Where Is Red Cloud?

Table of Contents

Title Page
The Editor's Notebook
Marine News
Lay-up Listings - Winter 1984-1985
Where Is Red Cloud?
The Final Voyage of an Old Lake Steamboat
Ship of the Month No. 136
A Reminder Concerning The Annual Dinner Meeting:
Hydrofoils Rediscovered
Additional Marine News
Table of Illustrations

In the October, 1984, issue, we mentioned that the C.S.L. steamer HADDINGTON (20), (b) MAPLEHILL (II)(38), (c) OAKBRANCH (I), featured as our Ship of the Month No. 131, had grounded on June 3, 1915, at a place called Red Cloud. We expressed our total ignorance as to the location of this place, and requested the assistance of our readers in identifying the locus of the accident. Member Jack Goodrich took our request to heart and canvassed authorities who should know the answer.

The Royal Canadian Geographical Society has never heard of Red Cloud, and an enquiry to the Executive Secretary of the Canadian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names produced a similar reply from the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Resources Canada (Secretariat, Geographical Names).

Not only do we still have no answer to our question, but our faith in government bureaucracy has been shaken to its very roots!

Surely someone can tell us where Red Cloud is, or rather was. Perhaps a St. Lawrence River pilot may have heard of the spot, for we suspect that it was somewhere along the lower river. Any and all suggestions are welcome.


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