Table of Illustrations

Table of Contents

Title Page
The Editor's Notebook
Marine News
Lay-up Listings - Winter 1984-1985
Where Is Red Cloud?
The Final Voyage of an Old Lake Steamboat
Ship of the Month No. 136
A Reminder Concerning The Annual Dinner Meeting:
Hydrofoils Rediscovered
Additional Marine News
Table of Illustrations
1 Turn-of-the-Century photo by Young shows JAPAN upbound above the Soo Locks in the colours of the Anchor Line.
2 CITY OF HAMITON, in the livery of the Merchants Montreal Line, is upbound in the St. Clair River in this Pesha Photo, c. 1911.
3 S.S.H.S.A. Photobank view shows CITY OF HAMILTON shortly after acquisition by C.S.L. Her deckhouses remain but are no longer occupied by passengers.
4 Seen at the old Century Coal Dock, Cherry Street, Toronto, in the mid-1920s are CITY OF HAMILTON and ADVANCE.
5 July 1935 photo by J. H. Bascom shows ROY K. RUSSELL and tug RIVAL engaged in efforts to right the overturned barge BRUCE HUDSON at Toronto.

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