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Late last summer, the former tinstacker ENDERS M. VOORHEES was sold via Aaron Ferer & Sons, Omaha, Nebraska, to Kalkavan Ticaret Sudan Kalkavan of Istanbul, Turkey for scrapping. In company with THOMAS W. LAMONT, she cleared Quebec on September 15 in tow of IRVING CEDAR, arriving at Algeciras, Spain, on October 24. In tow of the Greek tug EVEREST, the VOORHEES left Algeciras on January 13, 1988, bound for Aliaga, Turkey. According to a Lloyd's casualty report, the tow encountered a Force 9 storm, the towline broke, and on January 24th, VOORHEES grounded at Profitis Elias on Kithnos Island (Thermia) in the Cyclades, between the Mirtoan and Aegean Seas, not far from the Greek coast and the port of Piraeus. The vessel subsequently broke in two and, as of a report dated January 30, no attempt had been made to salvage the remains. It would thus appear that yet another old laker has failed to survive a mid-winter scrap tow.
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