Late Marine News

Table of Contents

Title Page
The Editor's Notebook
Marine News
Capt. H. C. Inches
Lloyd Tankers Night
You Asked Us
Lay-up Listings
Winds Over Lake Huron
Ship of the Month No. 64
Late Marine News
Table of Illustrations

Michigan state officials have apparently decided to go ahead with plans to operate CHIEF WAWATAM as a barge on the Straits of Mackinac carferry service. We understand that the CHIEF will run under her own steam until about the middle of April at which time her propellor will be removed and she will be pushed back and forth by a tug. We are pleased to hear that there is no intention of cutting her down. At least for the time being, her superstructure will remain intact. Better that than a deck barge, we suppose, but we are still disappointed.

A recent issue of Lake Log Chips suggests that Bethlehem Steel's 1000-foot carrier, Hull 717 out of Sturgeon Bay, may be named BURNS HARBOR. The name would honour the port on Lake Michigan to which much ore is shipped.

Guessing Games Dept: Does the fact that U.S. Steel's self-unloader T. W. ROBINSON is laid up at Superior along with many of the company's retired vessels mean that she won't operate in 1977? We believe that she is due for survey this year and for the past year or so we have been hearing rumours that she had just about reached the end of her rope. We hope not.



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