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Our Fall Dinner Meeting this year is something of a departure from the usual in that it is the first not held in the Museum restaurant. While we prefer to meet in the Museum, which the Toronto Historical Board makes available for us, its basement Ship Inn is now a licenced dining room open to the public on certain nights. As we were unable to reserve the entire room for the evening, we decided to move downtown and meet in the King Edward Hotel, one of our city's better known spots. We trust that the result will be pleasing to our members. The December meeting will be held at the Museum as usual, and should provide members with a good chance to observe the progress on the restoration of the tug NED HANLAN. By the way, if any readers should happen to have ideas for forthcoming meetings, please let us know. We are always anxious to present a program which will interest those attending, but can only do so with your help. In the New Member Department, we should like to extend a warm welcome to the following who have recently joined our Society: Jack Goodrich, Royal Oak, Michigan; Tom Brewer, Rochester; Dr. Karl F. Schroeder, Grosse Ile, Michigan; Judge Lloyd K. Graburn, Willowdale; Charles Colenutt, Toronto; Barry Anderson, St. Catherines, and Captain Richard Farley, Chatsworth, Ontario,
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