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ACADIALITE (47), (b) IMPERIAL CORNWALL (154480). 1930 Furness S.B.Co., Ltd., Haverton Hill-on-Tees. 250 x 43.2 x 17,7. Gross 1969, net 1042. In service. Transferred 1969 to Halifax bunkering service. GLEN ALLAN (130645). 1912 Kingston. 112.8 x 26.4 x 8.5. Gross 276, net 113. Package freighter built for Ottawa River service. Owned by Imperial for a period prior to 1921. Retired 1947. Stripped and used as floating steam plant for Stelco at Hamilton. Owners: l) Ottawa Transportation Co. Ltd., Ottawa. 2) Imperial Oil. 3) Bay of Quinte Transportation Co. Ltd. 4) Steel Co. of Canada Ltd. IMPERIAL (l) (38), (a) MINOCO (01), (c) IMPOCO (III) (108346). 1898 Willington Quay, G. B. 200 x 32 x 14.4. Gross 796, net 412. Brought to lakes 1902 by Imperial. Transferred to Vest Coast 1922. Scrapped 1939 Victoria, B C. Owners: l) Mineral Oils Corp. Ltd., Hunting & Sons, Mgrs. (1898-1901). 2) Anglo American Oil Co. Ltd., (1901-1910). 3) Imperial Oil (1910-1939). IMPERIAL (II) (47), (b) IMPERIAL VANCOUVER (171704). 1938 Collingwood Shipyards Ltd. 230 x 39.8 x 18.5. Gross 1512, net 862. Transferred to West Coast early in World War II. IMPERIAL ACADIA (326037). 1965 Port Weller Drydocks Ltd. 419 x 60 x 31. Gross 7068, net 3908. In service.
IMPERIAL COLLINGWOOD (176114). 1947 Collingwood Shipyards Ltd. 252.1 x 43.5 x 17.7. Gross 2128, net 1407. Lengthened by 41.6 at Montreal 1961. Gross 2530, net 1610. Lengthened 30.0 with new bow and stern at Sorel 1968. In service. IMPERIAL HALIFAX (69), (a) EMPIRE MALDON (46), (c) CONGAR (II) (181129). "Intermediate Type" British World War II tanker. 1946 Sir J. Laing & Sons, Ltd., Sunderland. 343.5 x 48.3 x 26.5. Gross 3734, net 1982. Owners: l) British Ministry of War Transport (1946). 2) Imperial Oil (1946-1969). 3) Johnstone Shipping Ltd., Toronto. IMPERIAL LACHINE (II) (319263). Self propelled bunkering barge. 1963 Port Weller Drydocks Ltd. 175.1 x 36.1 x 14.0. Gross 735, net 694. In service at Montreal. IMPERIAL LEDUC (55), (b) NIPIGON BAY (176115). 1951 Collingwood Shipyards Ltd. 601.6 x 68.2 x 31. Gross 12595, net 9573. Rebuilt as dry bulk carrier and lengthened to 673.6 at Port Arthur 1957-58. Gross 13274, net 9711. Owners: l) Pipeline Tankers Ltd., (Imperial Oil), (1951-54). 2) Pipeline Tankers Ltd., (Canada Steamship Lines Ltd). IMPERIAL LONDON (173214). 1948 Collingwood Shipyards Ltd. 252.1 x 43.5 x 17.7. Gross 2130, net 1409. Lengthened by 41.6 at Montreal 1961. Gross 2533, net 1612. Lengthened 30.0 with new bow and stern at Sorel 1967-68. Gross 2618, net 1669. In service. IMPERIAL QUEBEC (II), (188390). 1957 Collingwood Shipyards Ltd. 361 x 52.1 x 26.9. Gross 4680, net 2798. In service. IMPERIAL REDWATER (54), (b) R. BRUCE ANGUS (192769). 1951 Port Arthur. 601.5 x 68.3 x 31. Gross 12582, net 9581. Rebuilt as dry bulk carrier 1953-54 at Collingwood. Gross 11816, net 7950, Owners: l) Pipeline Tankers Ltd., (Imperial Oil), 1951-53). 2) Upper Lakes & St. Lawrence Transportation Co. Ltd. (1954-59). 3) Upper Lakes Shipping Ltd. IMPERIAL SARNIA (II) (173217). 1948 Collingwood Shipyards Ltd. 394.5 x 53 x 26.1 Gross 4580, net 3336. Transferred to East Coast via Mississippi 1954. Rebuilt at Sorel 1954. Gross 4947, net 3461, Returned to Lakes 1965. In service. IMPERIAL VERDUN (319264). Self propelled bunkering barge. 1963 Port Weller Drydocks Ltd. 175.1 x 36.1 x 14. Gross 735, net 694. In service at Montreal. IMPERIAL WOODBEND (54), (b) GOLDEN HIND (139679). 1952 Collingwood Shipyards Ltd. 601.6 x 68.2 x 31. Gross 12639, net 9630. Rebuilt as dry bulk carrier 1953-54 at Humberstone. Gross 12304, net 8532. Owners: l) Imperial Oil (1952-53). 2) Mohawk Navigation Co. Ltd. IMPEROYAL (47), (b) IMPERIAL COBOURG (52), (c) STARBELLE (135209). 1913 Greenock & Grangemouth Dockyard Co. Ltd., Grangemouth. 249.5 x 43.1 x 19.7. Gross 2253, net 1384. Rebuilt as dry bulk carrier 1952-53 at Port Dalhousie. Gross 2274, net 1349. Rebuilt as barge at Fort William 1963. Scrapped 1964 at Fort William. Owners: l) Imperial Oil (1913-52). 2) Powell Transports Ltd., Winnipeg, (1952-62). 3) High & Heavy Rigging Ltd. (1962-64). 4) Western Iron & Metal Ltd. IMPOCO (I) (13), (b) WANETA (129036). 1910 Greenock. 242 x 40 x 18.6. Served during the war as a naval auxiliary in Brazil. Sunk 1918. Owners: 1) Anglo American Oil Co. Ltd., (1910). 2) Imperial Oil (1910-13). 3) Tank Storage & Carriage Co. Ltd., London ( ? - 1917). 4) Standard Transportation Co. Ltd., Hong Kong (1917-18). IMPOCO (II) (135238). 1913 Greenock. 249 x 43 x 19.7. Gross 1683, net 943. Requisitioned by Royal Navy as bunkering ship 1914-18. Stranded off Cape Sable, N. S., 1920. Salvaged but beached off Imperoyal, N. S. IOCOLITE (47), (b) IMPERIAL KINGSTON (60), (c) CHARLES W. JOHNSON (134514). 1916 Collingwood Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. 250 x 43.1 x 16.6. Gross 2060, net 1549. Retired 1957. Reduced to barge 1959 at Humberstone. Rebuilt at Sault Ste. Marie 1960 and shortened to 236. Gross 1609, net 1170. Owners: l) Imperial Oil (1916-58). 2) Marine Salvage Ltd. (1958-59). 3) A. B. McLean & Sons Ltd. IOCOMA (47), (b) IMPERIAL WHITBY (51), (c) GEORGE S. CLEET (61), (d) BAY GEORGE (132745). 1912 Caledon SB. & Eng. Co. Ltd., Dundee. 248.2 x 42.6 x 15.6. Gross 1669, net 1035. Requisitioned for war service 1916-18. Taken to Talara, Peru, for service 1928. Returned in mid 30's and saw bunkering service at Montreal and Halifax. Returned to lakes 1947. Laid up 1949 at Port Weller. Rebuilt as self-unloading collier at Montreal 1951. Gross 2174, net 1549. Rebuilt with cruiser stern at Kingston 1961. Lengthened to 343.8 at Kingston 1965. Gross 3172, net 2351. Sold for scrapping 1969. Owners: l) Imperial Oil (1912-49). 2) Geo. S. Cleet et al., St. Catharines, (1949-51). 3) Bayswater Shipping Ltd., Brockville, (1951-68). 4) Transworld Shipping Ltd., Montreal (1969). 5) United Steel & Refining Co., Hamilton. OTTAWALITE (47), (b) IMPERIAL OTTAWA (65), (c) IMPERIAL LaHAVE (155285). Ottawa River tanker. 1930 Furness Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., Haverton Hill-on-Tees. 175 x 35.2 x 12.9. Gross 723, net 343. Later operated in bunkering on St. Lawrence & East Coast. Never operated as (c). Scrapped 1966 at Dartmouth, N. S. PETROLITE (47), (b) IMPERIAL GODERICH (55), (c) UNITANKER, (d) PACIFIC WIND (65), (e) EAGLE. (170138). 1938 Marine Industries Ltd., Sorel. 230 x 39 x 18.5. Gross 1561, net 856. To East Coast during war. Later to Peruvian coastal trade. Returned to East Coast 1949. Owners: l) Imperial Oil (1938-55). 2) Unitanker Holdings Ltd., Vancouver (1955- ?). 3) Pacific Bulk Carriers Ltd., Vancouver (?-1965). 4) Fineria Golden de Panama Inc. REGINALD (100654). Wooden tug. 1894 Calvin Co., Garden Island, Ont. 120.6 x 20 x 9.7. Gross 265, net 122. In fleet for period about 1910. Used to tow barge S. O. Co. NO. 41. REGINOLITE (I) (20), (b) BAYTOWN (c) LUISIANO (138372). 1917 Collingwood Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. 250 x 43.8 x 23.5. Gross 2631, net 1394. Transferred 1920 to the Humble Oil Co. (Standard Oil). Later to Italian owners. Owners in 1941 listed as Ditta G. M. Barbagelata, Genoa, RIDEAULITE (47) (b) IMPERIAL LACHINE (I) (54), (c) NIAGARA (69), (d) W.M.EDINGTON (155286). Ottawa River tanker. 1930 Furness Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., Haverton Hill-on-Tees. 175 x 35.2 x 12.9. Gross 723, net 343. Rebuilt as sandsucker at Toronto 1954. Gross 769, net 382. Owners: l) Imperial Oil (1930-54). 2) Holden Sand & Gravel Ltd., Toronto (1954-68). 3) McNamara Marine Ltd. (1968-69). 4) Federal Equipment Quebec Ltd. Chomedy (1969). 5) Ontario-Lake Erie Sand Ltd., Oakville. ROYALITE (47) (b) IMPERIAL WELLAND (134513). 1916 Collingwood Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. 250 x 43.1 x 16.6. Gross 2052, net 1542. Retired 1964. Scrapped 1965 at Santander, Spain. SARNOLITE (47) (b) IMPERIAL SARNIA (I) (48), (c) IMPERIAL HAMILTON (134515). 1916 Collingwood Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. 250 x 43.1 x 16.6. Gross 2060, net 1549. Damaged by fire at Sarnia, Sept 4,1961. Retired 1962. Converted to barge at Sarnia and lay idle at Windsor. Taken to Kewaunee, Wis., 1967, for use as breakwater. Owners: l) Imperial Oil (1916- 62) 2) Earl's Welding Service, Sarnia (1962-67). SIMCOLITE (47) (b) IMPERIAL SIMCOE (155282). 1930 Furness Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., Haverton Hill-on-Tees. 250 x 43.1 x 17.9. Gross 1919, net 1085. Retired 1964. Scrapped 1965 at Santander, Spain. S.O.CO. NO. 41, (b) I.O. LTD. NO. 6 (U.S. 162028) (Can. 116952). Steel tank barge. 1903 Port Richmond, N. Y. 155.9 x 30.1 x 12.3. Gross 472, net 398. Towed on Lakes by REGINALD and IMPERIAL (I). Later served as Halifax bunkering ship. Retired 1969. Owners: l) Standard Oil Co. (1903-05). 2) Imperial Oil. TALARALITE (47) (b) IMPERIAL MIDLAND (53) (c) WILLOWDALE (137907). 1918 Collingwood Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. 250 x 43.8 x 23.5. Gross 2631, net 1394. Rebuilt as dry bulk carrier at Port Dalhousie 1952-53. Gross 2335, net 1356. Scrapped at Toronto 1963. Owners: l) Imperial Oil (1918-52). 2) Reoch Transports Ltd. (1952-63). 3) Ship Repair & Supply Ltd. WINDSOLITE (47) (b) IMPERIAL WINDSOR (138580). 1927 Furness Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., Haverton Hill-on-Tees. 250 x 43.2 x 18. Gross 1930, net 1196. In service.
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