Table of Contents
Friday, October 6, 8:00 p.m., Marine Museum. Open slide night featuring a limited number of slides from each member dealing with his summer marine activities. Friday, November 3 - A visit to the Burlington plant of the Canada Centre for Inland Waters, the facility from which the research vessels MARTIN KARLSEN and LIMNOS operate. Details to follow in the October issue. The subject of meetings has received much consideration by your Executive after the abortive attempt to operate a dinner meeting in May. It was decided that no further dinner meetings will be held until such time as the general membership expresses sufficient interest. May we hear your views? In addition, it has been decided that the practice of sending postcard notices of upcoming meetings to residents in the general area of Toronto will be discontinued. It appeared that we were only wasting our money since the Post Office on numerous occasions saw fit not to deliver these cards until some considerable time (as much as three weeks) after the meeting. We have the schedule for upcoming meetings completed and you will receive ample notice of meetings in the pages of this publication.
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