Where is Coatsworth Cut?

Table of Contents

Title Page
The Editor's Notebook
Marine News
Where is Coatsworth Cut?
Ship of the Month No. 132
Some Nautical Terms Explained
Table of Illustrations

Back in May, we mentioned that the sidewheel steamer TORONTO, which operated for many years on the overnight run between Toronto and Prescott, spent her last decade of life laid up in the circulating channel which connected the Toronto turning basin with Lake Ontario. The lakeward portion of this channel still exists as the cooling water runoff for the now-closed Richard L. Hearn generating plant, but it no longer connects with the turning basin.

Capt. John Leonard had brought to our attention the fact that we were in error when we referred to that small channel as the Coatsworth Cut. Although we have heard several sources refer to the channel by that name, it would seem that the circulating channel never really had an official name. In fact, Coatsworth Cut is the 500-foot-wide channel which serves as the entrance to Ashbridges Bay, which is a shallow inlet now used only for small boats, and on which Is located a yacht club. The cut is located 3.5 miles N.N.E. of the south end of the Toronto Harbour East Headland, and well to the east of the turning basin. We stand corrected.


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