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Our October meeting was a smashing success as a great many of those present brought slides to illustrate their summer of shipwatching. Let nobody say that our members are not widely travelled or that they are not superb photographers; the slides shown proved this point indisputably. We were pleased to see many out-of-town members in attendance but we did miss our President, Bruce Smith, who was attending a special function in the Soo that evening. We hope that Ye Ed., who filled in as chairman, did not induce too many yawns. A public speaker we are not. By the way, now would be a good time for us to mention the superlative work of our President in chairing our regular meetings. Bruce Smith puts much effort into making our gatherings interesting and informative and he deserves our thanks and congratulations on a job well done. Those of you who may be wondering whether you have paid your membership fees for the current season need not worry. If you receive this issue, you are fully paid up and are a member in good standing. In the New Member Department, a hearty welcome goes out to William Barraclough of Athens, Ontario, to Dr. Alan Bull of Meaford, Ontario, to Gordon Moison of Port Huron, Michigan, and to Gordon Bennett of Cleveland, Ohio.
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