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As of this issue of the SCANNER, I shall be stepping down as your Editor. Commencing with the October 1969 issue, your new Editor will be John Bascom, Jr., whom I am certain is no stranger to most of our members, John is an ardent historian and an exceptionally fine ship photographer, and those of us who were in attendance at our slide nights will recall some of his excellent colour work. Recently, John has written some interesting articles for the SCANNER, which I am certain all the members enjoyed as much as I did. I might add that John has been a tireless worker on behalf of our Society. Much of his work has been behind the scenes where he was instrumental in obtaining a number of out-of-town new memberships. He is also Chairman of our "Ships of the Lakes" project. At this time I would like to take the opportunity of thanking all those correspondents who assisted me with the SCANNER. Without their assistance the success of our news bulletin would have been virtually impossible. Special thanks are due to John Bascom, Jim Kidd and John Bascom, Jr., who made certain that the SCANNER was available for each meeting and mailed promptly to our out-of-town members. Even though I am stepping down, I shall still assist our new Editor in every way possible, and trust that all members will give John Bascom Jr. the same cooperation that was extended to me.
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