W. F. MonroeW.F. Monroe, the secretary of the Detroit Graphite Manufacturing Company, is thoroughly familiar with the details of the business in which he is engaged, having made a careful study of the properties of graphite and its adaptability to the use which his company makes of it. Mr. Monroe was born in Jefferson county, N. Y., in 1860, and having good educational advantages he fitted himself for the profession of a school teacher, which he followed for several years. In 1884 he came to Detroit and entered the employ of the Globe Tobacco Company, where he remained for eight years. Since 1892 he has been secretary of the company first referred to. From the very start Mr. Monroe took an energetic hold of the business, convinced that there were great possibilities in it, a belief which the success of the company has amply verified. At first he spent much of his time in traveling, presenting the claims of the company's goods to vessel owners, bridge builders and manufacturers generally to such excellent purpose that the Superior Graphite paint soon became known in all the lake cities, and was being largely used in the painting of boats. As the business increased and the plant enlarged, his office duties became more engrossing until now he has practically abandoned traveling and devotes all of his time to the general office work of the company. Just in prime of life, full of push and vigor, agreeable in disposition and manner, and thoroughly in love with his business, Mr. Monroe performs his duties with ability and complete satisfaction to all concerned.
Previous Next Return to Home Port This version of Volume II is based, with permission, on the work of the great volunteers at the Marine Captains Biographies site. To them goes the credit for reorganizing the content into some coherent order. The biographies in the original volume are in essentially random order. Some of the transcription work was also done by Brendon Baillod, who maintains an excellent guide to Great Lakes Shipwreck Research. |