Lakehead Navigation Season Opens

Table of Contents

Title Page
The Editor's Notebook
Trial By Lake Erie
Lakehead Navigation Season Opens
Marine News
Vessel Passages
Montreal - Fort William Freight Service
Ship of the Month No. 84
"The Weedcutter"
Deep-sea Passenger Ship News
John Pratt, Revisited
Additional Marine News
Table of Illustrations
The first steamship to arrive in Port Arthur this season was the Northern Navigation Company's HURONIC, which docked April 24 at 8:34 a.m., and the first at Fort William was the Great Lakes Transportation Company's GLENORCHY, which docked on the same day at 9 a.m. Captains Wright and Burke, of the respective ships, were given the customary hat by port authorities.

--- Canadian Railway and Marine World, June 1924.


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