The Honorable Peter White

Table of Contents

Title Page
The Editor's Notebook
Marine News
Frank R. Crevier
Strangers In Our Bay
A Last Look At Winter Lay-Ups
Ship of the Month No. 154
The Loss Of Algoma
The Honorable Peter White
Index Of Seaway Ocean Vessels 1986
Lake Ship Modellers
Table of Illustrations

One of the most interesting books ever written about the Great Lakes area is The Honorable Peter White by Ralph D. Williams, which first appeared in 1905 and recently has been reprinted by Freshwater Press Inc. A 224-page hardcover, with 63 illustrations, the current volume is an exact reproduction of the original, right down to the unusual cover design. The book is not only the story of the famous gentleman himself (it was written while White was still alive, although then 75 years of age), but as its sub-title states, it is a biographical sketch of the Lake Superior iron country. Much of the book concerns the shipment of iron ore by lake vessel, and the development of the lake shipping industry as well as the construction of the canal at the Soo.

We can truly say that this volume belongs on the shelf of every lake historian; Freshwater could not have picked a better book to reprint. To order, address Freshwater Press Inc., 1701 East 12th Street, Suite 3-K-W, Cleveland Ohio 44114-3201. The price is $14.75 (U.S. Funds) plus $2.26 shipping (Ohio residents add 65 cents sales tax).


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