
Table of Contents

Title Page
General News
Museum Project
1968-69 Winter Lay-up Fleets
Problems and Mishaps That Have Plagued The Cunard Line

The January meeting was the first opportunity we had to view our members' colour slides, and I must say that what we saw was very good. Unfortunately, some members were unable to show their slides as we more or less had run out of time. From the response we received from those who attended the meeting, it is our intention to have another slide meeting later on in the season,

In future it is hoped that our meeting will be in two parts. The first portion will be devoted to entertainment - speaker, slides or movies. The second part will be more or less open. Members who have photos to show or sell, as well as books or pamphlets; whatever you think the others nay be interested in seeing. We shall leave it up to the individual members as to what to bring to the meeting. Please do not show what you have brought until the second half of the meeting so as not to interfere with the meeting commencing at approximately 8:15 p.m. Tables will be set up at one end of the meeting room so that you may display whatever you have to show or offer for sale.

Members who have articles for sale or who are looking for certain items, may drop a note to the editor and we shall devote a column for this purpose in the SCANNER.



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Reproduced for the Web with the permission of the Toronto Marine Historical Society.