Table of Contents

Title Page
Christian Dahl
Joseph Dale
William H. Dalton
A. J. Davenport
Captain James E. Davidson
John Davidson
Captain Ezra H. Davis
Captain Henry W. Davis
Oscar F. Davis
Captain R.A. Davis
Richard Davis
Oscar F. Davis and William I. Davis
Captain Erastus Day
Captain Joseph Day
Joseph Day, Jr.
Captain George Y. Dayton
A. C. Decatur
Wilson De Hart
Captain Thomas De Largie
Edward Dempsey
William F. Dempsey
Captain John J. Denstaedt
William Dent
Harvey Depuy
E. Detlefs
Detroit, Belle Isle & Windsor Ferry Company, Detroit, Michigan
Captain George L. Dewolf
J. W. Dickinson
Joseph R. Diebold
Henry C. Dilgart
George A. Dingman
Captain William Disher
Captain Lawrence Distel
Captain Henry E. Ditzel
Edward T. Dixon
Captain John Doherty
George H. Dolan
Captain William S. Dolloff
Captain John A. Donahue
Captain Patrick Donahue
David Donaldson
Captain David Donaldson
Grant Donaldson
John Donaldson
Robert Donaldson
William R. Donaldson
James Donnelly
James B. Donnelly
William Doran
Thomas C. Dorey
Captain F. A. Dority
Charles Dovey
Captain David F. Doville
Captain Egbert Doville
Captain Joseph Doville
Captain Henry S. Downer
Captain Rosel Downer
Bernard Doyle
P. H. Doyle
Daniel C. Drackett
John Drackett
Captain Albert B. Drake
Captain James Drake
Charles W. Draper, Sr.
Charles W. Draper, Jr.
Frank Dresbach
John C. Drexler
Captain D. Driscoll
Thomas Drysdale
Captain John Wesley Duddleson
Ed. R. Dungan
Captain James S. Dunham
Captain J. Dunn
Captain John Dunseith
Captain George Lyman Durand
Oliver E. Durrant
Captain Sylvanus Dusenberry
Captain Selah Dustin
Ashley & Dustin
Captain William J. Dwyer
E. Dyble
Patrick Dyer
Table of Illustrations

Captain Thomas De Largie

Captain Thomas De Largie, who is in charge of the fuel business of Pickands, Mather & Co., in Cleveland, was born in Thorold, Canada, in 1850. His father, Charles De Largie, removed to Cleveland shortly afterward, and for some time acted as collector for the Cuyahoga Foundry Company.

Thomas De Largie attended school in Cleveland, and commenced sailing in 1863 as boy in the schooner Ellen White. He became a full seaman two months after joining the White, and remained in that vessel under Capt. John Cassidy for four years. He was in the brig Iroquois, Capt. Daniel Becker, for several trips, and in the Gen. Winfield Scott, Capt. John Cassidy, for one season with rank of mate. Then he joined the schooners New London (Captain Lampohl), Kimball, and Saginaw, remaining in the last-named vessel three seasons. He was mate of the schooner Buckingham when she sprung a leak and was lost off Black River island, Lake Huron, in 1871, and after the occurrence he became mate of the scow Butcher Boy. The next two seasons he commanded the Butcher Boy, after which he became master of the schooner Charles Hinkley, sailing her one season. Then he sailed the schooner Eliza Gerlach, for eight years, the schooner Leonard Hanna one year and the schooner Monticello two years. During the seasons of 1890-91 he was master of the steamer Otego; in 1892 commanded the schooner Negaunee; in 1893 had charge of the steamer Fred Kelley; commanded the steamer E. B. Hale during 1894, and the steamer H. B. Tuttle during 1895. The season of 1896 saw him in charge of the fuel boat and business of Pickands, Mather & Co. in Cleveland.

The Captain was married, in 1873, to Miss Annie Dorsey, of Cleveland. Their children are named Harry and Theresia.


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Volume I

This version of Volume II is based, with permission, on the work of the great volunteers at the Marine Captains Biographies site. To them goes the credit for reorganizing the content into some coherent order. The biographies in the original volume are in essentially random order.

Some of the transcription work was also done by Brendon Baillod, who maintains an excellent guide to Great Lakes Shipwreck Research.