Table of Illustrations

Table of Contents

Title Page
The Editor's Notebook
Marine News
Ship of the Month No. 162
Clark Bros.
Sandusky Bay Reflections
1956-1957 Lay-Up Quiz Answers
Shipbuilding at Kingston
Lay-Up Listings - Winter 1987-1988
Back in Steam?
The End Of The Halco Fleet
The Continued Saga of Thomas Wilson and Ashland
Another Former Laker Lost During Scrap Tow
Table of Illustrations
1 A 1904 drawing by Charles Gibbons shows CLARK BROS. only three years after her rebuilding as a passenger ferry.
2 It was the summer fo 1913 when the camera of Rowley W. Murphy caught CLARK BROS. at the old Ward's Island pier.
3 With the harbour redevelopment underway, CLARK BROS. arrives at the old Bay Street ferry docks in this photo by J. H. Bascom, c. 1923.
4 It is August 1927, and CLARK BROS. is seen from the deck of DALHOUSIE CITY in a photo by J. H. Bascom.
5 There is high water as CLARK BROS. is moored at Ward's Island in a T.T.C. photo, May 22, 1929. Captain McSherry is second from left on the upper deck.
6 At about 1:00 a.m. on July 1, 1930, CLARK BROS. (right) burns off Sunnyside Park in a T.T.C. photo. At left is the fireworks barge.

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