Lake Shipyard Orderbooks Full

Table of Contents

Title Page
The Editor's Notebook
Marine News
Lake Shipyard Orderbooks Full
Report on April Dinner Meeting
A Laker's Log by Skip Gillham
Ship of the Month No. 49
Port Huron Marine Show
Some Late Marine News
William Woodger
Table of Illustrations

In order to keep our readers abreast of new construction at the various lake shipyards (it has been a bit hard recently to keep track of what is coming from where), we present here a list prepared by Mr. John O. Greenwood containing all orders on the books at the end of March involving lake ships of any size. The list will no doubt be subject to early amendment as several operators may place additional contracts, notably the Algoma Central Railway which is seeking to build a replacement for the lost ROY A. JODREY.

Delivery Hull # Yard Overall Size Owner
1976 905 AmShip-Lorain 1,000 x 105 Interlake
1976 211 Collingwood 730 x 75 Algoma Central
1976 714 Sturgeon Bay 770 x 92 Boland & Cornelius
1976 715 Sturgeon Bay 728 x 78 Inland Steel
1976 60 Port Weller 730 x 75 Upper Lakes
1976 684 Davie-Lauzon 730 x 75 C.S.L.
1977 906 AmShip-Lorain 1,000 x 105 Interlake
1977 716 Sturgeon Bay 1,000 x 105 Boland & Cornelius
1977 212 Collingwood 730 x 75 C.S.L.
1978 907 AmShip-Lorain 1,000 x 105 Hanna
1978 717 Sturgeon Bay 1,000 x 105 Bethlehem
1978 718 Sturgeon Bay 1,000 x 105 U.S. Steel
1979 719 Sturgeon Bay 1,000 x 105 Boland & Cornelius
1980 720 Sturgeon Bay 1,000 x 105 Bethlehem
1981 721 Sturgeon Bay 1,000 x 105 Boland & Cornelius
1982 722 Sturgeon Bay 1,000 x 105 Boland & Cornelius


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