We have obtained, officially, the following tables, showing the number and names of all the vessels enroled at the several districts on Lake Erie, together with their tonnage and master's names. We have taken pains to get this information as correct as possible; and with perhaps an occasional error in the names of the Captains, we believe it will be found accurate.
The above amount of tonnage which has been in constant and active operation during the past season, is a very gratifying evidence of the enterprise of our commercial men; especially when it is considered that but a very few years have elapsed, since the building of vessels on our waters, to any extent, was called for by the wants of the West. Since the period when the immense trade which is now annually filling our warehouses to overflowing, first gave its impulses to our commercial prosperity, the increase of the craft required for its transportation has been astonishingly rapid, and each succeeding year will add, in an enlarged ratio, to its incalculable requirements. Our thanks are due to the different Collectors, to whose polite attention we are indebted for the above statistical information. Portions of its have been published from time to time, to exhibit the business and prospects of some particular port; but we have thus thrown it into a collective form, for the purpose of showing, at once, the grand aggregate of our lake shipping, and for future reference. Years hence, when its tonnage shall have increased vastly beyond its present amount, it will not be uninteresting to refer back to these details, in instituting such comparisons as might now be made between the present and the past. As several gentlemen have requested copies of the above table, to preserve in their counting rooms, we shall strike some off in a neat form, which will be ready for delivery in a day or so.