John SkellyJohn Skelly, chief engineer of the steamer Yuma, was born in Ogdensburg, N. Y., July 21, 1856, a son of John Skelly, a railroad man. After leaving school he spent some time on shore in the locomotive department of the C. V. railroad, later becoming oiler of the steamer Philadelphia, remaining one season, and then joined the side- wheeler Admiral, and in turn became second engineer of the steambarges Cleveland, Glasgow, and S. C. Baldwin. After that he sailed as chief engineer, holding that position successively on the tug Maud S., the steambarge Schoolcraft, the Nashua, C. Towar, Jr., Sitka, Gladstone, Bulgaria and the Yuma, serving on the latter vessel since 1893. Mr. Skelly was married July 30, 1888, to Miss Lillie Gibson, of Cleveland. Their children are Iva M., Harry M., John H. and James E.
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