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We return to the Marine Museum for our next series of meetings, the first two of which will be held on Friday, December 3rd, and Friday, January 7th, Our Autumn Dinner Meeting, held at the King Edward Hotel on November 5th, was a great success in every way. We were served an excellent meal and all enjoyed the address on lake shipwrecks delivered by Mr. Robert MacDonald of Erie, Pennsylvania. Our thanks to Bob for his assistance in coming to speak to us. We were particularly pleased to see so many of our out-of-town members, especially from the Detroit area, and we hope that they may be able to come to more of our gatherings. About this time of year, those of us who frequent the Welland Canal area on Saturdays are beginning to wonder whether they will be able to make it over and back without getting snowed in. The ships coming in off the lake have coatings of ice on the bows and the decks. Their steam hangs in the cold air in long, wispy trails, as they make their way to port with the final cargoes of the season. Yes, all these things show us that winter is on the way. And the lighted evergreens making their annual appearance on pilothouse or unloading boom remind us to wish to all our members and their families a very Merry Christmas and all possible happiness in the New Year. We trust that 1972 will be a good year not only for yourselves but also, with your help, for the Toronto Marine Historical Society. A very warm welcome goes out to our most recent additions to the membership roll, David Kohl of Waterford, Ontario, and Mike Nicholls of Allen Park, Michigan.
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