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The December meeting of the Society was to have been an open slide night. Instead it turned into a fascinating study of the veteran sidewheel passenger steamers still operating on many of the lakes and rivers of Europe, on both sides of the Iron Curtain. Our thanks to Bill Wilson for presenting these fine photos taken during a recent trip around the Continent. We extend a very warm welcome to several new members of T.M.H.S. We are pleased to have amongst us Capt. A. Scott and his son, Mr. M. Scott, operators of Waterman's Services (Scott) Ltd., the Toronto pilot boat and towing service. Greetings also go to Gary Mauthe of Toronto. Another new and valued member is the Milwaukee Public Library. We understand that they have a fine marine collection. We intend to include a membership list with the February issue and we would ask all members to make sure that we have been addressing their envelopes correctly. Please advise us immediately of any changes. This month we present a rather lengthy Canadian fleet list that we hope will be of interest. Readers' comments are appreciated! By the way, our congratulations go to those who correctly labelled our mystery pilothouse as that of MATTHEW ANDREWS (II), originally known as FRED G. HARTWELL (II) and now sailing as GEORGE M. CARL (II). Good work!
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