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Earlier in the year, we advised of upcoming postal rate increases and, as most readers will know, the first has already been made, with the second coming at the new year. Production costs have increased, particularly in connection with our photo pages. These two considerations have led your Executive to approve an increase in annual membership dues to $7.00 per person, but this was not done without a certain amount of regret. We disapprove of joining the inflationary cycle, but we have committed ourselves to a policy of never holding the line by reducing the quality of our product, the newsletter. We trust that our actions will meet with your approval. Speaking of memberships, dues for the upcoming season should be sent to our Treasurer as soon as possible so you won't miss any future issues. In the New Member Department, a welcome goes out to Robert J. Peppard of Manitowoc, Wisconsin. For a number of years, we have been working on a comprehensive listing of ships that have operated on the Toronto Island ferry service. It includes about a hundred vessels and, since the same steamers ran a number of different routes, it gives a good cross-section of steamboat activity on western Lake Ontario. The history could be serialized over several future issues, well illustrated, and we solicit your opinion.
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