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With this issue, we are pleased to continue and conclude our annual report concerning the vessels wintering at the various lake and river ports. Much additional information has become available since we began our listing with the February issue, and we sincerely thank those members who contributed the further data. The ports are listed according to general area. As usual, we list major commercial vessels, and do not include small tugs, ferries, scows, workboats, etc., unless specifically noted. Quebec City: C.C.G.S. BEAUPORT, FORT LAUZON, FORT MINGAN, FORT RAMEZAY, ISABEL NO. 1, JACQUES-CARTIER, LOUIS JOLLIET, LA MARJOLAINE, C.C.G.S. MONTMAGNY, C.C.G.S. NICOLET, PETREL V., RADISSON, PIERRE DE SAUREL, SILLERY, C.C.G.S. VILLE MARIE. Lauzon: ATLANTIC SUPERIOR (drydock), CARIBOU (ferry - under construction). Sorel: To Previous List Add - C.C.G.S. EDWARD CORNWALLIS (under construction), GENERAL KARRIER (barge, formerly CEMENTKARRIER). Montreal: To Previous List Add - LAKESHELL. From Previous List Delete - GASPE TRANSPORT (now back in service). Port Maitland: ALASTAIR GUTHRIE (scrap). Port Dover: HUSKY 120, SAMARU. Port Stanley: MR. NEIL (drill rig), TIMESAVER II (drill rig), TUSKER (tug). Buffalo: SAM LAUD, MERLE M. McCURDY. Fairport: JIGGS (tug), F. M. OSBORNE. Cleveland: To Previous List Add - SATURN. Saginaw River Area: ALABAMA (barge), GREGORY J. BUSCH (tug), plus assorted small tugs, barges, etc. Rogers City: CALCITE II, T. W. ROBINSON, ROGERS CITY, GEORGE A. SLOAN, MYRON C. TAYLOR. Mackinaw City: CHIEF WAWATAM. Frankfort: CITY OF MILWAUKEE (museum). Ludington: BADGER, SPARTAN. Ferrysburg: BADGER STATE. Muskegon: AQUARAMA, GRAND RAPIDS, HIGHWAY l6, MADISON, NORFOLK ROVER (sailing vessel), SEA CASTLE (barge), MEL WILLIAM SELVICK (barge), CHARLES E. WILSON, plus numerous tugs, etc. Indiana Harbor: E. J. BLOCK, JOSEPH L. BLOCK, CANADIAN PROGRESS, EDWARD L. RYERSON, WILFRED SYKES. Kewaunee: ARTHUR K. ATKINSON. Algoma. Wis: BARNEY DEVINE (research ship). Sturgeon Bay: AMERICAN MARINER, AMOCO INDIANA, ROGER BLOUGH, STEWART J. CORT, DETROIT EDISON, U.S.S. GRAPPLE (new), HULL 735 (SEA-LAND ANCHORAGE), HULL 736 (SEA-LAND TACOMA), LILLIAN (barge), NICOLET, CURTIS RANDOLPH (Detroit firetug), U.S.S. SALVOR (new), SPARROWS POINT, THE STRAITS OF MACKINAC (barge), VIKING, plus numerous tugs, etc. Menominee: BUCKEYE (barge), ALVIN CLARK (museum schooner), OLIVE L. MOORE (tug), JOSEPH H. THOMPSON (barge). Green Bay: PAUL H. TOWNSEND. Ashland: INDIANA HARBOR. Thus endeth our lay-up report for the winter of 1985-1986. We sincerely thank all those who have participated in preserving this historical record. In particular, for their efforts in providing the additional material that appears above, we gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Rene Beauchamp, Brian Bernard, Clark Carruthers, Ray Kramer, Lake Log Chips, and Terry Sechen.
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