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This issue starts off Volume IV of our newsletter and we hope that you will like some of the articles that we have planned for you. Please be sure to let us know if you have any special requests for articles dealing with any particular marine subject. We'll try our best. We are also reminded that membership fees are now due for the 1971-72 season. While we know that all readers will get their dues in promptly, we might say that this is the last issue that will be sent to those who do not renew. Don't put off sending in that cheque; we have bills to pay too! By the way, fees are also due from those new members who elected to receive back issues at the time of joining. Please remit directly to the Treasurer, Jim Kidd, 83 Humberview Road, Toronto 9. Other correspondence may be sent to the editorial office (address in the Masthead) but please do not send material to the Museum. We do not maintain an office there and do not wish to trouble the Museum staff. Our group continues to grow and we should like to extend a welcome to the following new members: Ashe Lorriman, Islington, Ontario; John Crosse, Toronto; Peter Worden, Royal Oak, Michigan; Rudy Maki, Hancock, Michigan; The World Ship Society, Montreal Branch; and Richard D. Bibby, Duluth, Minnesota. We are pleased to see our membership list growing so rapidly; with the assistance of our current members, it should continue to do so.
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