in com.

Owen, John, stmr., 230 t., b. Detroit, '42, burned St. Clair r., '60.

Owen, John, stmr., 250 t., b. Truago, '45.

Owen, John, s. prop., 2,127 t., b. '89, Wyandotte, in com.

Owen, John, tug, 328 g. t., b. '74, Detroit, in com.

Owens, John, stcb., 130 g. t., b. '93, Buffalo, in com.

Ox, Can. bge., 130 g. t., b. '73, Kingston, in com.

Oxford, scow, 49 t., b. '47.

Oxford, schr., 250 t., b. Chaumont, '48, ashore '51.

Oxford, brig, sunk by col., L. Erie, '56, 5 lives lost.


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Some of the transcription work was also done by Brendon Baillod, who maintains an excellent guide to Great Lakes Shipwreck Research.